• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2014


Flygon knows where you sleep, where you eat and where you live. Respect his pairings and he won't have to stalk you at night.

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Applejack passes on an old family recipe.

Written for MidnightDancer and included in The Incredible Amazeballs Jinglemas Secret Santa Compilation.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has doomed the world, now she faces a choice.

Cover art by Heir of Rick used with permission. You can see the original image with the source link on the cover.

Now with a reading by ABagOVicodin: Youtube link - Consequence Reading

Chapters (1)

"...we could be stuck doing this for all eternity!" Twilight said.
"That's fine with me!" Starlight responded.
Starlight never thought that Twilight was actually being serious.

What would have happened if Starlight hadn't turned herself over to Twilight? If she rejected friendship, even after being given a chance to come back?

Starlight Glimmer is strong. She always has been. She always will be.
But Twilight wants that to change.

Chapters (1)

Butterscotch and Rainbow Dash have been friends since they were kids. Ever since they met, he always had a crush on her.

And now on Valentine's Day, Butterscotch decides it is time to confess his feelings to his childhood friend, but how will Rainbow respond?

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has been imprisoned for the murder of King Sombra in retaliation to the murder of her own brother. Locked away in solitary confinement with no visitation for nearly half a year, Twilight begins to believe that she's all alone, that is until Rainbow Dash sneaks into her cell on Hearts and Hooves Day.

Based on real life events. Inspired by "Painkiller" as made famous by Three Days Grace, "Say it ain't so" as made famous by Weezer and "Behind Blue Eyes" as made famous by The Who. Dedicated to someone very special to me. :heart:

Edited by: Crystal Moose, and I can't even describe how grateful I am. :rainbowkiss:

The cover art was drawn by me.

Story One of the upcoming Painkiller Series

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer is well respected, and has gained a lot of trust over the past year. So when Princess Twilight entrusted her with watching over her one and only niece, she was thrilled.

But one slip of the tongue around the toddler could break that trust.

Now with Reading by Mindlessgonzo

Chapters (1)

Button Mash is a connoisseur of video games, an owner that prides in keeping his CDs and cartridges in good order even though the same can't be said about his room.

Then why does he find a damaged cartridge hidden within the mess around him?

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash has a nightmare that she fears might happen... And to her favorite person in all of Equestria... She then asks if he ever will.

People who've read before published: CoffeeMinion, BlueSun52, LightningSword

Chapters (1)

When Rarity finds out her shower no longer works,
and that the spa is down for maintenance,
she goes out to get clean elsewhere.
It doesn't go well...

Author's Shower SHOWER SHOWER!: Title and concept based off one of my favorite episodes of my favorite show.
I'm...uh, pretty sure you can guess which show I'm talking about...
Also, this takes place before Twilight's tree house was blown to pieces...too soon?

Chapters (1)

On her latest visit to the human world, Twilight decides that she likes having a smartphone too much. So she steals one and takes it back to Ponyville with her.

Sunset does not approve.

This story was Featured on February 3, 2016.

Chapters (1)