Favourites 1418 stories
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    Created by foxpaw
    - October, 2014
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I don't know how long I have been asleep. It feels like ages. I can't remember who I once was but I know its not who I am now.

The Sun, Moon, Love, Chaos, and Harmony have avatars. I guess I am the World's.

I don't remember who I was but I know who I am.

I have had many names Neltharion the Earth-Warder, The Black Scourge, The Cataclysm, The World itself Given form, but you may call me....


A displaced tale. Co-written with CrossRedstone.

Chapters 1-2 Edited by m2pt5/Emtu, Chapter 3 and 12 Edited by Word Worthy

Note: Actual Deathwing is used

Chapters (11)

Lets never talk about this ever again

Three brothers go to a costume convection as the hedgehog trio. As you can guess they got what they deserve. Now in a world of techno colored ponies the three become who they are.'

We're Sonic Heroes

I thought we agreed never to call ourselves that!

Co-written with Jake Witt.

Chapters (2)

I hate being trapped here... I've been stuck in Tartarus for a thousand years with no visitors. Though that's not what bugs me.

What REALLY bugs me is that I don't know if my brother is alive.

I tried helping, I tried being the hero, and I tried saving ponies, yet failed. And because of that, I'm in here.

I'm not making the same mistake twice.

Another Displaced story. This one is about Lee/Venom's sister!

Chapters (8)

There are many dangerous things about the dark. For years I ruled the night, and my vampires drank on the blood of my enemies. Everyone was afraid of me, but yet I could never leave the confounds of my castle during the day.

Sometime after the defeat of my ally Discord, two princesses dared to challenge me and bring peace to the light, and the dark. I thought them foolish. I was wrong. The magic of the solar princess was reminiscent of the Ripple, which I feared, and with it they defeated me, sealing me in stone with the Elements of Harmony. The remnants of my army scattering like dust in the wind.

Hundreds of years later the spell holding me began to weaken, and now with Discord’s release, I am free. I’ve had years to plan my revenge against Equestria. I will tame the sun and be bound by it no longer.

I do not own Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure nor My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. This is made for purely entertainment purposes and not meant to infringe on any copyrights.

Chapters (4)

Words can hurt. Sometimes, that hurt is permanent.

One too many accidents results in a falling out between you and Rainbow Dash, the mare of your dreams, and your friendship with her lies on the brink of destruction. Twilight suggests a vacation to clear everyone's head. Could this be your last chance to make amends, or will you spend the rest of your life filled with regret?

Alternate Universe for wingless Princess Twilight. Might just change this out, because it's a pointless change, tbh. :)

This is a story I've been fantasizing about in my head for a while now. It's had some changes in its development for later chapters to make sense.

Story cover edited by me, original drawing by the lovely RatOfDrawn.

Chapters (14)

its been long since I was happy...long since I knew what I was fighting....long since I had family....long since I had friends....even longer since I've seen another GDI soldier..for all I know I am the last GDI soldier in the area. Two months ago a Scrin mothership's main gun malfunctioned causing a temporal rift in space and time. When the everyone calmed and settled. We set up a small outpost..two weeks later we spotted NOD three clicks from our base. Small skrimishs epruted only getting larger. That's when it happened it was around 12 at night when they struck. The so called inhabitants of the apparent new planet. They weren't humans, Scrin, or even mutants..but ponies. When they struck they stuck hard. Their Pegasus were too fast they demolished our firehawks even before they could get airborne. Now I'm the only one left. In a prison, my humanity draining from me little by little each day.


Chapters (9)

Spike the Dragon has lived in Ponyville for a few years. Everything was as close to perfect as perfect can be, until Spike was accused of a crime that he did not do. He was sentenced to be exiled from Ponyville effective immediately. The dragon could hardly believe his fate as all the ponies he had been friends with turned on him so quickly. Even the mane six turned at his pleas. Only the CMC stood up for Spike, but being still young, no one took their word seriously. Now Spike goes on a Journey for a new home.

Also my pal theMyth assisted with this story by contributing ideas and editing pieces.

Chapters (16)

Hi. If you're reading this it's most likely that you were also just out and about in the woods taking a stroll when you were suddenly taken off the beaten path. If that is the case and you're not just some monster that's wondering what this parchment is and if it can eat it, then please read on.

If you have continued reading and not eaten this then you've passed the test! Congratulations! Now I probably won't remember where I put this in the damn forest of Hell. I'll just begin by telling you two things.

One: You are not on Earth anymore. I found this out when I stumbled upon a dragon's cave. Yeah.... Not one of my best moments. Also two: I do know where we are. In the fuckin' magical land of Equestria. It was awesome when I just watched this at home, but now...I realize it's not some walk in the park happy, adventure time to have. It's a dangerous place where you don't know where Civilization is.

Anyway that's my two pieces of advice for you. I hope you can survive until I can actually see you. Good luck and godspeed.

This is a story about a guy names Mark Hampton that takes place at the beginning of the fifth season. He was just an ordinary brony. He liked the show, the people, and the stories. His life changed the one day he decided to go camping in the wilderness. Now he's stuck in the Everfree Forest surviving with skills and luck. May Celestia help his forsaken soul.

MLP is owned by Hasbro and Lauren Faust
All music used is owned by their respective bands

Chapters (10)

A woman named Marsara Semmeture goes to a store to get the final piece of her costume but gets sent to Equestria as a Zerg Broodmother.

I have been meaning to make this for a while now, and Bronyparasite got me to start making it as well as helping me by editing, so thanks a lot!

Unofficial tags: Displaced, StarCraft II spoilers.

Status: Undergoing massive editing.

Chapters (7)

Hey, my name is James and everything was going great for me. I had a nice job, great house, loving family and the bestest friends you could have, but it all changed when I went to comic-con dressed as the legendary purple dragon himself, Spyro.

There I was checking out the different booths when a man called 'The Merchant' came literally out of no where and tried to sell me a power crystal from the Spyro games. I hesitated at first, but the price was reasonable so I bought it, but right when I grabbed the crystal I started to feel dizzy and that's when everything went black.

Now here I am stuck on a strange world, not knowing if I am ever going to find a way back home. Did I mention that there are also technicolor ponies that may or may not try to kill me?

OMG!! Featured 6/21/15
Featurd 6/22/15
Featured 2/27/2018

The first installment of The Hybrid Multiverse

[Displaced Story]
(Under rewrite. Chapters will say remastered)
(Third-person and First-person Transitions)
All the characters and pictures belong to their respective owners please support the official release.

Chapters (37)