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Please do check out the Reading List by Lance Omikron to navigate the Amalgam Universe most clearly :raritywink:

A massive war of titanic forces is taking place in the Kaiju's world. However, when two faction's leaders, the current Godzilla and his 'brother' Xenilla duke it out; humanity unleashes its most devastating weapon. Something beyond comprehension occurred and the boundary that divides worlds, if only for the briefest of moments, was torn to shreds. New forms are taken, new bodies assumed. But old hatreds die hard. But how well can hatreds continue in the world of love and tolerance? Especially with its own demons follow it there?

Godzilla Franchise by Toho Company Ltd.
My Little Pony is owned by Hasbro Studios.
This is a non profit fan-work and I claim no ownership on the IP itself.
Story created by Tarbtano
Co-created and Contributed by Faith-Wolff and Skylark8756

Now on TV tropes (Thanks Raidrik, VampyGirl; Lance Omikron, Ultimomant, and ZimFan!)

Kaiju Cast:

Godzilla a.k.a Gojira

[Character copyright of Toho and Daiei Company, artwork property of Matt Frank]

(for any G-fans, Xenilla is the kaiju you may know as Spacegodzilla. I changed the name because I got quirked about typing it repeatedly and am writing the story so it can at least be understood by just an MLP or just a G-fan; and thought it get very confusing that one character's name was just another character's name with an adjective. Also... don't pretend it's the most imaginative name Toho has every made)

Chapters (94)

Rainbow Dash is feeling like a total loser. The town has forgotten about her, her biggest fan is into this new hero, and her friends are laughing at her pain. But instead of confronting this Mare Do Well at her parade, Dash decides to just go and sulk at home before heading off to bed.

Sure she’s feeling down and abandoned, but that’s no big deal. It’s not like there’s some kind of creature in Equestria that can feed off a pony's pain and loneliness to turn them into monsters, right?

…oh wait.

Cover art provided by Dragonmasteralex

Canceled as of 8/3/2014

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Kingdom Hearts of Harmony: The Other Side

Sora's heart is heavy with the weight of his keyblade exam failure. But when a gateway to a new world appears before him, he sees it as a chance to redeem himself. There, he meets creatures he's never seen before as they call for his help as the Hero of Light they need to face the oncoming Darkness.

With this new task ahead of him, Sora must face his own darkness within his heart and rise to the challenge of becoming the hero he was always meant to be.

Will he succeed or will his own inner demons take it all away?

Now with a TV Tropes Page!

Part of the KINGDOMHEARTSVerse


Rated T for suggestive theme.


(Image by Me)

Chapters (63)

In their haste to get back home and escape the bots following them, so they can fight off the Evil Doofensmirtz before he can take over their own world, they found themselves sidetracked in a dimension unlike the others they visited, just off the path they meant to take back.

Chapters (2)

Adolf Hitler and Hermann Fegelein are arguing over an antic. Hitler pushes Fegelein into a portal and falls in aswell. Now they are in Ponyville. THIS IS BASED OFF OF HITLER RANTS PARODIES NOT THE REAL HITLER

Chapters (3)

My life has never really been that exciting. I've spent most of it giving ponies their money from behind a desk. I'm a bank teller. But not anymore...I wanna make it big in life! And I think I know just how....

(I was doing a research paper on Al Capone, plus, I've been watching a lot of the "Ask Mafia Octavia" tumblr recently, and that was the inspiration for this fic! Don't worry, it'll be a tongue and cheek comedy, but with a hint of drama here and there. I hope you enjoy, as this is my first fic with original characters as the main cast!)

Chapters (2)

WWE Superstar John Cena has the good life in his wrestling career, as he has helped the company in various aspects such as popularity, social activity and most importantly in merchandising, the main reason he never "turns heel". However, when he meets a fan who happens to be a pegasus on one odd night, he has to rely on some help, and it goes horribly wrong.

Contains a bit of blood, so the gore tag is added in case. Also, Rainbow Dash.

In all honesty, this fanfiction was written in mid-2013, so you may see a few former WWE superstars in it. As a result, it's a bit outdated (especially because of the fad that WWE was kinda pushing for a couple months).

Chapters (1)

Here's a real twist: Twilight and her friends are dragons while Spike is a pony. A revision of the pilot episode as the dragons must fight to save Equestria from the arrival of Moon Dragon. Will Twilight Sparkle learn what friendship is all about? Also include the short story, 'New Dragon's Revenge'.

Chapters (7)

Twilight has the power to change the biological structure of anypony, or anydragon into something else. And, after seeing Rarity fall over other stallions, Spike the dragon wants Twilight to change him into a pony so that he could finally have a chance to be with the mare of his dreams. She gives in and casts a spell on Spike, turning him into a pony. However, this spell is temporary, unless Spike gets his cutie mark within three days.

But becoming a pony for the sake of Rarity comes at a price; Twilight Sparkle will lose her one and only number one assistant, something that is dear to both her and Spike.

Chapters (2)

Many years ago, shortly before the birth of one Twilight Sparkle, Celestia, ruler of Equestria, found a small item in a forest. That item? An egg. Around the same time, in another place, Celestia, ruler of Draconica found something small in a forest. That thing? A pony.

dragons(C) ?

Chapters (49)