• Member Since 7th Dec, 2011


I'm Comma-Kazie; grammarian, nitpicker, and all-around master of feels.

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This story is a sequel to My Little Alicorn

After the events of "My Little Alicorn," everything seemed to be back to normal...except for one pony. Prince Blueblood is now trapped as a colt, his title, possessions and birthright stripped for his crimes. Before Princess Celestia will return him to normal, however, he must prove himself by attending Magic Kindergarten. Even worse, his current situation has attracted the vengeful gaze of two ponies he has offended in the past: the Captain of the Royal Guard and the Moon Princess.

Will Blueblood rise above his past self and emerge a better pony? Or will he sink back into his old depravity, and be stuck a colt for the long term?

Note: This is a sequel to "My Little Alicorn," so you might want to check that out first.

Chapters (14)

Braeburn Apple has always been raised in a conservative household, as a member of the Apple family.
Throughout his life, he's been taught what's 'wrong' and what's 'right', who he was allowed to love, and who he wasn't. Above all, he was told what to be, and how to be it.
When he meets a certain blue Pegasus stallion buying pies at Sweet Apple Acres while he just so happens to be staying there, he discovers feelings he never knew he had.
Unfortunately, they happen to be the same ones he was always taught to suppress.
Can Soarin convince him that it's not wrong to be in love, and that, sometimes, in order to be happy, you need to break out of your comfort zone?
A story about discovering who you are, and being that person, no matter what others tell you to be.

WARNING: M/M, SoarinxBraeburn Coltcuddling! Touches up on some serious social issues in the real world, but with ponies, and at least 20% cooler.
If you don't like it, please do not read it.

Featured on EqD!

Cross-posted to FanFiction.NET.

Rated T for alcohol references, crude humour, and slight language.

Cover image is by Mn27 on DeviantART.

Edited by many people, included Carcer, LunaUsesCaps, and Diexna, but none have contributed more than the amazing Smayds, who has been my main editor for almost every chapter.

Chapters (10)

Shipping. Shipping the never before shipped!
After the end of Season Two, the mane six enjoy a cruise and along the way meet six unusual partners...!
- - -
No OCs. The challenge is in shipping something not seen before, is it not?!
Don't bother checking the character list either. I won't spoil the identities there. Maybe when all the chapters are done and online. Maybe.

Chapters (6)

Before you read this, I URGE you, in order to understand much of it, you MUST read this previous series: "To Fix You"

It has been several months since the fateful suicide attempt of a certain cyan pegasus. For Rainbow Dash, her new Marefriend Applejack, and the rest of Ponyville, life has returned to whatever semblance of normality they have previously grown accustomed to. However, when a mysterious stranger appears in town, it seems time to remember that things sometimes can be too good to be true. When confronted with hm, two mares will face a life-changing decision; a decision that could rip them apart no matter how strong the bonds of their relationship were forged. For some ponies, forgiveness is easy. For others, it proves hard to let go. He is a polarizing figure; a stallion who few in Ponyville remember, and those who do mostly wish to forget. His arrival begs the age-old question that is always posed when uncertainty rears its ugly head: What if? What if? What if?

Chapters (8)

Nearly a decade after their marriage, tensions fill the growing void between Applejack and Rarity. With Applebloom gone, and Big Mac crippled, it falls squarely on the Element of Honesty to run the farm, from planting to bucking to selling, she had become Sweet Apple Acres. But not even the magic and strength of the earth ponies can handle that much stress. And neither can a marriage.

Chapters (3)

The Night Guard are as efficient as they are enigmatic, but it takes the curiosity of a recruit to discover that some things are simply best left unsaid.

Fic is rated Teen for dark content and brief mentions of violence, hate crimes, and death.
Featured on Equestria Daily! Thanks to everyone who has read, reviewed, and commented!

Chapters (1)

"Her parents hadn’t come close to telling us what had happened. As I read her newest letter I couldn't believe what she was telling me. This kid hadn’t 'had an accident'… this kid, damn, this kid had been buckin' broken... she’d been broken…"

Based on characters and situations from "Tiny Wings" by DeadParrot222.
Image "Filly Dash" by Imalou. Both used with permission.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash gets the chance of a lifetime when she receives a letter inviting her to the Wonderbolt's training camp for tryouts! With her now coltfriend Big Macintosh in her corner, as well as her five best friends, Dash is determined to make her dreams come true! As she discovers certain obstacles in her path, how much will she sacrifice in order to realize her ultimate goal? Will her relationship with Macintosh survive her ambitions?

Featured on Equestria Daily.

A direct sequel to At Home On The Range.

Chapters (28)

When Twilight Sparkle realizes that her time is soon to come, she writes a letter to Princess Celestia as her final thank you.

Reading: Reading of "The Final Letter" Provided by Slashawar.
From Celestia - Reading provided by: Slashawar

Chapters (2)

Sometimes, bad things happen to good ponies. A year following a tragic incident, Twilight Sparkle returns to Ponyville to visit what she has been missing - her town, her memories, and most importantly, her friends. But will everything be as she remembers it?

This story has a sequel titled "In History, Maybe".

Chapters (1)