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This story is a sequel to Spider-Pip: Origins

A year into Pip's career as Spider-Man, things have been going smoothly-- his friends have banded together to defeat the Rainbooms, who have been locked away in a super-max prison for the last six months, new allies have shown themselves in the form of Venom, a symbiotic creature from another planet that has bonded to his best friend, Flash Sentry, and his girlfriend, Adagio Dazzle, is a five hundred-year-old being from yet another planet-- the same planet where his arch-nemisis, Sunset Shimmer, has travelled from. But when the five super-powered girls escape with the help of an old threat, the new heroes must band together once again to survive... but not all of them will make it out the same.

Chapters (15)

Cover Art by ponygoddess.

Twilight Sparkle is a simple student from Equestria Elementary, mostly content with keeping to herself and focusing on her studies. But all that changes after a field trip to Belle Industries where she finds herself on the receiving end of a genetically-enhanced spider bite (due to the bumbling of a certain wall-eyed girl).

As the side-effects become more and more apparent, unknown to her several of the other spiders ended up getting free and have escaped into the city! Over time the victims of their bites start to surface, each one stepping up to defend their city.

But as time goes on, more superpowered individuals start to surface as well... and not everyone will use their new powers responsibly...

Chapters (4)

Shoutout to FourShadow’s incredible story for inspiration for this story.

For the last 3 years, the students and even some of the staff at Canterlot High have been tormented by the nefarious Rainbooms, with powers, to boot. Now the only thing standing in their way of world domination is Pip, formally known as Pipsqueak, who was bitten by a radioactive spider and has gained meta-human abilities as a result, Flash Sentry, a broken soul with nothing left to lose, and three new students who want to rise up to terror.

Chapters (18)

In the middle of the night of 1986, a twelve-year-old girl wakes up to find an armored pegasus underneath her bed. The pegasus suddenly leaves, but not without the little girl following him back to Equestria. There she finds Princess Celestia when she asks the little girl what her name was, she nearly goes into shock.

"It's Lauren," she said. "My name is Lauren Faust."

Update: Proofread by Fort Impression and Airchi. And a huge thank you to SecrretBrony01 for finally getting this edited fully.

I also want to thank MrAquino, FanficFanPony and Starburst Gleam for helping me keep this story moving with their helpful suggestions. And a tremendous thank you to Lotus Moon for volunteering to read this on YouTube from beginning to end.

Chapters (16)

After Twilight said Cadence was evil, everypony rejected her warnings. Twilight feels sad and betrayed. Sad that especially Spike, Shining Armor and her mentor had avoided her, and betrayed that her friends had told her that they would take what Twilight would tell them seriously after the Lesson Zero events. Twilight just didn't expect Nightmare to come keep her company.

Chapters (7)

Cozy Glow ends up in the human world after her defeat and has to adapt.

Luckily she's a quick study. Unfortunately for everyone else, she's as diabolical as ever.

Part of FanOfMostEverything's latest writing contest. I know I said I wouldn't enter, but I got inspired last minute, don't burn me at the stake.

Cover art is my MAD PHOTOSHOP SKILLS, GOOGLE SEARCH, and art by Jon Fawkes

-GM, master of pies.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer's been informed of the Cozy Glow debacle, and now she's worried about Cozy’s human counterpart. Is it wrong to suspect someone based on their parallel self’s sins? Snappy character vignette that gives equal POV time to Sunset and human Cozy trying to figure out just what the other’s deal is.

Teen rating for depictions of mental illness and Cozy’s casual use of crass language. Cover image made by me slapping some EG vectors on top of each other in Microsoft Powerpoint.

:pinkiegasp:Written reccomendation by a very reputable user:pinkiegasp:

Chapters (4)

It’s Halloween at Canterlot High and Twilight Sparkle and her friends Sunset Shimmer, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Fluttershy have their hands full when Disney’s greatest villains: Jafar, Cruella, Hades, Ursula, Captain Hook, Maleficent, The Evil Queen, Scar and Dr. Facilier arrived in their wild attempt to take over Canterlot High and find the portal to Equestria.

Can Maleficent and company take the school and find the magical portal to invade Equestira? Or will Twilight and the Mane 6 close the curtain on these band of villains?

Chapters (13)

A colossal carnage is upon us. When the monstrous Carnage finds his way into Canterlot City, his appetite for organs is bigger than ever. Rainbow Dash and Venom must put an end to this colossal carnage with the help of their friends.

Chapters (2)

Main Theme: You're Gonna Go Far Kid by The Offspring

Now available on fanfiction.net

Sans knew he was going to die. He’d held off the little megalomaniac as long as he could, but even the power his father had bestowed upon him had failed him. But, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. At least he’d see his brother again. However, as it turns out, while Sans thought he was done with life, life was not yet done with Sans. Now a human, Sans not only finds himself a resident of Canterlot City, but a Junior at Canterlot High School, a member of the boys basketball team and of the band. However, Sans’ new lease on life isn’t all slam dunks and knock-knock jokes. There are problems he and his new friends have to deal with, ranging from sea pony sirens, to sorceresses who’ve been consumed by the magic they’d unleashed, even threats from Sans’s home… including the very child who’d slain Sans. Will our heroes make it out of this mess, or will Sans and the Main 7 get dunked on?

Set in the Equestria Girls Universe.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic belongs to: an alicorn goddess.
Undertale belongs to: The Annoying Dog

Hi! I have adopted this story from Crimson Blade79, and they adopted it from someone else. I'm here to continue it, and hopefully do justice to all those who have worked on it. I am looking for an editor/proofreader, and I would be happy to consider anyone who is willing to take the job. To those of you who have already read this, it may be a little different from what you remember. I can only hope I do well...
Updates won't be frequent, not with school, so expect this to be a reeeeeeaaaally slow-updating fic. Hope you all enjoy!

Chapters (2)