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(Fairly Odd Parents + My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) During a school trip to the forest, Timmy Turner (along with his fairy godparents) and Trixie Tang are transported into the world of Equestria as ponies. During their stay, they meet new friends...and learn a little bit about themselves!

Timeline: (Fairly Odd Parents) After Wishology; (My Little Pony) During Season 2.

Additional Stats: Seen over 5000 times on Fanfiction since first published there in November 2011.

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to My Little Descendants

After nearly six months living in Equestria, the resident villain foals are finally settling into their new home. Lady has built a fashion business based in her dorm, Shade has earned a spot as captain of the new fencing team, and Flare has his eye on a certain filly. For the first time, they’re happy.

At least, most of them are.

In order for Nyx and Will’s relationship to continue, the filly must learn the ways of royalty and be officially presented as a mare (and Princess) of the Equestrian Court, something that would’ve happened when she was thirteen, had she been raised by her real mother, Luna.

However, the transition is harder than she expected it to be. She tried everything she could think of, learning the traditions, words, poise, looking the part with different clothes, makeup, and even hair, and acting like the perfect princess she’s supposed to now be. But what happens when she can’t keep up the act?

Cover art by the lovely Sakura!

Chapters (4)

The land of Equestria is ruled under the iron hoof of Empress Twilight Sparkle and her ambassadors. The former ruler tries to take back her kingdom, but fails. In her escape, the old ruler finds herself taken to a version of Equestria very different from her own.

thanks to Zerochill for his help in helping me with this story (he's kinda like a co-writer, but not really)
Editor: Crimson Twilight

Edit: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! Featured on Sept. 10th 2015

Chapters (30)

The Life Aura Center is one of Equestria's top medical research centers, the producer of spells and medicines that have cured many once-fatal illnesses, and they continue to produce quality technology and cures. No one wants to think that they're doing anything unethical, but Celestia has her suspicions, so she sends Twilight to investigate.

One symbiotic pairing with an alien later, Twilight realizes Celestia was right to be suspicious. Now, working together with the strange creature inhabiting her body, Twilight will have to expose the center's shocking truth. And not get killed in the process. It's gonna be a wild ride.

Now with an audio reading by Mr. Snarky on YouTube! Please give him your support!
Part 1 Chapters 1-4
Part 2 Chapters 5-12
Part 3 Chapters 13-19
Part 4 Chapters 20-25

I also have a Discord! Rather quiet right now but feel free to join if you wanna talk fics or just ponies in general! Ask me for the link if you want in, I had to remove it because of too many spam bots.

Like my content? Buy Me a Coffee!

Chapters (25)

Manny has never really had any friends beside his mother and father who loved him with their heart and soul but what happens when that is taken away from you. Manny is broken and believes it would be best to live the rest of life alone and in solitude but his curiosity will get the best of him because it leads him to an unknown cavern underneath his home where he gains amazing abilities and an unusual friend by mistake. With the monster who gave him these powers is still on the loose, Manny must learn the full extent of his powers in order to protect Equestria's citizens from the bad guys, find answers to his questions and see if society will accept him for who he is.

Chapters (17)

Things have changed.

When Rainbow Dash unexpectedly arrives at the Badlands Hive, her open displays of hostility leave Princess Twilight Sparkle and Queen Chrysalis perplexed. The situation only devolves from there as differences in this Rainbow Dash are discovered, and it soon becomes apparent that two worlds have collided that were never meant to meet.

Twilight and Rainbow, each with scars both physical and mental, have to find common ground before time runs out. If they can’t, then the pegasus may become stranded in this world of changelings forever.

A crossover between the Little Flashes series and the Change series.

Cowritten with Skijarama.
Featured on: 04/11/2019.

Chapters (29)

When her 'brother's wedding day comes, she thinks of nothing but that it will be a drag. But when Twilight discovers that her mother is undercover, Twilight is happy, knowing that maybe the wedding won't be as bad as she expected.

Applejack couldn't help but notice that Twilight has been acting weird all the time. Will Twilight be able to keep up her cover or will everypony discover the truth before she and her mother can begin their plan to attack Canterlot?

Chapters (14)

Queen Chrysalis, aka "Public Enemy Number One", is a dying mare. It has often been said that "In the most dire circumstances, the best solution will be discovered., and in her current situation she has come up with a plan that will not only alter Equestria's and the changeling race's paths, but the destiny for the Elements of Harmony.

This is set in an alternative timeline after the defeat of Tirek but before Thorax came into the picture and where the failed plan at the wedding cost Chrysalis more than anypony realized.

Chapters (13)

This crossover series is a sequel to the EQG: Godzilla Arrival fan film that's still in production as we speak.
Taking place a year later, from the ashes of what happens after the battle of Vancouver will form a new team of fellowship that will continue the journey that the mane 7 started with when sunset meet Godzilla.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Peace at Last Shorts: Taking Time Off

It started as a typical day, finishing a scheduled afternoon tea and discussion with Princess Celestia and then exploring the castle.

Chrysalis WASN'T expecting to find a magic mirror. She CERTAINLY didn't expect to repair a broken link connecting her world to another universe. And she DEFINITELY didn't mean to drag her counterpart from said universe into Canterlot and accidentally break the mirror.

Can Duchess Chrysalis fit in and adapt to an Equestria different from her own? Can Queen Chrysalis find a way to fix the mirror and send her back? Can Stag survive an onslaught of cuddling from both versions of his mom?

Who knows, probably, but we'll just need to see.

Chapters (2)