• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2014


Flygon knows where you sleep, where you eat and where you live. Respect his pairings and he won't have to stalk you at night.

Awesome Stuff 555 stories
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Estimated Reading: 1 week



  • Featured 23556 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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A reader's poll in Equestria's leading newspaper rates the Princesses by approval ratings.

OOC meta humor ensues as the four discuss the findings.

Pre-read by RT Stephens, MythrilMoth, and The Albinocorn.

Chapters (1)

It quickly became clear to Nightmare Moon that she needs sunlight, whether she likes it or not. Rarity, on the other hoof, doesn't understand; if she's the good guy in her and her sister's age long feud, how come she- or anybody -would need such a dreadful thing?

Yet bringing it up to her leader was a mistake.

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia has a problem. Or perhaps it's Twilight Sparkle that has one.

Every few weeks, an intoxicated Twilight Sparkle will randomly teleport into Celestia's castle in search of snacks or simply for a place to crash.

So what could this all have to do with Celestia in particular?

Now with a reading! HERE!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Sunset Shimmer Lends Pinkie Pie the Wrong Thumb Drive

Sunset Shimmer visits the Castle of Friendship, and inadvertently discovers something that Twilight would normally keep hidden under her bed... except that since this is a pony princess we're talking about, it's obviously nothing remotely resembling normal.

Rated Teen and Sex for discussions of pornography and self-love.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle receives a new book from Discord chock-full of interesting and unknown facts about draconequi. How fascinating!

Nothing sinister about that, right?

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to The Sour Sweet First Date

Gilda still harbors a grudge against Fluttershy for sucker punching her two months ago. When Fluttershy volunteers to help Applejack make a delivery to Crystal Prep, Gilda sees her chance to challenge her to a proper fistfight. Naturally, Fluttershy abhors violence… but Sour Sweet doesn’t.

(Contains violent action with some blood as well as strong language)

(My third featured story! - 4/24/16)

Chapters (2)

I'm... not sure what happened. I remember the unicorn guy, what was his name? Starmswill the Tearded? I don't know, names are kinda off for me right now. So anyway, there I was with this unicorn then, BOOM! I found myself in the middle of his laboratory, albeit ruined.

Bit strange, isn't it?

So I started to walk, following this odd looking stripey thing, and found this cute little town. Seriously, it's utterly adorable.

And that's when I saw her, the lovely Celestia... ah, it sends my gears a flutter! Although I don't know who the blue alicorn is... or the lavender one... wait, I don't know anyone here apart from Celestia!

Thanks to Infinite Carnage for pre-reading and Draconian Soul with help on Zecora. Go check out their stuff! Cover art was done by myself.

Chapters (15)

After receiving her first correspondence from Princess Twilight, Dragon Lord Ember decides to embark on a journey to Ponyville to help bridge the two cultures. Accompanying her, is the cantankerous Garble, one who Ember believes could benefit most from this foreign Pony concept of "friendship." Shortly after arriving, however, Ember learns that this supposed teacher of friendship is just using Spike as her personal servant. Such indignance will not stand. Not if Dragon Lord Ember has anything to say about it.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to About Last Night

One month ago, Twilight Sparkle and Applejack got drunk and then got married.

Now Twilight's a princess, and the pair have to work on integrating that new aspect of it into their relationship. Add to that Spike's feelings on the matter and the fact that he's getting the attention of fillies his age, and Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash's relationship, maybe they're better off grabbing a few more drinks...

Chapters (4)

A few months after the events of Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000, Applejack decides to officially integrate the others into her family with an Apple tradition: a long night of cider drinking.

The next morning Applejack wakes up...in Twilight's bed...with a gold band on her hoof...and a legally binding document on the bedside table...

Cover art by ThePristineEye

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Check out the live reading!

And check out About Last Night: A Deleted Scene, by EquesTRON.

Chapters (22)