Favourites 1418 stories
  • Favourites 1418 stories - 1701 unread chapters
    Created by foxpaw
    - October, 2014
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After hundreds of millennia, Alucard, Seras Victoria and, the newest Vampire of the three, Sir Integra Fairbrook Windgates Hellsing wake up in a world that is no longer habited by humans but by ponies, pegasi and unicorns. Now chaos ensues when the Mane Six find them since Integra wants to rebuild her organisation, Seras now wants to blow up most thing with her Harkonnen and Alucard is being, well, Alucard.

Oh, and somehow, Alexander Anderson and his two students are alive.

Based on the Hellsing Abridged series and Hellsing Ultimate, but with my own flare.
Please don't sue me I own nothing.

Chapters (6)

They tell me my memories are fake. They tell me my life isn't real. That I'm nothing more than a science experiment gone wrong. I can't accept that. I won't accept that. They trapped me in some sort of cell, where they study me. I will escape from here and find a way home. I am Jake Darrison, and I WILL find a way back to my family. Nothing will stop me, not these horses, not any magical monsters, NOTHING. I will be free.

Chapters (17)

When Fluttershy comes across a unknown creature, claiming to be a God, anything can happen... anything. Especially when you brother is the God of Chaos. PS: Image all the ponies as ss2sonic's images on DeviantArt.

Chapters (4)

What would happen if James get's sent to a world filled with technicolor-ed ponies by Discord & is transformed into one of his favorite Pokemon, a zoroark? Some good comedy & a little mischievous tricks. Will James be able to get back home or will he be stuck as a zoroark in Equestria for good.

Chapters (5)

Featured 6/7/2015 ~ 6/10/2015
Featured 9/9/15

(Was rewritten under orders from a moderator due to the infamous Dropbear incident, said it was a carbon-copy of his work but honestly how many times can you describe something and not have people say you copied them?)

Greetings...outsiders...my name is Skolas, Kell of Kells, the Rabid, the Wolf Kell. But to those that actually know who I am then my name is Ian, scrub lord in the department of game creation and sadly the newest resident to this new land called Equestria...sounds like a strange European band.

And so there I was with my friends from college, we decided after much debating, coin flipping and two rounds of roshambo to go dress up as the characters of the game Destiny. I decided to go as Skolas because one I like the color blue, two cause I like the way he looks and three because I think he is a total badass as my friends either dressed up as their guardians, Omnigul and for some reason that creepy guy that only appears on Fridays that takes your crappy strange coins.

It was during this convention that all five of us went to that something strange happened, with my wallet full of cash from my job I went out to look for a souvenir to bring home, what I was not expecting to see was a small booth with a strange looking merchant. Of course I just had to buy something and seeing how my large cape had a clasp I might as well take the one that looks just like it, strange thing about my new clasp is that it looks like a unicorn's head with wings coming out of it...must be a strange sigil of some kind, eh at least it matches the colors.

Now this would have made my day a whole lot better if it wasn't for the fact that once I put on my new cape clasp and pocketed my wallet did my head started to feel light and everything began to turn blurry before everything went bright and then black. I wake up to find myself in the middle of nowhere with snow going for miles in every single direction.

I hate my life so much sometimes...

Destiny Characters belong to the owners of Destiny.

Rated T-M for Strong Language, Violence, References, Crude Humor and if I feel like making it Rated M, Naughty Times.

Looking for any alternative cover-art if you are interested of hunting for one for me. IF you do find me one that can work then you will get your name placed into each chapter as the man/woman for finding me a new cover.

Crossovers with: None so far

Chapters (12)

Dan never thought that he would ever see his favorite villain in video-game history. Next thing he knows, he's the very being he admires! But life may not be that easy as he appears in an unfamiliar land. What adventures will he begin in this new land? Only time will tell. But Dan knows one thing for sure. He is Alduin, terror of the skies!

Hey everyone Prince_Zodiac here. I keep seeing these displaced stories all over the place and decided I would try my hand at it. Hope you like it!


Oh, and this story is now

Chapters (52)

Ok we all know this so just to get to the point, I love transformers. Like fall of Cybertron. So I went as a guy from the game and well lets just say it's big.
ten bucks(you) that you can guess who I'm am. Well, THIS IS WHAT I SAY "Metroplex heeds the call".

I know that this will come of no surprise to those who have been following this story but I'm not going to be picking it back up. My reasons are When I made this story my mind worked like this. Big open, large fight and then climatic end. After that, I had no god damn idea what to do next. I can think of these fights and big plot points easily but I can't fix up the plot in between. Second I don't have the drive to write anymore. I can think of great ideas for stories but I just can't put the ideas into stories. And last but not least I'm a terrible speller, most this story was done by an editor beforehand this was a piece of shit.

With that out of the way, I want to put this story up for adoption. If you want to pick up this story where I left off or make your own right from the start plz send me a PM so I can give people my blessings.

The story has been Adopted by Artimus_prime

Chapters (9)

Like most Displaced stories, Majin Buu was human once. Unlike most however, instead of getting on the wrong side of the princesses, Buu joined with them to protect the world from evil and to preserve Harmony, until a wicked sorcerer sealed him way. Now a thousand years later, Buu has returned but now he has the attention of a god, one that will not hesitate to destroy his home. Can Buu save his home, or will it wind up as stardust?

Edited by the ever amazing m2pt5

Hit popular story list on: 2/27/2015

Chapters (2)

It was the first time that I ever cosplayed.

Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, last I remember is a flash of light and suddenly I'm in Equestria.


But now I'm back... and that pretty white faker of a ruler is gonna pay...
for I



Edited by GS4

Chapters (2)

Princess Celestia finished the spell that would finally cleanse the Human Earth of its last inhabitants.

Deep within the forbidden Canterlot vault, the statue of a certain Draconequus vanished.

-- This is my response to a certain series of misanthropic TCB fics

Chapters (1)