• Member Since 6th Dec, 2012


♪ We're up all night to get pony! ♫

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Side story to A Great Day

Spike and his mom are visiting Manehatten. He misses his friends, but will soon make a new one. In the midst of being bullied, he finds out that friends are everywhere, even if they're the cousin of one of his friends


Chapters (1)

In which I, Twilight Sparkle, (the biggest idiot in Equestria), fail miserably, utterly, and conclusively in my valiant endeavor to keep my decidedly-more-than-Friendship feelings hidden from one Rainbow Dash (the sexiest fastest mare in Equestria).

Chapters (1)

Vinyl is quite happy with her life. A minor secretary, she lives her life one day at a time, thoroughly determined to not let a good memory pass her by.

Octavia hates her life. She's the conductor of the orchestra she's played in for years, and suddenly realizes she hates everything about it. She just wants some freedom, some joy, something to smile about.

Fate brings these two together, and you get the auspicious opportunity to read their story.

picture is from derpibooru, artists tag ujey02.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Princess Celestia is in your bed.

It's hard to get rid of a sun goddess when she doesn't want to be gotten rid of.

Reading the prequel is highly recommended. Find Chapter 3 here!
Rated teen for mild language.
Now with audio reading by MelancholyIguana
Cover art by SilFoe.

Chapters (2)

A quiet evening with Fluttershy turns into a nightmare when Discord finds Eris, his mother, at the front door; asking how his plans of causing chaos and disorder across the land are going.
Needless to say, Discord tries everything in his power to make sure she doesn't know he's reformed.

Chapters (4)

Lyra and Bon-Bon have been dating for awhile now, but because they are fillyfoolers, they've decided to keep it secret - at least for now. However, when Lyra's friend slips up and tells Pinkie that it's their anniversary, Pinkie thinks she means "Best Friends Anniversary" and decides to throw a... PARTY! :pinkiehappy:

Will there romance stay secret under the eyes of anypony with un-Pinkie-ish logic?

POV Characters:
Lyra Heartstrings
Amethyst Star (AKA Sparkler)

Other Characters:
Bon-Bon AKA Sweetie Drops
Pinkie Pie
Rainbow Dash

Cover art edited by me, vectors by:
Pinkie Pie: http://pikn2.deviantart.com/
Bon-Bon: http://cooltomorrowkid.deviantart.com/
Lyra: Unknown
Background: http://thelastgherkin.deviantart.com/

I'm not nearly as pleased with the outcome of this as I was with Practice. But oh well, here it is!
Hope you enjoy it.

Constructive criticism is welcome, but please try to be kind about it.

PS: Unfortunately I cannot use the "It's my first fic" excuse for it being bad any more... is there such a thing as a "It's my second fic" excuse?

Chapters (2)

What is a sock to a pony? What is it really? Something special, something wonderous?


And yet, a quartet of them bothers Twilight on her birthday.

Sometimes, socks are what you have to make do while reaching for perfection.

Cover image by therainpony. Check out their awesome stuff!

Proofed by: Dumbgamer99 and Senyu

Chapters (1)

Due to an editing/publishing error, all of Twilight's friends have now 'officially' died of old age. This leaves an immortal Twilight to grieve over the tragedy of how she outlived all of her friends and will continue to do so for the rest of her eternal life.

Seeing the obvious pain that this news is having on Twilight, Princess Celestia moves to console her with the help of her supposedly-but-actually-not-really-deceased friends.

Cover image belongs to Shawnyall.

Chapters (1)

Do you remember the day we first met?

Lyra and Bon Bon celebrate their one year anniversary together.

Written for Hearts And Hooves/Valentine's Day

Related to The Right To Love

Chapters (1)