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After meeting covering the cost of lunch for a strange man with a long grey beard, mustache, blue and yellow suit a young man is sent to Equestria and, by his own request, is turned into a Digimon. He thought he had everything right, but a slip of the tongue changes that. Now he has to adjust to a new body in a new world that isn't as placid as he had hoped.

Part of the Chess Game of the Gods, approved by BlackWing
Told in first person

Chapters (20)

A tale of interest and a sequel of a story. After a short pass, Joshua and Demijoshuamon return to the universe of friendship and magic. When a new evil Digimon threatens the multiverse Joshua and Demijoshuamon, along with Jeremy and his partner Pyrodramon, BlackAgumon and the Agumon from the first story, and a new Digimon named Tabbymon must stop it. What kinds of adventures, romance, and groan-inducing puns will our heroes face this time? Read and find out.

Chapters (13)

(Before I say anything else I'd better issue this warning, yes I am considering the events of "Revenge of Diaboromon" to be in continuity with the rest of the series. In my head cannon it takes place after the events of episode 50 but before the epilouge given 25 years later. Also the epliogue is a little different for me even though it won't be mentioned here because I obviously ship Takari.)

With Armaggeddemon defeated and Mimi back in Japan the digidestined believe they'll finally be able to kick back and relax without the threat of their world or the digital world hanging in the balance.

That belief is soon crushed however when Gennai calls them back into the digital world to investigate a mysterious energy reading.

The energy reading leads our heros (and their partners) to a portal that sucks them all in.

Where does this portal lead to you ask? Why the land of Equestria of course.

After crash landing and discovering they have no way of getting home the digidestined decide to make Equestria their new home at least for right now.

Not long after settling in Tai, recenlty recovering from having his heart broken finds himself falling in love with Twilight of all ponies.

Little do he or Twilight know that their new relationship is going to go through trails that no other couple has ever had to face as old evils from the digidestined's past return to haunt them.

Where are all these evil digimon coming from? And is just the digidestined's imagination or are their enemies getting stronger?

Rated teen for suggestive theming, mild cussing, and somewhat graphic fantasy violence.

Chapters (25)

A "Ponified" version of the classic motion picture. I've seen the other fics of this movie, but wanted to write my own.

The Mane Six are summoned to a mysterious island to sign off on a special theme park being built there by the Manehattan mogul, Applejack's Uncle Orange. With the CMCs in toe as well, they find themselves in a biological preserve where super genetic science has resurrected the great extinct creatures, the dinosaurs. The ponies are skeptical yet enthralled by the giant creatures until Derpy Hooves with schemes of her own shuts the park down, and the dinosaurs escape. Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash become stranded in the park with the CMCs, while Twilight and Fluttershy struggle to turn the system back on and save their friends. It's an adventure in friendship 65 million years in the making.

A fanfic based on the movie, rather than the novel. I've added some original parts as well.

Chapters (15)

Crossover of MLP/FNaF. Years ago as a filly, Twilight saw something at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza that is so terrifying, she doesn't want to talk about it ever! In the present, now a grown-up mare and a princess, she and her friends must oversee a week at the place, staying the night as the restaurant is in its final year. As Twilight faces her nightmares and fears, she and her friends must survive against Freddy Fazbear and his animatonic crew, who for some reason wants the new princess dead.

This story has nothing to do with the ones I'm working on in my regular MLP timeline, so it's a separated timeline.

Chapters (10)

Rarity gets turned into a dragon (baby dragon). Now she only trusts Spike and hides from anyone else.
Idea from beirirangu, requested by my awesome followers! :D

This story will have two endings.

Chapters (6)

Twilight is granted the opportunity to show off some of her smarts by giving a presentation at the Canterlot School of Magic about life in and around Equestria. However, while she practices one of the transformation spells she got in a book from Zecora, she finds out a lot about the spell, but much, much more about her little dragon assistant.

Chapters (7)

An enormous robot pony has come from deepest space, crash landed near Equestria, and followed school age Apple Bloom home. Now, the filly has one big friend and an even bigger problem: How do you keep a secret that's 50 feet tall, especially when paranoid government agent Twilight Sparkle is on the "alien invaders" trail, bringing with her the full might of the Canterlot Royal Guard to destroy the giant.

Yes, I know I copied that from the back of the box. No, I don't care. Yes, I apologize if my writing of Southern accents is horrible. I'm so sorry.

And yes, the R63 names used are from On a Cross and Arrow. I like continuity.

Chapters (2)

While looking for cooking ingredients one day, Pinkie Pie discovers a strange barrel filled with something that looks like frosting. But looks can be deceiving, especially to such an oblivious pony...

A ridiculous idea that came up on the IRC chat one day.

Cover art by Grumbeerkopp on Deviant Art.

Chapters (1)

Sometimes you forget about the things you left alone when you move on to other things. Well, a certain chaotic figure forgot about a little prank he made some centuries ago and it ended messing up the lives of six ponies and six pro wrestlers. By messing up I mean, Discord's prank caused a body swap...but enough said.

What will happen to both the ponies and the wrestlers? Will things ever get back to normal? Find out 'cause, hilarity's a given.

Cover art credits goes to Hasbro (duh!) and this guy : kapaeme.deviantart.com

Chapters (5)