Favourites 1418 stories
  • Favourites 1418 stories - 1700 unread chapters
    Created by foxpaw
    - October, 2014
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Two hundred years ago, Spike the dragon watched the mare he loved die in his arms. On that night, he swore vengeance, and he would not be denied.

Now he runs the most secret, most powerful military organization in the world.

It's not an easy job. One mistake could cost a life, and whole teams have gone missing in a single night. Yet still Spike continues his vigil, and still he pushes these ponies to fight and keep the world safe from its hidden threats.

Zombies, lycans, vampires, ghosts; it's simply too much for a team of ponies to handle.

But by Celestia, Silver Dust is going to try.

After all, when the Department of Supernatural and Paranormal Investigation calls, you are duty bound to answer.

Chapters (30)

This story is a sequel to Ending

People once believed that when someone dies, a crow carries their soul to the land of the dead. But sometimes, something so bad happens that a terrible sadness is carried with it and the soul can't rest. Then sometimes, just sometimes, the crow can bring that soul back to put the wrong things right.

EDIT: As of 08/18/2016, I changed the name of the fic from "Sin & Salvation" to "Red Sins."

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Drawn With the Night

Sequel to Drawn With the Night. Fancy Thunder and a small team go to Canterlot to fulfill a commission.
She decided to ask a few 'innocent' questions and toss a few stones in the placid waters to see what is stirred up. Specifically, how will the Princesses react to a pony who doesn't need them, and thus doesn't worship them?

A TV Tropes page

Chapters (5)

A human finds himself in Equestria under very unpleasant circumstances with no explanation.
His reaction: get the heck out of Dodge and start a new life where Equestria and her ponies can't reach him.
But an alicorn's reach is long and the events which brought him here and his treatment in Canterlot are not so easily forgotten by those who did it. How does one say 'go away' to an immortal goddess?

Yay! Featured, thank you all.
A TV Tropes page
Revised 08/31/14 for clarity and grammatical issues, no events changed. I am working on a sequel, but it will be from Fancy's POV.
P.S. Green is NOT Lyra. There are other green unicorns.

Chapters (1)

(This Fic has a sequel, or a continuation as you like.)

Have you ever imagined that one day you would wake up in a strange new world in an even stranger new body? Well I never have but it still happened and now I am running around in my OC’s body in a land I thought was nothing more than a silly children’s cartoon.

Well here I am…in the land where friendship is supposedly magic as an alicorn no less, staying with the two pegasi sisters while trying to make sense of my situation and keeping my whole alicorn appearance a secret…especially from the OTHER two alicorn’s. God knows what happens when these ponies find out what I really am...Both now and what i used to be.

Hopefully, one day…all of this will make sense and let’s just hope I don’t cause too much chaos while trying to find answers and trying to find a way back home.

(STORY GOT FEATURED IN 25/7/2016 :pinkiehappy:)

(This story was somewhat inspired by "The Third Roommate" and "Fleeting Flames" but will still have its own nature, style and obviously plot. Also big thank you to WrittenWord333 for helping me figure out the plot for this story.)

(Cover art by me.)

Chapters (27)

This story is a sequel to Deer Me: Black Snow

At ages twenty-four and twenty-two respectively, Stelimus and Copper Blossom have become the new king and queen of the Tundran Deer, but it isn't without difficulty. Not only is their inexperience in such an important position impactful, but also because Anglacite's venom still courses through the minds of the deer who refuse to acknowledge a union between deer and pony-song and the death of such an 'eternal' figure. Unfortunately, Stelimus' mother remains locked in the laboratories and Grimliss is the only one that can keep the order as an advisor. Without Grimliss, Stelimus fears what might happen to him and his 'queen'.

Things don't seem to get better when the god-king invites the rulers of Equestria, creating more tension amongst the deer. An unexpected and as-of-yet unknown group arrives at the same time, surprising everyone with one bit of information:

"We know what the Black Snow is."

Stelimus and Copper end up traveling over seas to a land untouched by pony and deer and touched by a miasmic aura bizarrely familiar by Stelimus.

Cover art by Mix-Up.

Chapters (28)

In the darkest moment of Twilight’s life, where all who she cared for have left her, a voice gives her comfort. It tells her that she is not weak, that she is not worthless, that they were foolish to ignore her. When she is offered power and knowledge that was denied of her, Twilight accepts and changes the fate of Equestria.

This story is going through revision and some editing, anything mentioning Nemoroth or Horus should be ignored.

Chapters (5)

Like ponies, changelings can get pretty paranoid at times. After all, it's not every day that a changeling gets kicked out of the hive for being a pony.

Chapters (1)

Long ago, a year after the imprisonment of Discord, a being of immense and terrible power appeared in Equestria. Locked behind the gates of Tartarus, the creature is thought to be forever trapped. Until now. Though it has taken more than a few centuries, he has finally managed to climb the dark pits of Tartarus, and escape the hellish prison. His name, is Ulquiorra.

AN: Tags will be added along the way, expect lots of explosions. First ever fic, mercy...
Special thanks to ponyclaws, who helped edit this fic, of which I am immeasurably grateful for.

Chapters (8)

Being brought out of prison is one thing. But to be brought out after 1000 years and to find your body has aged 10 years but your mind hasn't is a completely different thing.

Such a thing happened to a boy shrouded in a dark forgotten past who at just eight years old was trapped inside the Crystal Heart for a reason he doesn't remember.

Armed with a shard of the Crystal Heart in place of his own and an underaged mind will he be able to find out why he was brought back into reality, why he was trapped in the first place and what's changed about his body and the world around him.

Featured: 19/06/2014 (We did it guys :D )

Chapters (8)