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A different choice was made on the Hogwarts Express that day, one that culminated in a series of events that led to a completely disastrous final battle. Harry Potter had finally fulfilled the prophecy that had haunted his life, but at the cost of everyone he ever loved.

Arriving in a new world, bereft of friends, family and his own body, Harry Potter will struggle to once again find a life that is worth living.

Because for the Master of Death, there is no other option.

AN: Hello everyone! This is a little idea I've been cooking in my head for a while and one that I was looking for on different sites before finally deciding to just write one myself. This will most likely have a slower start with the story itself being set six years before the start of the series. Subsequent chapters past the prologue will be focused on this period, though each of the Mane 6 will have their own little roles - one, more so than the others - in particular.

Infrequent updates, though I tend to write longish chapters (usually 8 - 10k), but hopefully I'll be able to keep this going. Regardless, I hope you all enjoy!

Chapters (4)

Daring Do. Adventurer, archeologist, treasure hunter, and a mare who saved the world a few times. She is also known as A.K. Yearling, write and publisher of the Daring Do series that tell tales of her adventures to the public. On both sides, all is known about the writer and adventurer, but there are a few things that someponies don’t know.

In this story of our brave adventurer, we tell the tale of her siblings. But that's not all. There is one thing that someponies didn’t know about the the mare. Especially the one sibling she had. He is a very strange creature. Now this guy is no minotaur or some gryphon mind you. No, he is something more bizarre, the likes of which nopony has never seen before.

He is tall with no horn, wings, or fur on his body except for the bit that's on his head and face. His eyes are small and his ears are on the side of his head. And he wears clothes...all the time! To Daring, family, and friends that know this strange creature, he is called Henry Walton Jones Do. But he is also known as...

Indiana Jones! So strap in ladies and gents, it's time for an adventure!

Chapters (3)

Imagine being an ordinary citizen going about your day with no idea that the Wakanda battle to protect the Mind Stone is even happening. And then suddenly, your friend, your family members or even you begin disintegrating into dust. You have no idea what it is, what's causing it and you can't stop it.

That's exactly what the ponies of Equestria felt when Thanos snapped his fingers.

Click here for the complete list of who lived and who died in this story.

Featured 26th April 2019 (thanks, guys!)

Chapters (1)

A commissioned story, bought by benzema2912, who liked what I did with Pump It Up, and decided to see how I handled other growth scene. As such, obviously, this contains growth. Specifically of Scootaloo, thought the other CMC are indeed involved in it.

Applebloom and Sweetie Belle want to help Scootaloo out with her little problem of being the only pegasus in Ponyville unable to get her head into the clouds. As such they ask Zecora for some help, and get a potion to rectify the situation. Of course, as they things often do when involving the three, things get out of hoof, and Scootaloo finds herself growing up, instead of flying there. Read on dear viewer, and see where this growth ends...if it ever does.

Chapters (1)

When Diamond Tiara drinks an unusual drink, she grows into a giant and goes around stealing all of Ponyville's stuff. Can the Mane 6 and CMC stop her before she hoards everything?

This fic is unrelated to my previous work.

Special Thanks to: Posey, shoboni, darkabomination, Cosmic Afro, MrMinimii and Jetto for ideas and proofreading. And to khorme for letting me use his image as the cover image. (and for inspiring me with said image.)

Chapters (1)

I'm the guy who made a deal with the devil. Now I know what your thinking, does kid ever watch movies, does this ever work out fine? Well, let's just say good judgement wasn't exactly my forte. I was possessed by an ancient demon, in the presence of evil, I change into a monster, and I pray on the wicked, and I suck out their souls. And you don't want to be around when that happens, see there's good and bad in all of us, and maybe you're not a murderer, but you did something that you didn't want the Rider to see, a white lie, and illegal download, what about you? And you? I've tried to fight it, to hold it back, but the darkness inside me only get's stronger. That's why I had to run, halfway across the world, and I'm still running. My name is Blizzard wind, and I'm the Ghost Rider.

Chapters (34)

Sunset Shimmer sees the same phantom throughout Canterlot High School. A boy her age with spiky hair, who briefly appears before vanishing. It catches her eye, distracts her from her friends and their fret on the future. The future of Equestrian magic, the future of their powers, the future in general. Sunset can’t focus on that when the present holds a mystery she is forced to solve, especially as it overwhelms her as the days wane. The boy appears in two places at once, then three, until she comes to school to find dozens. Sunset is at the end of her rope when she stands face to face with him, the real him, unconscious within the portal leading to Equestria. As adamant as she is to help anyone in need of help, is it wrong to think that Princess Twilight Sparkle can deal with him? Let Sunset figure out the rest of her life with rampant Equestrian magic first? All she has to do is push him further into the portal, into Equestria. But she isn't that kind of person, and pulls him into her world instead.

Takes place after Kingdom Hearts III, and contains heavy spoilers for that game!

A complete rewrite of my previous story Kingdom Hearts: Friendship's Turmoil. As such, it has no connection nor bearing to this story besides a similar premise. This story does not require any other readings to enjoy.

Sunset Shimmer vector by Uponia
Sunset Shimmer's Necklace vector by CurvesandLines
Sora Illustration cut-out by SubjectULTIMA

Chapters (10)

Nightmare Night nears. Twilight Sparkle wishes to show her friends her new spells she can use to aid in the scares. But one trick gone wrong results in the ultimate scare: A bloodthirsty vampire sent loose in Equestria.
Barnabas Collins now struggles not only to survive, but to find out why he's in the bizarre pony world and to find his way back home. Little does anyone know, they will soon become part of an ongoing battle none of them could imagine.

Crossover between MLP and the Tim Burton 'Dark Shadows' movie (with elements of the original soap thrown in). Will eventually blend into a multi-crossover with various franchises (this is the only story I've actually published out of a large series of fics). Headcanon to be explained on my DeviantART account - check my user page - once I really delve into the story. Critiques accepted.

Chapters (21)

'Three months.

It's been three months since Augustine got knocked off her concrete throne.
Three months since Delsin rewrote the book on Conduits.
Three months since I've been out of that nightmare of a prison.

Now I'm getting enrolled into a school in the middle of nowhere, and I've got to deal with all these annoying people dancing and singing like some fruity kid's movie.

And I don't know why, but this one girl, Sunset Shimmer...

She's different. Like me.


Sort of a crossover with INFAMOUS: Second Son and Equestria Girls (takes place after Rainbow Rocks).

Playing the games is NOT needed, it is mostly unrelated.

Thanks to DIO Brando on fimfiction for making the sick art for this story!

Chapters (14)

The first part in the Light and Darkness Series

We will kill you all! Even if we have to do it one pony at a time!

Princess Celestia wants Princess Luna to make some new friends now that she has returned from being Nightmare Moon. Luna is already acquainted with The Elements of Harmony and that's really about it. Celestia wants Luna to go visit Ponyville, a much less formal place than Canterlot to possibly make some new friends. However, little that Celestia even Luna knows, this will soon be the worst idea that Celestia has ever had.

Based off the famous movie: An American Werewolf in London.

Chapters (5)