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Necromancy gets a bad rep.

Oh, sure, some ponies like the whole cliche of the evil zombie master, pulling his puppet strings to make corpses dance and kill for their amusement. And yeah, you kinda do have to work with dead bodies a lot, and most ponies find that a bit creepy. Oh, and you learn a lot of spells to kill things and gain power from it.

But, come on, that doesn't mean all necromancers are bad... right?

Feature on Equestria Daily

Chapters (10)

Set directly after the Tirek incident, Fluttershy and Discord are suffering, alone and apart. Fluttershy may have forgiven him, but she feels that she has failed her friend, and longs to understand Discord. Why wasn't she good enough, why did he betray them? Why hadn't he cherished their friendship as much as she had?

Discord, on the other hand, struggles from the pain of his own guilt, and doesn't even know who he is anymore. He doesn't want to lose the closest friend he has either, but he's positive that their relationship will never be the same again. He can't stand it.

They're falling apart, and the magic of the earth isn't happy about it. Then a cloaked stranger comes into the picture, and plants a mysterious flower...

Fluttershy only utters a simple request. "I wish I could understand you, Discord..."

Little does she know that such a wish entails much more than just an understanding...and her wish is granted in the most chaotic of ways--and the only one who can help her is the very friend she is trying to understand.

Image by trehcedasil!!!! :D

Chapters (11)

Nothing suspicious going on here.
Just a group of bugs coming together to create a show for everyone to watch.
Twilight doesn't believe it for a second.

Chapters (1)

The Hive of White Tail Woods.

Haven't heard of it? Then I'm pleased that we've been doing our jobs.

Let us explain; We are in no way, shape (shifted or not) or form related to Chrysalis' plans or actions. We do not siphon love from ponies or creatures otherwise.

We 'harvest' Harmony.

Not the Elements of Harmony themselves, mind you. Simply put, we garner Cooperation, Friendship, Kindness and Altruism.

We don't replace your friends and loved ones, so don't get your 'Mob Supplies'.

However good our intentions, Chrysalis has painted every changeling as a hostile agent to Equestria, and the fate of my struggling Hive and adopted children is in jeopardy.

Does diplomatic immunity apply to foreign agents? I'm new to this 'Politics' thing.

I'm only a Proto-Queen after all.


The first chapter of the Sequel is out!

Cover art by Honey-Juicy!
Search them on Tumblr!

There are a few beginning chapters that are a little crazy to read, but I promise that It will make sense, and fit the story overall. I'm still new to writing, and everypony makes mistakes!

Do you have a question to ask the Queen?

Join the Hivemind!


Chapters (25)

We've all wanted to be a part of our favorite stories. Hoping for an acceptance letter from Hogwarts, or maybe a run-in with James Bond. So when I got a chance to be a part of my favorite story, I never considered saying no - even if I knew there would be a few strings attached. I was expecting just about anything, but not being Princess Luna's long-lost chil...

Wait. Did she just say "daughter?"

Contains a (mostly) implied backstory some may find disturbing, HiE, TF/TG, my first attempt at writing, and an extremely self-aware narrator. Hi.

Now with a prequel!

EDIT 7/1/16: Umm... wow. A feature on the first story I ever wrote. Thanks, everypony! More to come!

Cover art by Dividedby-ZER0.

Chapters (5)

This story takes place before Of Lilies and Chestnuts

The parentless ponies of the Canterlot Orphanarium are in for a great treat—the Wonderbolts are coming for a visit! The aerial aces are eager to join the fun, but Spitfire has different plans. When she reluctantly agrees to spend some time with the kids, she gets more than she bargained for from a gang of two-and-a-half most notorious orphans who will put her patience and leadership skills to a test like no recruits ever before.

Spitfire, meet Chestnut, Glavia and Wind Whisper. Try to get along, will you?

Chapters (7)


My name is Crystal, and I am a Changeling. I was evicted from my Hive, and ended up living in Ponyville, disguised as a pony.
However, one day a purple unicorn and a dragon showed up in town, saying something about the "Elements of Harmony". I followed her into the Everfree Forest, and soon my entire life changed.

(12/20/16) This story has over 1,000 views now! Thanks to everyone for reading this!

Chapters (16)

Constellation Night is a shy mare, one that has a very narrow view of the world. Her universe is magnificently expanded as she learns about the many things the quaint town of Ponyville holds. She and her open-minded friend have a lot to learn, but they are in this world together and both mares are prepared to take on whatever the world has. This story is one about friendship and harmony.

Chapters (5)

A mother will do a lot for her child, even give them up if it meant them having a safer life growing up, despite the obvious pain that comes for the parent.

That pain is something Queen Chrysalis has gone through for eighteen years, but now the time is upon them, and she wants her daughter back. Even if that means invading Canterlot during a royal wedding.

Edited by RC2101_Copey
New cover art was created by the talented Jesuka
Now has a TVtropes page: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/Change
Go watch the reading by Skijaramaz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ecqtu_Djrw4

(Featured on 18/10/2015, the first day! Thank you!)

Change is now a printed book, information here: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/732008/i-got-a-thing-change-is-now-a-physical-book

Chapters (64)

Life in Equestria is changing, and nopony knows this more than Lyra Heartstrings. While on vacation in Appleloosa to forget her past trauma with changelings, the struggling musician ironically stumbles upon Queen Chrysalis. In her starving death throes, the Matriarch of the Hive latches onto Lyra. When the unicorn awakens, she is no longer her usual self, but rather a super-powered pony with all the gifts and talents of the changeling queen who has merged with her, forming a shared consciousness in Lyra's head.

Together, the two will be forced to work out a symbiotic relationship, performing acts of heroism against a shifting tide of questionable politics, dangerous personalities, unpredictable technologies, and the runaway denizens of Tartarus. Neither Chrysalis nor Lyra exclusively, they must both settle for an identity that sparks fear in the minds of evil... and instills hope in the hearts of the innocent.

This is not the story of Queen Chrysalis. Nor is this the story of Ponyville's silly Lyra Heartstrings. This is the day-to-day saga of the pony known only as the Shell, the heroes and villains attached to her, and the adventurous legacy that she will ultimately leave behind.

Cover Art by Rangelost

Chapters (116)