• Member Since 7th Dec, 2011


I'm Comma-Kazie; grammarian, nitpicker, and all-around master of feels.

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I'm rewriting the story. To my fans, I'd say it'll be worth re-reading.
Minor tweaks in some events, such as extension. I want this to be featured on EqD at some point, and they demand 3,000+ words per chapter. That'll be easy on everything but Ch5 which is currently 1,100 or something. I might combine it and Ch4.
Thanks for all your devotion, and keep in mind that I love your comments and PMs!
Oh, and Jecht finally has a cutiemark, and I'm coming up with names for her parents. Yeah.

Chapters (4)

[Complete!] When Rarity finds out how little Twilight gets out of the Library, things get out of hand as she decides to take it upon herself to teach Twilight the ropes of dating. As Rarity drags her around, Twilight begins to have a good idea of who she wants to ask out.

Chapters (6)

Sky Limit is an earth pony. An earth pony born to two pegasus parents. He's always had his head in the clouds with his ideas, but when he gets it into his head to try to prove that the skies aren't just for pegasi anymore, he'll embark on a journey that will take him all over Equestria. But can a pony without wings truly fly?

My Little Pony and all canon characters (c) Hasbro
All other characters (c) to their respective owners

Chapters (1)

No matter how strong the bonds of friendship are, the events of life and the call of dreams can still pull friends apart. Only Twilight remains in Ponyville, and she wonders if she'll ever be able to be happy without her friends living in the same city.

Featured on Equestria Daily April 30, 2012.

Chapters (1)

=====Originally Written Summer 2011=====EQD Post=====
Cereal Velocity should really be careful what he posts up on Equestria Daily. A one-shot of an Octavia story Cereal wanted to see written.

Octavia may be a gifted musician, but that doesn't mean she always liked her instrument. After all, what filly grows up wanting to play a huge contrabass?

Chapters (1)

Everyone knows Pinkie Pie and her love of smiles. But why is she so eager to smile? Why is a smile her most valued possession?

For a person to truly value a smile, there has to be an event, a catalyst that makes them value happiness above all else.

For Pinkie Pie, that event was Sunshine; the sick Pegasus.

Edited by Fernin.

Chapters (1)

In a small town on the borders of Equestria, a little colt learns how to forge weapons from his father. But swords are not always friendly to the pony that wields them. As time goes by the colt must also confront the harsh lessons of the world outside the forge, and come face-to-face with the cost of protecting what he cares for.

Winner of the Ponychan March write-off!

Chapters (1)

There comes a time where we all must let go. But never will we forget.

Now featured on Equestria Daily! Special thanks to Golden Vision.

Chapters (1)

At first, Chrysalis loathed him; the dumb-as-a-brick woodspony who goes by the name of Evergreen. But through circumstance, he is her only savior. And slowly, she comes to love the simple pony and his way of life. But her life as a changeling keeps holding her back. Will there be a happily ever after for them? Or are they doomed for failure?

*Comments contain massive spoilers!*

Check out the Sequel, Antecedent! http://www.fimfiction.net/story/25117/Antecedent

Cover art by Ink-Flow!

Edited version helped along by Fernin and Burraku_Pansa.

Chapters (16)

When they began to read the ancient book Twilight and Spike only had the slightest of ideas what it could possibly be about. As the illuminated inks revealed to them an image of Princess Celestia locked in combat with a massive dragon and his sons they realized that the song written upon the aged pages was telling of a long forgotten battle...

... and that the Celestia they know and love is capable of things they dare not imagine.

Inspired by the image "By Celestia's Might" by John Joseco.

Chapters (1)