• Member Since 13th Nov, 2014


Professional Nightmare Cultist.

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Celestia spends an inordinate amount of time talking to herself. One day, she talks back.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer ran away. There's really no other way to say it. One can call it exile, tactical retreat, or even a permanent change in residence, but the facts are the same. She turned her back on the only reality she had ever known, and ran away. By the time she stopped to look back, the damage was done. It was too late. Celestia would never forgive her. She would never forgive herself.

There's someone else who will, though.

Written for Fan of Most Everything's Imposing Sovereigns contest.

Chapters (5)

Every week, Equestria's princesses take a break from ruling their kingdom and discuss life. Usually over coffee.

Here are their assorted conversations.

Cover art by Grennadder. The story is marked complete because it's not a writing priority of mine, more a palette cleanser I come back to between harder projects

Chapters (32)

Astral Ink, the Royal Scribe assigned Princess Luna, was relaxing in his quarters when he was then visited by Raven Inkwell. A few disagreements here and there eventually lead to some uncomfortable revelations that may put Astral's position in Canterlot in jeopardy. All leading up to an unexpected visitor to appear to give some advice and a few personal thoughts that push the scribe in the right direction once again.

A (sorta) vent fic that covers topics such as stress, procrastination and self doubt over one's abilities that may be a denial over laziness.
Romance tag is for small bits of romance are sprinkled within that might lead to a sequel fic if the story is received well enough.

Excellent coverart by Rocket Lawn Chair

Edit: Featured on 9/6/2020 Thank you all!

Chapters (1)

We all know the story of how the Princess’ young student and five friends defeated Nightmare Moon and brought Princess Luna back to our lands. But what if the tale were false? What if the young Twilight Sparkle on the event of her entrance exam had not been rescued by Princess Celestia, but instead lost her mind among the power of her youthful surge and had to be sent away, far away before she could destroy all of Canterlot with her newfound power. Now the feral unicorn prowling the Everfree Forest only vaguely remembers her past, slipping away from constant terrifying attempts to capture her.

And she is beginning to remember what true power felt like.

Editors include: Peter, Justin, Featherprop, Mitch H, and Bad Horse
Featured on Equestria Daily
Reviewed by Chris on One Man's Pony Ramblings and by Paul Asaran on his review blog
Now with a TV Tropes page

Physical books are available on Lulu.com
Monster in the Twilight (Paperback) 272 pages
Monster in the Twilight (Hardback)

Chapters (35)

In the corner of the universe’s east section. Near the center of their own galaxy and just at two planets from its closest dead star, rested a now arid planet; named many times yet still insignificant to the rest of the universe.

In this planet only one creature remains alive, a friend of mine who decided to stay until the day for new life to flourish, so he can fulfill the wish of the ones whom he lost in time past.

The cover was made up using the art from the artists: starblaze25 and yuumei

Chapters (5)

To be inserted into Equestria, it's a dream come true for anybrony!

Meet the ponies!

Have super awesome magical adventures!

Use foreknowledge to avoid all those silly pratfall moments without screwing things up and causing irreparable harm to the Mane 6...uh...hopefully!

And all for the low cost of possessing Princess Luna, denying her any real freedom or the ability to move on with her life since she's in your head and you're walking around as Nightmare Moon!

Yeah...there had to be a catch in there somewhere, didn't there?

Chapters (17)

Some people say that Celestia and Luna are useless. That they lounge in the castle while delegating all their responsibilities to hard working, underappreciated, exceptionally well-read students. That even when faced directly with threats to kingdom and country, they fold like cheap origami and wait to be rescued.

These people are correct. But there's a very good reason for it!

[Rated Teen due to a dark scene early on to set some backstory, and occasional comedic death]

Chapters (7)

My name is Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, and I am a terrible pony.
I didn't mean to be. I never meant to be. But I am.

Written for the I'm the Villain of the Story contest.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Lovie Dovie: Make a Wish

Oliver Howard Scatch is a man who some would say is pretty kind in general, but he has one flaw: He's paranoid and obsessed with his masculinity. Despite his rather shy personality, he tends to avoid anything he thinks would affect his appearance as a 'man', such as pink colors, not working out, and ignoring his car.

Yet, he's not too happy with his life the way it is. It's unfortunate that a strange drawing in his yard not only drags him to a new world but as a vehemently pink dragoness whose body is more delicate in shape than the rest and centralized around cute hearts. Now he needs to try and return home to his own body while being part of a group of dragons whose importance is severely underestimated among the dragon community.

Chapters (28)