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AU to a Canterlot Wedding with a twist. Shades of the movie.

Twilight left Equestria ashamed of calling Cadence evil without knowing she was replaced by Queen Chrysalis. The real Cadence was accidentally found and the Changeling invasion was foiled.

Since then Princess Celestia and her friends have been searching for Twilight.

2 years later the Crystal Empire returns and Twilight's friends are sent but it seemed that an armada led by the stern faced Tempest got there first. She is there on behalf of a new empire ruled by Queen Twilight.

20th January 2018, Featured! First of my stories that I know of to be featured on the main page!

Chapters (10)

Twilight Sparkle has quite a few amazing adventures when she was young and had a lot of friends contrary to popular belief... Only they weren't ponies. In this story, I strive to write the world in my head, and I hope you guys enjoy the ride.

Changeling hype and secret heirs aside, let's get into it.

Chapters (6)

twilight had recently gained her castle and met starlight but when she encounters chrysalis once again a dual accidental discharge of both their magic has resulted in both fusing together. now both have to learn how to get along if they have any hope of separating. but their new state has some complications. as both learn what really being a mother is about as a result of their combined biology.

now if only they knew how to separate things would have been just fine.

*cover art by NotTwilight aka mlpconjoinment*

Chapters (4)

Based in the "Reflections" Arc from the IDW Comics.

These are the origins and the everyday life of the Mane 6 AKA The Malcontent Mavericks.

Story by Godzillawolf
Idea and commissioned byGrimWolf

Chapters (7)

Every citizen of the Crystal Empire seemed to go through memory loss after the 1,000 years banishment. What if King Sombra did as well?

Chapters (21)

Jim Douglas has a problem. He's suffered, since birth, from a curse that was given to him by his father. He learns of a land, one filled with magic and possibly the means to cure his ailment. That land is Equestria. It is difficult to get there, but under the right conditions it is possible to enter the mystical world of ponies. Once there, Jim learns there are worse things in life to experience than curses.


This story was a random little idea that sprouted over the Halloween holiday. I know it might not be the thing for some readers, but I still felt the need to get it written and put out for anyone interested.

A few spoilers for the curious--> This is a werewolf story. Therefore, the Human tag has been placed as it's kiiind of mandatory for this odd little genre.

As of February 2020 story status is bumped out of Hiatus. I'm going to try to get more writing done, but don't expect chapters too often. :twilightsheepish:

Chapters (39)

This story is a sequel to Kingdom Hearts of Harmony

Riku knew he had messed up...

Not just with what had happened between him and Sora but with how he never asked for his friend's forgiveness. In order to gain his best of friend back he is willing to prove just how much his friendship means to him.

Riku just hopes that he didn't bite off more then he could chew.

Chapters (1)

A strange artifact arrives at Twilight's library and turns her into a dragon. From there, everypony she touches suffers a similar fate and the contagion begins to spread! Twilight and her friends struggle to avoid spreading it further in this comedic misadventure of dragons and the fiery spells they weave. Can Twilight find a cure?

Chapters (8)

Twilight is different, that's for sure. Only, she didn't know how different she was until that fateful Wedding. With new revelations, her entire existence is put into question.

Although, it's not until some-pony else tells Twilight the truth does everything starts to slowly unravel and fall into place. With her unknown past looming and secrets between even her closest friends, Twilight Sparkle's life is turned upside down as she struggles with her identity and with the rising threat in the Badlands as well as the threats between those closest to her.

Will Twilight ever know who she really is?

Cover art by myself.

Chapters (31)

After the wedding in Canterlot, Twilight thought the excitement was over, at least for a while. But when she wakes up to find the events of the past few days were a lie, she realizes just how wrong she was. Can she and her friends save Equestria from an enemy who has already won? Or will they remain trapped in the Hivemind?

Chapters (8)