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  • Favourites 1418 stories - 1700 unread chapters
    Created by foxpaw
    - October, 2014
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This story is a sequel to Useless

Twilight has suffered for so long. I've seen her lose friends, her family, her innocence, and more from the war we had with humanity. Ever since the surrender, she has spent every waking moment trying to earn both her redemption as well as Equestria's for our sins against the humans. Now that she has finally done so, she is ready to rest at last.

I just wish it wasn't her final rest.

Based on The Conversion Bureau series.

Pre-read and edited by: Socks, Chaotic Note, and Biker Dash

Artwork done by Pedro Hander

Please Help Out The NegotiationsVerse TV Tropes Page

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Truth

This is the end.

I've lost everything. My home. My family. My friends. My pride.

Equestria. My Equestria is gone. The humans have won and have come to finish me and the others of the Freedom Fighters off. I'm going to die, but I'm not afraid.

I've been dead for a long time.

Based on The Conversion Bureau series.

Pre-read and edited by: Socks, Chaotic Note, and Biker Dash

Please Help Out The NegotiationsVerse TV Tropes Page

Chapters (1)

With Twilight Sparkle's coronation comes new dangers, not from the outside, but from within. To keep her safe, Princess Celestia is forced to turn to a single prisoner for help, Saber Alabaster, an assassin. If Saber can gain Twilight, and the new temperamental captain's trust then they just might survive what's coming.

All characters are Humanized.

Cover art: http://www.deviantart.com/art/Radan-the-rogue-483057845
Featured on: 9/26/16 HOLY SHITZ!

Chapters (17)

Slain by his best friend, Andrew Detmer finds himself thrust into a world of myths and legends made reality. How can he possibly maintain his apex predator mindset in a world with creatures the size of mountains, whose rulers are capable of moving the very heavens themselves, who can tear him asunder with but a glance if they so choose. He doesn't want to make enemies, but he isn't in a rush to make friends either. All he wants to do is what he wasn't able to accomplish on his own world. Travel. He wants to travel this new land, being the first and only human being in Equestria, he wants to make the most of his indefinite stay.

Cover art made by BlueKazenate, commissioned by me.

Chapters 1-7 proofread and edited by Pree Spunkables.

NOTE: Prerequisite knowledge of Chronicle the movie is recommended, but not entirely needed.


Chapters (25)

The Well of Eternity a place lost to time, is the birthplace of Equestria's various deities. King, a mortal man from Earth slips between the cracks that separate worlds. Landing in the unforgiving badlands of greater Equestria, he aimlessly wanders through the unforgiving terrain. Eventually enslaved by diamond dogs, for ten long years he labors under their cruel whips, eventually escaping his captors only to become lost in the depths of Equestria's vast underworld. Dying of thirst, the man spies the Well of Eternity and drinks his fill. Its waters more than quench his thirst; a metamorphosis occurs and changes him, for good or ill none can tell. What fate shall befall this man, the Great Slave King?

Book one of four, book two can be found at The Book of Water: The Marriage of the Slave King

TV Tropes Page: The Great Slave King: Special thanks goes to gentlereader Abstract Indigo

Cover art by PoisonSt.

Chapters (32)

Sometimes it's better to be judged by your actions rather than what you are; even if what you are is something never seen before.

But will actions be enough to overcome the fear of the unknown?

Transported to an unknown world for unknown reasons, one man will try to survive long enough to figure out if his lot in life has actually improved or if he was dealt another poor hand in the great game of life.

And considering where he came from, that would be saying a lot.

Featured on Jan 20th 2017. Thanks!

Chapters (7)

I woke up to a burning building coming down on top of me.

Oh yeah, that isn't even the half of it. There's these freaky Technicolor horses everywhere too and a few of them were dressed in golden armour.

They bound me, dragged me to the castle and hooked me up to some chains. Currently I'm being interrogated by a white unicorn... guard. Whatever it's called.

Well, it's not like it could get much worse, right?

Rated teen for suggestive situations and bad language


Found some cover art.

Sorry to whomever made this, but the source website was taken down or something, so I'm really not sure who to credit.

Finally found the name of the artist: Blaz Portenta

I got featured a couple times. Yeah, I'm surprised too.

Chapters (23)

Dark Flame is a young unicorn stallion who works as the local blacksmith and has protected his home village of Stonewall from constant dragon raids, earning him the title, Dragon Slayer. But when a dragon thought to be a myth attacks, Dark is left the lone survivor and loses consciousness during the fight against the mythical dragon. When he awakens, he finds himself in a hospital with a part of his memory missing, a few bodily changes, and six mares who have questions for him.

Now trying to rebuild his life, Dark will learn about his new body, try to regain his lost memories, and attempt to live a new life of peace apart from his old life of near constant fighting and survival. Though if only it were that easy. New friends will be made, secrets revealed, enemies both new, old, and supposedly dead will rise, a love will blossom, and a ghost from Dark's past will threaten to destroy what little left he holds dear to him.

This is my first fic, and any constructive criticism or advice would be appreciated in helping improve my writing, and in turn, the story itself.

Featured: 6/24/16:pinkiegasp:

Chapters (100)

Inspired by a conversation with Lord of Dorkness and Moongaze14, blame them.

After making a blind jump from the Nevernever, Harry Dresden ends up in Equestria, surrounded by attractive females; given his track record with the fairer sex this would be a terrifying proposal even if they weren’t obviously inhuman.

Now trapped until he can find a safe entrance back into the Nevernever, he must attempt to play nice with the local powers (all attractive females), explain his magic to the pre-eminent scholars in the field (all attractive females), and avoid the malevolent forces that seek to use his knowledge for their gain (all attractive females).

Chivalry, it can get a guy killed.

Takes place after Book 11 "Turn Coat" in the Dresden Files, and the beginning of season 3 and beyond.

Pre-readers are Lord of Dorkness, Moongaze14, and Appletank
Wlam (as of Chapter 3)

(Sex tag is for sexually charged situations; actual nookie may or may not happen and will include a ratings change)

Tags are: Anthro, Human, Crossover, Comedy, Adventure, Sex?

Character Tags will change with Arc

Featured 2nd Sept, 2016 - 5th Sept, 2016.

Chapters (4)

Nearly a century ago, he found himself in a world he recognized, one he dove into with an enthusiasm only an RPG lover could manage. But it wasn't everything he'd hoped, it wasn't a paradise. It was a prison. Now, after a desperate attempt to flee that empty world, he finds himself lost once again. Only now, he can feel the wind and the snow. He can feel hunger gnawing at his stomach. He feels the burn of every step he pushes his body to take.

Definitely worth it.

Chapters (4)