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Rainbow's world came crashing down when she gave Twilight the first draft of her manuscript. It was terrible, and Twilight pointed it out. But Twilight didn't know the whole story. She didn't know what the story meant to Rainbow...

T for Suicide References.

Chapters (1)

Imagine keeping something hidden for years and then one choice makes you admit that thing to your best friend? That has happened to Rainbow Dash and she finds that she has to tell Applejack one of the hardest things she's ever had to say.

Trigger warnings:
- depression
- self harm
- suicide

Chapters (1)

Apple Bloom never thought of herself as a "s'phisticated" pony. She lives on a farm, she eats what's put in front of her, she follows the advice of her kin without question or doubt. That's all there is to it.

Rarity, on the other hoof, is so "s'phisticated" she can actually spell it. Probably too "s'phisticated" for her own good. The life of an artist - even one who actually makes money - is never a simple one.

But truth, like life, is like the gleam off a sun-caught apple. Turn it around, and though it was once dull and uninteresting, the flash of light may well catch your eye in a way that sparks something new and exciting. As if you'd found your cutie mark all over again. A life-changing moment of pure inspiration.

Maybe these two socially sensitive ponies have more in common than they'd ever thought possible...

Chapters (1)

Was it really the weather pony's fault, though? Applejack intends to find out.

Takes place around the beginning of / before season 3.

Chapters (1)

"Terror strikes Ponyville as an undead ruler roams the streets! Its shops and houses lay abandoned at her moaning hooves, and only one brave soul can save it! Will she have the heart though?"

"...Pinkie, shut up."

Written a couple weeks back, so none of my followers worry, please.

A rough comic rendition done by my patreon partner Knotted. Final will not be coming, as we have too much else to work on, so he provided the cover instead.

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo might be no good at sums, but she knows Scootaloo plus scooter equals the fastest, awesomest, most attention-grabbing-est thing on the ground.

She also knows Applejack minus anyone actually fun to be with equals one really lame time.

And yet, spending a day with the Apple farmer and her broader Apple family seems strangely attractive to her. They might not be the most exciting of ponies, (and when it comes to cool, they're certainly the most clueless), but they have something Scootaloo really, really wants. Deep down. Something she keeps coming back for.

Not that she's going to admit it. Cos that would be seriously lame.

Chapters (1)

Sweetie Belle has spent most of her life trying to be like Rarity. That engenders a certain beau monde sophistication regarding one's life philosophy.

It ain't got nothing on Rainbow Dash, though, who'd probably think "engender" meant "make someone a boy or a girl". Assuming she knew words that long.

However, if these two ponies are going to spend a day together, they'll have to commit to it. But then, who knows? There are times when even beauty comes in the most unexpected and unlikely of forms.

And when it comes to picking things up on the fly, Sweetie Belle's nothing if not a keen student. Always eager to please a sister.

Chapters (1)

(Loosely based on "It's A Wonderful Life" so if you've seen the movie or its countless parodies/homeages you know what this involves. Takes place before the end of Season 9 or any events concerning it.)

Life is full of choices and regrets. And every one of them comes with an interesting idea of what might've happened had certain events not played out the way they did. But none have ever had the ability to see what would've happened.

That is, until Applejack starts to wonder just how different life would be all over Equestria if she were never around. And it just so happens that Discord is the creature who can show her. Strictly as an observer of course.

Just how different is this world where Applejack never exists? What has changed, and more importantly, is it a change for the better or the worse?

Chapters (1)

Dash and Pinkie lay together on a grassy field, watching the clouds peacefully drift by. And under the calm afternoon sun, Dash finds the courage to ask an important question.

My tags: Fluff

Dash Vector
Pinkie Vector

Chapters (1)

When Ponyville forgets to pay their water bill, the Cloudsdale Weather Bureau cuts them off in the middle of a heatwave.

Chapters (1)