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    Created by foxpaw
    - October, 2014
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This story is a sequel to The Assassination of Twilight Sparkle

A single life can affect so many others in such positive ways, but when it dies all are left to feel the aftermath. With the death of Princess Twilight Sparkle, assassinated at the hooves of both guards and nobles, a nation struggles to recover as the effects of her death are felt throughout Equestria.

The many lives that she had touched will never be the same. Each is their own story of their struggles, their sorrows, and their attempts to move on in the aftermath of tragedy.

(This story is complete!)


The one shot series sequel to The Assassination of Twilight Sparkle, that was inspired by the fanfic Ripples by BronyWriter.

Each chapter is about the other characters, outside of Celestia, who deal with the aftermath of Twilight's death in the first story. Some will be main characters, other minor, others OC. But all of them will be affected, all of them will mourn, and all will have to move on.

Feel free to add to the Assassination TV tropes page

Chapters (36)

I should have known something was up when I found an old Halloween costume in my closet from when I was six. I really should have known something was wrong when the costume actually fit.


Good thing Mewtwo is still one of my favorite Pokemon, because I am one, and this is most definitely not my world.

A Tale of the Displaced

April 8: Sorry all. Accidentally hit the Publish button on latest chapter before I was ready. Carry on.

April 9: Okay, the chapter Friendship Report is up for real now.

There are and will be crossover chapters with other Displaced authors and characters. Those chapters are meant to be fun, but I understand that some people do not like such crossovers. That is fine. The main story stands on its own: you can skip the crossover chapters without having to worry about missing anything important. Though I hope you will at least give those chapters a chance.

But please, do not comment solely to say how you dislike Displaced crossover chapters. It is not conducive, and it just spams the comments section with negativity. By all means, criticize my work, tell me what isn't working or what you think I could be done better, but please don't insult me by deriding my choices for my story. Any such comments made from here on out may be judged as spam and deleted.

Chapters (14)

This story is a sequel to Consequences

Flying is a lot like life. Keep beating your wings and hope not to hit something at terminal velocity. Being an Alicorn doesn’t make it any easier.

Especially when you are trying your best to keep it hidden.

Since the defeat of Tirek, Blank Page has been trying his best to keep his sudden case of Alicorn hidden from the general public.

Because honestly, who would want that much responsibility?

Coverart by Sipioc

Chapters (43)

The nobles of Canterlot are up to their old schemes again. Trying desperately to elevate themselves from mere nobles to that of royalty, the high council begins to pressure both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna into marriage. There is only one problem the two sisters face. As the law of old states, only a pony of nobility or foreign dignitary may be eligible to wed either of the princesses. The two sisters must now find a suitable candidate willing to adhere to the balance of power they had so desperately fought to maintain, or lose their right to rule.
Luckily, there seems to be a certain somebody that meets the strict criteria and who would also not abuse his position as royal consort to the Moon and Sun. Now, if only there was a way to convince him.

((I know I am terrible at writing synopsis, but please don't let that dissuade you from giving my story a chance. Rated T for light cussing, teasing, flirtatious mares, and provocative situations. May change later on depending on how I feel and the input from the readers.))

Update: I finally got a beautiful cover art for the story! It looks so freaking amazing and I am super happy with how it turned out. The artist is super talented and you should all go view her stuff and maybe even commission something from her! I literally can't justify how amazing this picture is!
Artist: Cotton
Thank you all so much for your feedback and support! Because of you all I was featured! *happy pony noises*

Chapters (12)

Eric Lancer has been stranded in Equestria for a few months now. After mysteriously appearing in the Everfree Forest, the human was forced to live with the fact that there was no way home. Taken in by Twilight Sparkle, all is well for the human as he tries to make friends with the local populace.
As it turns out, the locals of Ponyville aren't very friendly to an omnivore they know nothing about. Even the ponies he once called friends turn out to be manipulative xenophobes who are under strict orders from Princess Celestia to keep an eye on the untrustworthy human.
After learning of their true intentions, Eric leaves the town of Ponyville in the middle of the night. As it turns out, the human has a fate encounter that might just make his life worth living. And a certain mare might be along for the ride of her life.

Story is rated T for the following reasons: Flirting, mild/harsh language, mild violence, implied sexual situations, and pony x human relationship.
The story takes place after Season 3 of the show.

Update: Got a cover photo for the story! And I love it. It was drawn by the amazing Scarlet Heart. I will add a link to her DA. Go check her out, she is really good!

Featured: Yay!!! Featured in the featured box for like an hour probably, but I will take it! (2-22-17)

Chapters (3)

When a space pilot who's only ever awake from cryo-sleep to perform maintenance and mine resources crashes on an unknown planet, what's he to do? Do what he does best, mine, grind and weld! Then when reports that the planet's he's landed on is not only inhabited by a race of intelligent ponies but is in the last throes of it's life and is threatening to destabilize, everything becomes a race against the clock in order to not only save himself but maybe even the very species he's found himself surrounded by.

MLP/Space Engineers crossover.
Sunset went to the human realm and came back a few years later with Twilight, becoming Twilight's student after Twi's ascension.
Not expecting many chapters or many long chapters. (Hah! Apparently not so!)
Spent ten minutes on the Featured List: 09/30/16! I had evidence! (But it's gone now...)

Chapters (37)

I was one name Bill Cipher....and yes IT the name of the triangle from gravity fall my parents were an ass to me and name me after the guy. But that all chang as I was killed by the last thing I thought would happen....KILLED IN A BLIZZARD! NOW I'M GETTING ANOTHER CHANS AT LIFE THANK THE GUY OF MY GIVEN NAME!

Now I'm Hakkon Wintersbreath and I'm going to have a good time. >:)

Chapters (2)

There were many enemies that the Royal Sister defeated, and they ranged from pony-like creatures of shadows to spirits of divine power. Many pages of history were forgotten through time, and who knows how many enemies were defeated during the reign of the Royal Sisters or even before?

One of such long-forgotten enemies was Nicholas the Vampire King. While vampires are usually associated with lunar pegasi, also known as bat ponies, it is not true. Not completely true, at the very least.
Real vampires have long since become a part of ancient folklore. No one has seen them in thousands of years. History became legends, legends became myths, and myths turned into bedtime stories that no one takes seriously anymore.

However... Vampires still live. It is a matter of time before they come back. With the return of their king, how will the history go?

The story takes places after the Luna Eclipsed episode.
The editing for this story is provided by Shadows of Deity. He really helped me make this story more interesting!

Join the Discord to discuss the story and get to know other people who like my stories!

Support me on Patreon if you'd like!

Chapters (17)

My name was Mike. I was a simple teenager in a town. I had a decent life. Although, besides my family and friends, nothing really tied me to the world. I'm sure many of people have thought about it, but well it actually did happen to me. I was in fact placed on a different world, and let me tell you, its definitely not what you would be used to. I had no survival training, but luckily the world was inhabited, just not what I was used to.

Chapters (10)


Chapters (20)