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This story is a sequel to Daughter of Discord

A series of one-shots detailing the adventures of five fillies on a quest to find what makes them special and earn their cutie marks.

Prism: the flightless pegasus overshadowed by her Wonderbolt parents and her talented older siblings, eager to prove herself to her family.

Gemstone: the spoiled yet slightly absent-minded unicorn hailing from Canterlot, seeking out friends who will accept her for who she is.

The Tri-Pies (Blueberry, Raspberry and Cherry): the energetic triplets, joined at the hip since birth (not literally), but cannot seem to handle themselves individually.

Artwork courtesy of Nstone53

Stories (no real spoilers, just brief synopses):

A New Beginning: Prism is tired of being picked on for not being able to fly and for being a blank flank, so with the help of her Aunt Scootaloo, she gets her best friends Blueberry, Raspberry and Cherry to form the new generation of The Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Odd One Out: Gemstone wants to join the Cutie Mark Crusaders, but Prism won't let her.

Trial and Error: The new Cutie Mark Crusaders spend the day trying new things and will hopefully discover their super special talents.

Words, Words, Words: Gemstone isn't doing so well in school and believes herself to be stupid. Will her friends discover her secret?

Three of a Kind: The Tri-Pies are very special fillies and are able to do all kinds of things, but for some reason can't seem to get their cutie marks. Even though they are triplets, are they truly as alike as they think?

The Secret Admirer: It's Hearts and Hooves Day and Prism gets a beautiful card from an anonymous pony. Who is her secret crush?

The Strange Case of Cheese Sandwich: Blueberry discovers that there was another stallion in her mother's life and is determined to find out what happened to him.

April Foals: Prism's prank on the Tri-Pies leads to unexpected results.

Weekend at Uncle Discord's: Days One and Two: While Scootaloo is away, the Dash siblings spend the weekend with Discord, Fluttershy, Screwball, Mothball (Screwball's changeling boyfriend) and baby Zany. During this weekend, Prism is determined to prove to her older brother and sister that she would be a better older sibling than them. Her wish comes true, but not in the way she had in mind.

Weekend at Uncle Discord's: Day Three (completely unrelated to the plot of Days One and Two): Gemstone and the Tri-Pies come visit Prism at Discord's castle for a play date. They decide to explore the many rooms there in hopes of earning their cutie marks, but there's no telling what lies behind each door in the Castle of Chaos.

Weddings: At their Aunt Twilight Sparkle's wedding, the CMC ask their parents about their weddings.

Until We Meet Again: Rainbow Dash and Soarin are going to Afghanisteed, and Prism is worried that they won't come back.

First Crush: The Tri-Pies have always been inseparable, but a cute new colt in class causes friction between them.

Baby Boo: Gemstone's new baby sister arrives, and Gem is determined to be the best big sister ever. However, with her family handling everything, she feels useless. When Nightmare Night comes around, she gets the chance to prove herself.

Politically Incorrect: Friction develops between the CMC when it is announced both Gemstone's and the Tri-Pies' fathers are running for Mayor of Ponyville.

Compromises: Lemon Drop gets into a fight with Raspberry. Is this the end of their relationship?

White Swan: Cherry and Gemstone work on a school project together and become closer friends than ever. When Gemstone wants to hang out with some pony else, Cherry starts feeling icky and she doesn't know why.

Rock Pies: The Tri-Pies receive a visit from their cousins from the rock farm.

Lonely Apples Club: Cherry gets crush advice from an unlikely source.

Whinny Land: On a day trip to the amusement park, Cherry and Blueberry seek to solve an urban legend, Gemstone and Raspberry play matchmaker, and Prism runs into an old friend.

Gift of the Raspberry Lemon: While making Hearth's Warming cards, Raspberry makes a startling discovery about her coltfriend.

Stories: For Hearts and Hooves Day, the class must write a report on how their parents met. Raspberry worries her report is going to sound exactly like her sisters'.

El Tango de Triángulos: At the Hearts and Hooves Day party, Raspberry decides to help a friend with a romantic dilemma while Blueberry helps Cherry with her own. Unbeknownst to them, another pony has their own little romantic scheme cooked up.

Chapters (24)

Spider-man is dead. A young boy named Miles Morales is tasked with taking his place and continuing his legacy. But Miles hardly has any confidence or experience. And when he has to save a whole other universe from total annihilation, it'll put his abilities to the ultimate test.

Chapters (1)

Simple, she takes up the mantle of the most powerful beings to ever live! Watch Twilight as she battles enemies from times long forgotten, to claim her place on the Throne of Godzilla, and become the next Kaiju King! Will she be able to tame her rage, and become a savior? Or will she go the same way as Godzilla did, out with a bang?

