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This story is a sequel to Kingdom Hearts F.I.M: Days Long Past

Can be read independently of that, however.

Six Years have passed for Twilight and her friends since the death of their home world as well as Spike's disappearance. Six years have passed since Master Luna took them under her wings in order to teach them how to use the one weapon that may help them save Spike: The Keyblade. Now, after those long years of training, these friends are ready to see new worlds, fight new enemies, and save old friends. Limits will be tested, and bonds will be broken.

Will their friendship be enough to bring Spike out of the Darkness?

Kingdom Hearts based MLP story, no Sora, and no need to have played the games. Characters are human, but those who were pegasi in the show still have magic wings, just as those who were earth and unicorns still have unnatural strength and magic, respectively.

Now with a Web Comic! Hosted on Tumblr DeviantArt Taptastic, and my user page!

Chapters (68)

When Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy and Golden find themselves stick in a whole new world, transformed into some form of magical horse, with no way back home, they have to find some way to get used to their new lives.
Rated Teen cuz I'm paranoid.

Chapters (6)

Philly Barnmare is a circus ringmaster with the Greatest Show in All Equestria. She has acts of every shape and size and everypony absolutely adores them. She has a pony with the longest neck in Equestria, one with the largest beard in Equestria, a mare that is every color of the rainbow, and a pony the size of the palm of the hoof, along with elephants, giraffes, and three high flying zebra acrobats along with her pet Owl, Andromeda, a cotton pink owl. Together, they share the joy of entertainment with all Equestria. Together, they share their dreams across the globe.

Inspired by The Greatest Showman, obviously.

Chapters (23)

Harry Potter was no stranger to problems, although his always seemed to be far larger than other young wizards his age. After all, Voldemort had tried to kill him as a baby, and twice during his first two years at Hogwarts. Hopefully, his third year in school would be easier, although he first needed to survive his summer with his aunt and uncle.

Between a hectic schedule of daytime chores and nights spent trying frantically to keep up on an ever-increasing pile of holiday work, he was working himself into a frazzle, and that was before finding out that his Aunt Marge was coming to visit. To top it off, an accident has just left him with a tiny purple problem he had never expected: a toy-sized unicorn named Twilight Sparkle.

His problems have just begun. And they will continue to multiply.

Editors: Tek
Picture credit: Wiki

Chapters (8)

Celestia has given Sweetie Belle a rare opportunity to become an exchange student where she can bring friendship to a whole new world’s students of magic. Elsewhere, Theodore Nott has been given a similar opportunity: turn down his Seventh Year at Hogwarts in order to learn powerful magic from the cursebreakers of the Equestrian Crystal Empire.

Neither of them has the slightest idea what they are about to experience over the next year.

Editors: Tek, Peter, Charles H
Cover art from Florida's Harry Potter World at night.

Chapters (15)

(My pony OC is also named Falconwolf. This isn't a sequel to The legendary Falconwolf.)

The Mane 6 and their new friend Falconwolf have recieved a letter from his old human friend Joey Drew. He's asked him to come back to their old cartoon warehouse. While the Mane 6 are excited, Falcon is more shocked and frightened. But why?

(For those who love MLP and Bendy and the Ink Machine.)

All rights of Bendy and the Ink Machine go to TheMeatly.


BTW, I drew the cover art!

Chapters (19)

Bendy, a cartoon character created by the hands of Joey Drew. Joey's had created him to fulfill his dream as a cartoonist. But after Bendy was rejected and his company shut down, Joey Drew's obsession for Bendy grew into something more sinister. Several years after Joey Drew's company was shut down Starlight and her newest friend Henry get's called in by Celestia to investigate Joey's old workshop in order to stop rumors about the studio being cursed. What they find there will continue to haunt them for eternity.

Bendy and the Ink Machine belongs to The Meatly
MLP FIM belongs to Hasbro studios
Songs belongs to DAGames

Chapters (5)

Harry Potter, after a beating by Dudley and friends wishes he had somewhere safe to go, and starts crawling home. He ends up in Equestria. The young Cutie Mark Crusaders find him. A year later, a Hogwarts owl unleashes the CMC, Harry, and Equestria upon wizarding Britain! And adorable cute magic-wielding ponies upon the rest of the world.

Copyedited by gerandakis. Excellent cover art by Mix-up.
Made Featured Stories starting Ch. 18, Jun 25, 2018!
Made Front Page Popular Stories – Jun 11 (15), July 10-13, 16-17, 19-21, 23 (24-29), Aug 1-2 (32-33), 9-10, 13-14, 22-23, 24-25 (35-38, 41-42), Sept. 14 (49), Oct. 5 (57), 2018!

Inspired by Dogger807’s hilarious story, “Magic School Days,” here on FiMfiction. While there is humour (and tree-sap) in this story, that is not its only focus.

Wow, Sir Chaos Omega made a TV-Tropes page for the story! Thanks!

Published on the FiMfiction website with the kind forbearance of the copyright owners of My Little Pony (Hasbro) and the Harry Potter series (Scholastic Press).

The timeline for “My Little Pony” is messed up. That is, if you look closely, the order of the shows as aired is out of order of their logical sequence. Evidence: in Swarm of the Century (#10) we see the dresses that Rarity makes in Suited for Success (#14) — so unless Rarity time-travelled, #14 should take place before #10! Also, in The Ticket Master (#3), the other five seem to know Twilight and Spike quite well, yet in Boast Busters (#6) they don’t seem to know Twilight at all.

With careful attention to details such as those, you can put the three years of episodes prior to Princess Twilight Sparkle (#65, Season Four) into a two-year stretch of time. If you work hard enough, you can even squeeze them down to one five-season stretch of Summer to Summer.

I used the two-year seven-part timeline mapped out by deviantart’s tobyandmavisforever (do a Google search for “tobyandmavisforever mlp timeline” as the fastest way to find them). Thus, Harry arrives in Equestria shortly after the Crystal Empire two-part episode, and Twilight and Spike have been in Ponyville just under a year even though the Crystal Empire episodes start the third year of My Little Pony.

Chapters (128)

Harry Potter had the (mis?)fortune to fall through a portal to the Everfree near Ponyville. He was transformed into a unicorn, to his surprise. After being found, Twilight Sparkle took him in as an orphan, and to learn more about him as he learned more about Equestria. His adventures there are another story. This story is about what happens when he is pulled back to the human world by the Goblet of Fire when he is fourteen.

Finding himself back in the human world is bad enough, but also to discover he has an unbreakable magical contract to compete in a Tournament that is known for the deaths of the competitors is just icing on the cake. What else can go wrong?

(Not a continuation of “If Wishes Were Ponies . . .”)
Scheduled posts on Monday and Thursday (UTC-4)

Edited by gerandakis. Picture by Quinn Kepner, from an image in the MLP comics.
Made the Featured List with Chapter 1! Hurray! And Popular Stories list on 9/14! A second Hurray!
And every 100 up votes gets an early release of the next chapter.

Chapters (29)

[Ben 10 X My Little Pony: FIM]

Vilgax, an intergalactic warlord, lands unwillingly in a world that lacks the technology for space travel. With no means to leave the planet, he starts developing a malicious plan to steal two of the most powerful sources of energy he has ever witnessed in the universe hidden in plain sight from the ponies' habitats with no regard to what it will do to their planet.

Twilight noticed a shooting star and observe it until it exploded in mid-air dispersing its fragments into two. One landed close to Tartarus and a smaller one landed on her friend's apple trees.

Surprised was she when she didn't see an alien creature like she has hope for but rather a white stallion alicorn who was foresight to bring calamity to Equestria and the whole world if he is ever seen.

Chapters (10)