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Equestria. A world of magic and monsters. A world of love and hate. Of good and evil. The line between them should be clear. Black and white. Yet when a mysterious young colt with a strange secret appears with new warnings, will Twilight and her friends determine which side he's on, or will they discover just how blurred the line can be?

Chapters (12)

Danny Fenton was a normal boy, but when his DNA is fused with ectoplasm, he is turned into a half boy/half ghost hybrid. What does he have to thank for that? The Ghost Portal his ghost-busting parents had created, which they had originally deemed a failure.

Danny had kept his secret for a little while from everyone except his best friends, Tucker Foley, a tech-nerd with a passion for meat, and Samantha Manson, a gothic girl who happens to be a hardcore vegetarian. He's been keeping the world safe since from ghosts hell-bent on wreaking havoc on the world under the alias of "Danny Phantom".

He's had his share of fights, but for the most part, life was turning out...alright, albeit repetitive.

However, one day, the Ghost Portal malfunctions, and instead of bringing them into the Ghost World, Danny, along with his two best friends, are transported into the distant land of Equestria with seemingly no way out.

Will Danny, Sam, and Tucker find a way to get back home? Or will they be stuck in Equestria forever?

Cover art done by Cookiepoppet on DeviantArt

Chapters (5)

Kayla Cautio has been working at Freddy Fazbear's for a while now. Half a year, in a ballpark figure. She's worked with new guards before, but now she has to work with six girls applying for the job, and pick one to be the new guard. They all wanted to have the position, in hopes they could work together as friends. Unfortunately, these girls do not know that it can be every guard for themselves on the graveyard shift. Kayla is in for one bumpy, crazy, possibly magic-filled ride.

(This is an MLP-mixed version of my AU for Five Nights at Freddy's. You're welcome to stop reading at any time if you don't like the way things are going. This is my first story on FIMFiction, and I'm a little too nervous for heavy criticism. Image made by either creatorofpony or Flare-Crasher. If someone knows for sure who made it, let me know.)

Chapters (7)

After the changelings' failed invasion of Canterlot, Twilight tries to soothe some of Ponyville's rampant paranoia by casting a spell to prove there are no imposters hiding in the town. But her spell leaves her in an alien body, facing a mob of angry ponies who just don't believe her when she says she is Twilight Sparkle.

Or, at least, she was Twilight Sparkle, anyway...

Featured on Equestria Daily, 2/17/13
Cover art is by the awesome and amazing Conicer

Chapters (9)

Eric Reed is an eighteen-year-old young man, who loves watching My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, and is a big fan of the show. Eric has a good heart, has a good sense of humor, but can be prone to expecting too much from others, is a bit immature, and doesn't have many friends.

One day, he suddenly wakes up in Equestria, and to further add to his huge shock, he's only about one-inch tall. After a frightening meeting with Princess Twilight Sparkle, he asks for her help to find out how and why he's in Equestria, why he's so small, and where to go from there.

The good news: Being a fan of the show, Eric already had some knowledge about the new world he's in and his new friends. The bad news: It won't help nearly as much as he hoped and may cause its own problems. And the worst news: He'll have to face the dangers and struggles that being so small and powerless would present. But they may not be what you think, and some struggles could come from completely unexpected and trustworthy sources.

But he won't be the only one to struggle...

First story I've written.

EDIT on 03/30/19: I wasn't going to have Equestria Girls be "canon" when I wrote this story, but because of some confusion, I edited a bit of some chapters to let EQG be "canon". However, this ret-con to the story won't affect how the story goes.

EDIT on 07/28/19: To help fix a pacing problem, I added two chapters to show more of what happened that was previously "off screen". These chapters, what will now be chapter 6 and chapter 16, are written in a way that won't ret-con the story. There are minor edits to the start of what's now chapter 7, the very end of chapter 15, and a bit of chapter 17 to fit the chapters between them, but there's no actual ret-con.

Chapters (18)

Once suddenly the citizens hear a strange noise from the streets and then a blue creature falls down from the clouds. It walks on two legs, has two wings and can breathe fire. It is a giant dragon, who can speak too. It turns out it is a she and her name is Ember. Ember is a dragon queen from an unknown world. Ember doesn't know the humans and Earth, so she just chills out in the city and starts playing with the bug sized people. She thinks they are very adorable and cute.

Picture is from shrunkenlover, from DeviantArt

Chapters (1)

Fanfictions about adorable colossal ponies, averege humans and size difference in one big pack. If you like these kind of scripts, then read and enjoy!

Including: longer and shorter stories, cuteness, friendship, maybe romance.
Not including: sex, porn, dark, violence, vore, mature.

Chapters (3)
by Resda

I am Twilight Sparkle. Newly crowned Princess of Equestria. Element of Magic. Student of the magic of friendship under the tutelage of Her Royal Highness Princess Celestia.

Female. Lavender in the coat, indigo in the mane, with purple and pink stripes. Razor straight mane cut, with a little bit of a flip... shimmering ethereal mane and tail possibly pending. Large wings, lavender, barely used.

Beloved daughter of a scientist and a stargazer. Sister to the Captain of the Royal Guard. Sister-in-law to an Empress.

Best friend to five ponies plus one dragon in Ponyville.

Or am I?

Chapters (12)

The changeling princess known as Twilight Sparkle is ecstatic. Her mother is giving her a chance to save the hive! All she needs to do is evaluate the efficiency of friendship as a food source! Perhaps she can even prove that a changeling can be friends with ponies without having to use a disguise!
But when the reigning monarch of Equestria disappears, the young princess finds herself facing something she's only heard about in legends.
And what about that mystery hive that's been destroying other hives with reckless abandon?

Thanks to my prereader(s): SirNotAppearingInThisFic

Chapters (3)

The unthinkable happens and Danny is forced to suffer a living hell for several months. Eventually, he is saved by a certain time ghost. But Danny is just an empty shell of his former self. So desperate measures are taken to save him and he is sent to a certain magical land to recover fully. Will the magic of friendship be enough to save him? Will he even let it help him?

Basically Danny is betrayed by his loved ones and gets tortured by the Guys In White. Clockwork swoops in and rescues him, but not soon enough. So to save Danny, the time ghost sends him to Equestria and turns him into a pony. But after being tortured by the GIW and having everyone he loves turn on him, will anyone be able to help him to truly recover?

Hi. First post here. But my 9th Post at Fanfiction. This story is going to include action, adventure, sadness, some comedy, cuteness, and anything else I can throw in. I will be using episodes from the series too. The first one I will use will be Season 2 Episode 25.

Chapters (4)