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Twilight begins to learn more about her alicorn nature, and winds up discovering something about Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy that catches her off guard.
Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy have always been especially close. Few ponies can come up with a reasonable explanation for this. On the outside, it would be hard to imagine them being any more different.
However, on the inside, they couldn't be more alike.
They've always been the perfect match. Always.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash tries everything to get to sleep after a hard day of weather control. Frustrated when nothing works, she decides to enlist in the help of one of her friends in an attempt to curb her insomnia.

Meant to be a short story with cute moments. No shipping, but if you're a lover of Flutterdash, you might like it.

(art by flutterdoodles)

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is absolutely certain that she is going to hate this boring old cello concert that Rarity was dragging her too. She didn't even like classical music or sitting in one place to long. Even if it was her friends Vinyl and Octavia she just couldn't see how this could possibly interest her. She was greatly mistaken.
Based on the absolutely amazing cello skills of 2Cellos and their rendition of ACDC's thunderstruck. I've always pictured Vinyl and Octavia doing this bit in my mind so I decided to render it into written form since I don't have the animation skills to bring it to life.

Rated Teen for implied sexy times and seductive cello playing.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash grew up not knowing who her mother is.

One Mother's Day, Twilight Sparkle becomes determined to find out who Rainbow's mother is and drag her back to Ponyville to reunite with her daughter.

There's just one little hitch:

Rainbow Dash's mother is Daring Do. And she's inconveniently off "researching" her next book.

Now, Rainbow Dash has to go on a journey. A journey of self-discovery. A journey of a thousand unanswered questions.

A journey to find...her biomom.

Oh, and there's an ancient alicorn tomb and a closely guarded secret that'll change the history of Equestria forever, but that's just another day in the life of Daring Do.

(This story ignores certain details established by the Journal of the Two Sisters and the Daring Do chapter books.)

Chapters (16)

There is a giant hole in the wall of Twilight's castle. Most of her front door is gone. And Rainbow Dash had better have a good explanation for this.

Top ten finalist for the "Look, I can explain" writeoff.

Chapters (1)

During a break in her day-to-day routine, Rainbow Dash settles in on a cloud and allows herself a few minutes of introspection.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash, looking for the biggest rush of her life, attempts to fly and not stop flying till she bends the laws of physics themselves.
Some set pieces, some introspection, some laughs.
First Pony fic I finished. Hope you like it.

Chapters (1)

Rarity is the consummate Lady: she never goes back on her word, and she never complains to a customer. But this newest order has just been different and for the first time in a long, long time Rarity finds herself truly with empty hooves, with no creative energies to summon.

Some mild Raridash. Not really shipping, but sort of? Anyhow, I hope you enjoy! It was nice to write something after being sort of stuck myself.

Chapters (1)

"I'm not afraid of anything!"
except failure
"I'm awesome!"
i'm hurt
"I'm there for my friends!"
i need help
"I'm always willing to lend a hoof!"
why don't they see

<Inspired by this amazing artwork>

Chapters (1)