• Member Since 13th Nov, 2014


Professional Nightmare Cultist.

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Princess Luna is certain, in her final moments on the moon as the last of her strength dies, that she deserves it.

A thousand years later, Princess Celestia prepares for her sister’s return.

Cover art by BlitsAzalisDash.

Chapters (2)

When a college brony on a camping trip makes a wish on a shooting star, it turns out far differently than expected. Now this man turned dragon will find the there is much more to the world than the land of Equestria.

Chapters (41)

The war between Nightmare Moon and Princess Celestia has destroyed Equestria, leaving the few survivors to struggle to survive in a dying world of eternal twilight. Fluttershy, twisted by the war, now ekes out an existence in Everfree forest, but even that life is under threat. Twilight Sparkle is coming, leading the last army of Dawn, and she will let nothing stop her from retrieving the Elements of Harmony and saving the world; not even old friends.


First Place in the Equestria Daily More Most Dangerous Game contest :pinkiegasp:

With thanks to Luna-tic Scientist, Lord Of Dorkness, Nopony_Important and Monanniverse for their help in bringing this story to completion. Cover art is credit to 5kmoe.


Chapters (2)

Inspired by Parting Words, by RHJunior

Princess Celestia is the paragon of Harmony. She is kind to her subjects and generous to those in need. She is loyal to her ideals and never compromised. She has a good, if mostly unknown, sense of humor. Above all else, she is always honest. Right?

Twilight Sparkle trusts Princess Celestia implicitly and in all things. The Princess has never steered her wrong, not once. When Twilight thought that her concerns for Nightmare Moon were being ignored, Celestia had her back, even if she was withholding information.

Wait a minute.

Shortly before Celestia leaves for Canterlot with the redeemed Luna, Twilight has a conversation with her mentor that will change her perspective on the Princess forever. She will receive something new, beautiful, and damning all the same.


Six Little Words or: The Question That Twilight Didn’t Ask in Canon.

Violence Tag: Implied torture.

Comments are back open. Please try to keep it cordial.

Chapters (5)

Thorax still remembered his nymph years. They were lonely, and even life threatening at times. If it wasn’t for Pharynx, he’d probably be dead long ago.

He just wished Pharynx didn’t have to go such extreme lengths to protect him.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Complications

After getting into a bargain with Discord and having the aspect of pegasus replaced with that of a thestral, Page is having some trouble with some of the things he discover with time and some choices made, may have unforeseen side effects.

Then again, all decisions have their effects on the world around you. Be it making a deal with chaos or choosing tea instead of coffee. Or sneaking up on a jumpy sun goddess. No matter what you choose to do, there are always going to be Repercussions.

AN// Big thanks to Sipioc for the awesome cover image!

Chapters (116)

Twilight Sparkle exiles war criminal Tempest Shadow to the human world for Tempest's own protection. When she arrives, she discovers that the mirror has chosen to ‘translate’ her broken horn as a missing right hand. But that’s the least of her problems.

Human World Pinkie Pie and Rarity have agreed to take care of her. Together, they set off on a road trip to the best theme park in the world. But it’s a long drive down. In the Human World, Tempest is safe from the Storm King’s minions, and from pony reprisals. But she isn’t safe from her greatest enemy: herself.

Warning: A named canon character dies in this. At the beginning. He’s the only one, I promise. No, wait, also Grubber is apparently dead to? Not sure why I did that.

Sex tag for sensuality and not-really-described nudity. Not porn.

Written for the Villain Exchange Program contest

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Time and Times

Long-retired, former Principal Luna wakes up in a barn and finds herself talking to a horse with wings.

Chapters (1)

In an alternate timeline, roughly 30 years after the reappearance of the Crystal Empire, Obsidian, a unicorn with Dark Magic at her command, is awoken from her slumber in a secret chamber, only to discover the world has changed greatly since her time under her father's heavy hoof. As she is integrated into society, she is commanded by the Princess of Friendship to make friends and learn how to adapt to the new world around her.

Though she has her... issues... she ends up meeting some interesting individuals, and begins to acclimate to pony society. But the question remains: will she be changed by Equestria... or will she rise to change Equestria herself?

[TEEN rating due to somewhat graphic descriptions of violence in one chapter, and light comic-book style gore. Otherwise, this story is SFW.]

{Cover art by the wonderful hand of Lord Valtasar}

Chapters (42)

For centuries anything magic, alien and supernatural has been handled and covered up by the Supernatural and Magical Intelligence League of Earth and their agents. A small city in the heart of [REDACTED] in particular has been designated to always have someone from the agency at hand, even though nothing of note has happened there for so long that nobody even remembers why that policy was implemented in the first place.

Get ready for action, drama, paperwork and misguided marital counseling as you follow the adventures of the two poor idiots dedicated agents currently appointed to watch over the sleepy town of Canterlot, where supernatural events don't happen regularly so please stop posting videos of them on MyStable.

And entry into FanOfMostEverything's Villain Exchange Program

Cover art commissioned from GPizano

Chapters (1)