Chapters (3)

Simply a Crossover between Phineas and Ferb and My Little Pony.
Nope, not telling anything about the storyline here.
Well, except for one thing: This story is definetely playing before "Keep calm and flutter on" and Princess Twilight.
It is a little bit older anyway, from a time where I wasn't so far into MLP, so bear with any bad characteristics of the ponies in this story.

Chapters (7)

* This Story has been rebooted

Sunset Shimmer is a school bully in the making, The Doctor is a intergalactic hero, clearly these two couldn't become companions right? Right?

Co-Writer: Doc Grant, Disavowed Ash

Chapters (9)

Danville. A quiet suburb in the middle of the Tri-State Area. But when quasi-anthropomorphic equines start appearing through tears in the space-time continuum, can Phineas and Ferb (along with a bully, a nerd, and a Fireside Girl) help save the Elements of Harmony? And how will an anthropomorphic platypus and a pharmacist evil scientist fare in Equestria?

Chapters (7)

After a freak accident happened while saving their worlds, a blue hedgehog and a cyan, rainbow colored mane pegasus meet and find themselves in a new dimension called Earth! In order to survive in this world, they will have to work together to find their missing friends, as well as the Chaos Emeralds and the Elements of Harmony! And with the help of two human siblings Christopher and Katherine Thorndyke, AKA the Thorndyke siblings, they are in for one hell of a ride! However, troublemakers from their worlds such as the evil genius Dr. Eggman and the mad scientist pony Steam, are also here to cause trouble for our heroes! Who will come out on top with the Emeralds and the Elements? Find out in this exciting adventure in Sonic X: Friendship is Universal!

A/N: The MLP side is an adaptation to Super Writer's fan game Curse of The Lost Kingdom. All credit for the original characters and elements from the game goes to him.

Chapters (24)

What if instead of a chest, The tree of harmony gave Twilight a book with strange writing and a heart shaped gem on the cover. After reading a mysterious rhyme: "When the time is right. Underneath the same light. A bond will ignite. At very first sight." The Mane Six, and Spike, are all magically sucked in and they travel to a world with no ponies or magic, but humans and...bending! People who can control the four elements of nature. With no way to get back home, they stumble upon a new friend: Avatar Korra, a fiery but big hearted young girl with an extraordinary destiny. Upon first glance, the Ponies all feel an instant connection with the young girl, who might also be the key to them returning to Equestria and uncovering the secrets of the book, while at the same time help Korra to defeat an evil masked man named Amon who vows to rid the world of bending with his mysterious and terrifying powers.

Now the ponies will need to adjust to their new environment: a whole new world where people seem to loose sight of friendship almost too easily, but Twilight sees that there is hope, as they show Korra the ways of Equestria and with that, the ponies and avatar start to change their world for the better, by helping everyone see that Friendship is exactly the kind of magic that this world truly needs.

Featuring new parody songs of all of your pony favorites. Experience a whole new side to the Legend and a whole new side to the Magic!

Read the one shot story “Cutie Troubles” staring Mako and the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and “Tales of Equestria”, a retelling of season 4 of MLP

Chapters (12)

After nearly escaping Zaheer and defeating Tirek, Korra and Twilight will never be the same again.

Thinking a change of scenery is needed, Korra decides to move in with Twilight at her new palace, but their relaxation is cut short when they receive a message from Sunset Shimmer in Canterlot High, informing them that three new students have suddenly arrived and plan on taking over not just the school, but the world.

The Princesses travel through the magic mirror and Korra meets the human counterparts of her bonded ponies for the first time, as well as mentally scarred Sunset Shimmer, who is still struggling with letting go of her past and is plagued by nightmares and visions of her monstrous self. The girls band, The Rainbooms compete in the school's Battle of the Bands in order to defeat the three girls, The Dazzlings, before they turn the whole school against each other.

But, will Twilight be able to get her mojo back in order to make the counter spell they will need to defeat their foes? Will Sunset Shimmer relinquish her past in order to move on and help her friends?

Sometimes, the best way to solve your own problems...is by helping someone else with theirs.

Chapters (11)

The latest scheme of a Townsvillain hurls the Powerpuff Girls to another dimension. In new bodies, and with different abilities each, the three must adjust to life in Ponyville. It helps that the locals are friendly. Maybe the Girls can have actual friends for once, rather than admirers...?

This was actually my first foray into MLP fanfiction. I wrote the beginnings of this long before I conceived of Pony Fantasy IV. So, enjoy my attempt at crossing Lauren Faust's two popular girl shows!

Image courtesy of GalooGameLady on DeviantART. Used with her permission.

Chapters (3)