• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2014


Flygon knows where you sleep, where you eat and where you live. Respect his pairings and he won't have to stalk you at night.

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For two years I've been hiding, for two years I've tried to just live my life. But it all came crashing down the day I chose to have lunch at a Diner. Now I'm forced to run again, forced to leave the life I tried to build. But what choice do I have, what choice does a mere clone have when she shouldn't exist?

Chapters (1)

Based off of this Comic from doubleWbrothers
The beginning of the Daughter Starlight Timeline

Starlight Glimmer caused some troubling problems with Twilight and her friends. What past caused this pony to go down such a path? How did Twilight fix such a horrible past to make this pony better?

Check out the sequel

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy never thought she would be called "Cute" before. Now that she has, she doesn't like it one bit.

Chapters (1)

It was a simple question.

"Now that we've met the other me, I'm curious: Where's the other you?"

In all her years of life in the human world, Sunset Shimmer had never given a moment's thought to her counterpart...not even after meeting the Twilight Sparkle from Crystal Prep.

Neither of them are prepared for what they find when they go looking for her.

Chapters (1)

After finding Discord hiding out in his closet, Twilight Sparkle soon learns the most horrible of truths about herself and the world surrounding her.

And then she learns another truth.

And another. And another. And...

Chapters (2)

Upon returning to the Wonderbolts barracks after cleaning up her mess, Rainbow Dash finds herself confronted by a rather nervous looking Soarin. After considering her options, she decides a playful bit of revenge is in order. All the while the stallion is forced to face something that is far from new to him, not that the fact doesn't make him feel like the newbie.

Featured: 5/17/2016

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Fortresshy: The Nine Fathers

Fluttershy has returned to Equestria after being temporally displaced to another world, where she was raised by a loving but insane family. She didn't return alone, though. Her new family came back with her, now working for Princess Luna, their new Fortress being built near to Ponyville. All involved would need time to adjust.

Unfortunately, time waits for no one, pony or human. Still, the former RED Team - now Team RED MOON - is used to handling craziness. After all, they live under the same roof.

Part of the PWNY-verse.

Edit: New fan art by G_Haze, who also did the cover art!

Chapters (7)

The mares' usual picnic-and-pet outing has arrived, and amidst conversation, Rainbow Dash shares with the girls how she tried to change her nickname.

With special thanks to Ferret, Corejo and RedSquirrel456 for pre-reading and advice.

Featured on 13/5!

Chapters (1)

Red Team had been given an assignment. It wasn't the usual sort of assignment. They were assigned to defend their base 'until further notice'...and then never received notice. All announcements sounded pre-recorded, and enemy assaults were few and far between. The enforced inactivity was slowly fraying the bonds of the team...

...until something unexpected arrived. A tiny creature appears one day in their fortress, in need of compassion and care. Somehow, she finds that in this group of strange individuals, as she becomes their baby.

Crossover with Team Fortress 2.
Part of the PWNY-verse.

Edit: Since I get these comments a lot, I will say here, I've never played the game and don't intend to include much in the way of game mechanics, so please don't suggest such things.

Edit 2: FAN ART! for chapter 9 by G_Haze. Makes me so happy.
Edit 3: More fan art from G_Haze, This guy's amazing!
Edit 4: New fan art! by The Pyromanecer. Thanks so much!
Edit 5: More fan art by shiningkord98.
Edit 6: New Fan Art by The Pyromancer
Edit 6: More awesome fan art from G_Haze! So awesome! :rainbowkiss:
Edit 7: New fan art by Pioneering Author

Chapters (34)

This story is a sequel to Sour Sweet Scrappers

You get a call from Sour Sweet in the middle of the night ordering you to get over to her house right away. Expecting late-night snuggles, you instead end up with pillow talk concerning the state of your relationship up to this point as well as its future.

Cover Art by Kul

(Sex tag for off-screen fun times)

Chapters (1)