Favourites 1418 stories
  • Favourites 1418 stories - 1700 unread chapters
    Created by foxpaw
    - October, 2014
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Total Words: 63,841,230
Estimated Reading: 25 weeks



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It was a beatuiful day outside. Birds were singing, flowers were blooming, it was a perfect day to try out some new spells that the Ponyville librarian came up with. However the spell goes awry and causes a chain of events to take hold on their world.

Meanwhile on a planet far far away, a group of freedom fighters are trying to escape from their pursuers after a failed attempt at sabotage. One by one they are being captured until only one reamins standing, but even he eventually runs into a dead end. With no means of escape he prepares to fight until a blinding light envelops him and transports him to Equestria.

In a new and unfamiliar world, with no means of return, he must adapt to his environment. But how can someone of a violent nature like himself integrate into this new alien society? And will he ever learn the meaning of friendship?

Cover art done by the amazing xXAngeLuciferXx.

(Proof read by EMBER SPIRIT SHIELD from Chapter 12 onward)

Note: First of all, this will be my first long story, so any and all constructive critisim is welcomed.
Second, while the tag says human it is not technically a Human in Equestria.
Third, this takes place before Canterlot Wedding and will span across multiple seasons. Also I will may change a few things in future seasons.
Fourthly, I may add a gore tag, but only maybe, not 100% certain, and sex tag only for humor and suggestions (no clop though, sorry to all the cloppers).
Finally, this story will greatly revolve around Dragon Ball, but it's NOT a Dragon Ball crossover. By that I mean, Ki blasts exist, heavy paralels between Saiyans and the protagonist (protagonist is NOT a Saiyan though, just a lot like them) and, surprise, transformations.
Hope you enjoy :pinkiesmile:.

Chapters (48)

Long ago, the Seraphim granted power to the Doom Slayer that he might conquer the forces of Hell. The Doom Slayer has won, Hell lies defeated, and now he returns to the Seraphim's holy realm. His mission is not over though, he has promises to fulfill, rewards to collect, and as always, evil to defeat. Let those who would harm this sacred land tremble, for the Guardian of Equestria, has returned!

(This story now has two sequels: Legion and the novella Doom Slayer.)

Chapters (27)

Celestia, attempted conqueror of Earth stands atop a roof with nothing but herself for company. One year ago she failed to bring harmony to earth by way of the the Conversion Bureaus, and humanity has begun to reclaim what it lost. She has been punished for her genocide, though she wonders if her sentence was too lenient.

Written as a speed-writing exercise. Completed in about an hour, and it's unedited. It's just a concept I've had for a while and wanted to see what others thought of it.

Chapters (1)

Beings of renowned strength and power are made when man sought to harness the power of gods for themselves. However, these beings can not be controlled. In his hubris, man has created a hated enemy. Only one has the power to restore order in a world falling into chaos. He is no longer alone. This is his story.

(This is a crossover and humanized fanfic of Godzilla and MLP FIM. Cover art is done by me! A special thanks to ThePMB-Brony and Moongaze14 for helping me correct grammar errors and proof reading this fic.)

Chapters (76)

[Displaced] My Name was once Jack now it's Toshiro Hitsugaya.

I was attending an anime convention with my friends when I bought a replica of Captain Hitsugaya's sword, Hyourinmaru, from a shady merchant, and was transported to Equestria before the show began and made it my duty to protect the mane six from danger without them noticing me

Chapters (3)

After years of shame and ridicule, archaeologist and explorer Lyra Heartstrings stumbles across a discovery that validates all her theories and ideas in one fell swoop. Along with her best friend, Bon Bon, and her old classmate Cadance, they find themselves faced with a mystery and marvel that may change everything.

Following the next greatest lead found in the database of an ancient race, another international team is formed. Led by Doctors Carter and Jackson, they strike out to explore another network of Stargates discovered in a galaxy on the edge of the local cluster. In the process, their findings will cause them to question much of what they thought they knew.

The adventures continue and unlikely allies will face dangers new and old as the Legacy of the Ancients continue to unravel in the latest chapter of the universe.

[Co-written by Thunderclap and Shagohad12] Formerly co-written by Grey Cait. [Edited by: Lithl and m2pt5][Cover art: 1, 2 modified + vectors]
Now with a Russian reading by SviMik

Chapters (26)

Spike, banished from Ponyville for a crime he never committed, turned from his friends, he walks through the Everfree, were someone he never expected sent him on a new adventure and life.

He was called Spike, but now he will be the Dragon Assassin.

Note: kinda like an assassin's creed crossover

Assassin's creed belongs to Ubisoft
Mlp belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust

Chapters (15)

Falling into a volcano trying to impress people isn't very fun, and while it was quite hot for a very long time, eventually I actually started to feel a tad chilly, after a while though I blacked out, and woke up in a burning field, as a horse no less.

Featured 06/09/2016 (what did I do? How? I'm not this popular, if I knew this would happen I would have gone through and re-edited my grammar before I posted. Now I feel like a jerk.)

Featured 06/11/2016
Featured 3/26/2018
The editor is The Wind King
Proofreader is Nonameknight

Chapters (13)

(Disclaimer I do not own anything from My little pony or Pokemon this is for entertainment purposes only and the art for the cover image is not mine as well.) Editor: ItIsASillyLittleGame
The Princess had found a strange egg after Discord's first defeat and Celestia had no idea what to do with so checked to see if a friend would have better luck. Unknown to them Discord had caught a newly lost soul thinking to it might throw a spin into the world, scanning the beings memories before finding a new form that would create a good amount of interest. The Princesses have no idea of what could possible be in this kind of egg or if it would be dangerous or not. Will the being be a power of good in the already peaceful world or will it be a new evil that raises to end the reign of peace?

Chapters (11)

SPOILER!: This contains lore and what the Warframes really are. If you haven't played the Second Dream quest and don't want to be spoilt, do not read until you complete it.

My name is Karn, it's been over one-thousand years since I became a Tenno.

I've faced all sorts of horrors and challenges.
The grineer, a race of clones, seeking out others to stabilize their own DNA and hating anything or anyone not like them.
The corpus, a conglomeration of commercial and industrial interests, they acquire Orokin technologies and warframes to trade and sell using any means necessary.
The Infested, an ancient plague created by the Orokin to combat the 'Sentients' but has spread throughout the system.

Me and the new Tenno Greavus who uses the new Nekros warframe were sent to assassinate a grineer general, but Greavus struck a deal with the grineer and left me within the ship while the grineer tried to take my warframe for experimenting. Long story short, they failed.

I barely managed to escape to the void in an attempt to take down Greavus, but my Orbiter and Liset are damaged during flight.

My Orbiter exits the void right above a bright planet. With its engines down, the ship crashes right into a city on a mountain during an invasion.

I arm myself and leave the Orbiter, but for the first time in centuries, I'm not prepared for what greeted me... Small colourful equines.

Warframe/MLP crossover, image is my rhino warframe and the one used in the story.

Chapters (30)