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This, is Berk. Well, you can’t see it right now, but Berk is a beautiful place, full of life. Vikings and Dragons living together in a harmony that no one knew could ever have existed. Yet this story isn’t about Berk; this is a story about Toothless and I, as well as a few new friends. A story about a journey that began as a routine flight, and turned into something of legend.

This is our story about crossing The Divide.

A How To Train Your Dragon crossover written in collaboration with my awesome editor AuthorGenesis. Give him some love, considering this is as much his as it is mine, if not more.

Edited by the amazing PhiliChez!
And now pre-read by the fantastic Doctor Candor!

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Kingdom Hearts: Equestria Girls

It has been a month since Sora and Donald had returned from Canterlot High, and Sora decides that he needs to train to prepare for retaking the Mark of Mastery exam, but he needs a new stomping ground to train in. King Mickey suggests that he has, "the perfect place for him", so he sends Sora, Donald, and Goofy to the new world that Sora has opened up from the keyhole he unlocked.
Will this new world be the perfect place for Sora's training? Or will it be just another world that he needs to save from the dark clutches of the Heartless once again?

New Game (If you haven't read Kingdom Hearts: Equestria Girls, click "New Game".)


Takes place after Dream Drop Distance.

Artwork by GundamBrony.

Author's Notes
If you believe Sora's scene in the beginning warrants the "Human" tag, let me know in the comments.

Chapters (14)

When Harry, Ron, and Hermione investigate a rogue Vanishing Cabinet, they end up being teleported to the strange land of Equestria. How will they cope with the vastly new surroundings, and will they ever find their way home?

Chapters (5)

While enjoying her holiday in the city of San Francisco, a spirited mare soon finds her whole world has been turned upside-down after crossing paths with an equally spirited human.

A story of an unconventional love that blossomed from an unexpected friendship.

Set in the Gentlemanverse: created by Demon Eyes Laharl

Also be sure to check out Loose Screws: A story of Five Gentlemen which is a side story.

Chapters (4)

After Sweetie Belle sees a description in a magazine of all the opportunities in Japan in the year 1996, the CMC decide to embark on a cross-Pacific flight from San Francisco to Tokyo. 35,000 feet. 500 MPH. 12 hours. 3 hyperactive wonderful little fillies...what could possibly go wrong?

Set in totallynotabrony's Battleships Are Magic Universe.

Chapters (3)

No one can deny an old fashioned superhero team-up, especially when that team-up involves another helping of the Power Ponies!

Taking place after the second My Little Pony movie, Rainbow Rocks, and the new Disney film, Big Hero 6, we find Twilight testing out a new spell, a way to travel to other dimensions. It works, only for one of Spike's comic books to get in the way, causing an upset in the spell's process, leading the portal to suck in Spike, his comics, and the Mane 6, sending them to an unknown destination.

They awaken, only to find themselves as the Power Ponies once more, and in an unusual city by the name of San Fransokyo. To make matters worse, the mishap with the spell, fused with the comics, unleashed the Mane-iac, more powerful than she ever was, and even backed up by her own private army of dopplegangers! Now, the Power Ponies must team up with the super hero team of that world, or risk darkness falling upon the city forever.

This thrilling three-chapter crossover adventure brings two times the hero, featuring the return of the Power Ponies! Let the adventure begin!
WARNING: Given that this story will contain some or plenty of spoilers, this story MUST BE READ by ONLY those who've seen Big Hero 6 already. Trust me, it's for the best

Chapters (3)

In a tribute to "The Three Stooges," Adagio, Aria, and Sonata plot to take over Canterlot with a variety of farcical schemes. They try their very best not to kill each other in the process.

Rated E, with the caveat that that there's gratuitous amounts of Sonata abuse. At the time of writing, I had not seen "Rainbow Rocks," so there may be some slight differences between the canon events and my story.

11/15, top of the popular stories list!

Chapters (1)

Two unicorn twins, Fortune Flicker and Lucky Luster, have been destined since birth to wield the Keyblade. After instructing the ponies in Canterlot Castle for fourteen years, and with a threat of Heartless yet to appear, Princess Celestia sends them to Ponyville to study magic under Twilight Sparkle, both to expand upon the twins' abilities and their experiences, and to introduce Twilight to the magic of teaching. But when an ancient villain appears, commanding an army of Heartless, will Fortune and Lucky be able to save Equestria - and the rest of the world - from descent into darkness?

If you're worrying that I'm going to break characters by introducing Kingdom Hearts characters into the pony universe, don't. There won't be any Kingdom Hearts characters in this story, except for the Heartless, and there won't be any traveling between worlds. Given the option, I wouldn't even even call it a proper crossover. It's more like the Kingdom Hearts mythology applied to the MLP universe.

Chapters (10)

The Dazzlings are given a chance to change themselves or be left to face the real world alone. Sunset, Applejack, and Fluttershy are quick to jump to their aid. Unfortunately, others aren't so willing to help the girls who took their free will away or at least tried to.

For Sonata reformation should be easy, right? Well, maybe Sunset's putting too much faith in the siren's ability to completely change her ways.

Mostly centered Around Sonata's reformation and her relationship with Sunset but the other four will be in this, too.

Chapters (3)

Twilight just got to the human world(again) and hears the whole situation about the Dazzlings. Adagio sees that she can be a threat and decides to take care of her. But not by getting rid of her, instead she wants Twilight to join them. How will they do that? Who knows? Will Sonata get her tacos? Just read and find out. Only slightly dark.

Warning this is my first story, constructive criticism is welcomed, and sorry if you don't like it. Enjoy.

Chapters (10)