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    - October, 2014
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I believe introductions are in order:
I am or rather was Leon Ghost, a great engineer and family man with my loving wife Jasmine and my three kids, two sons and a daughter, but I'll give more detail on them in another time. I somehow ended up in another world, likely another universe entirely after buying an Eliacube replica from a strange looking merchant at comic con. I have become the character I was dress as which was Nox from Wakfu, but these days I am known as Nox(imilien) Chronos. I have been trapped in a time stasis for exactly 1126 years, 7 months, 2 weeks, 1 day, etc....being a wielder of time gives you a ridiculous ability to near perfectly keep track of any time. I was trapped because of these xenophobic ponies and their idiotic, hothead, paranoid, xenophobic rulers.
These ponies are also foolish, they believe me to be frozen forever and set me up like a trophy in a garden. How I was trapped is a story to be told at a later time. Soon I will be released and I will find my family, and I swear on the name of Xelor that I WILL be free and NO ONE will stop me this time. I went easy on them the first time trying to be the good guy or neutral guy by taking only enough wakfu so they wouldn't suffer any ill side effects.....I am a patience and fair man and they are really pushing my merciful limit.

Credit to Qweeli for the over art

Chapters (4)

A teen goes to a convention with some friends. Dressed in casual wear and walking around, he notices a small pink gem that looks oddly familiar... After buying it from the Merchant he blacks out, waking up in a strange location with blonde hair, orange skin, and a seriously bad case of dragon breath.

I got this idea while watching an old favorite of mine from Cartoon Network called 'Firebreather'. It's about the son of Kaiju King Beloc, Duncan Rosenblatt. Look it up or wait for the story to progress if you're not sure what kinda stuff he can do.

Planning to tie this in with my other Displaced story Promising Shadows.

Tags and such will be added as the story progresses.

Chapters (4)

Warning: Their are SPOILERS for Halo 4 in this story. READ AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION.
Halo 4 is owned by 343 Industries and Microsoft. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro.

The Didact was stopped and the Composer destroyed, but at what cost. Master Chief (Chief or John) would have given his own life for the human race, but in an act of valor Cortana sacrificed her last remnants to save John. Now with no AI. and no friend with him, he floats towards an unknown planet which looks like paradise. Soon he learn that friendship is already following him through fate, but will he accept?

Art by tr1gg3r117 on Deviantart.

Lines from Halo are used in this story. Don't hate! Just using something from the game.

Chapters (8)

Supreme Overlord of the Dominion of Equestria.
Wonderful title isn't it?
Capture the Country, Marry the Princess, Take over the world.
Sounds like an Adventure story doesn't it?
Well this is no story.
How do I know? Well I'm not stupid for one.
All those other dolts that came before fell into too many simple traps.
They're all so easy to avoid.
That's why I work to rule.
The rules.
The Rules of an Evil Overlord.

Chapters (84)

EqD page here

A 47 year-old man named Gregary is sent to the hospital and put into an artificial coma after collapsing in a store and sees himself being reborn in a beautiful winter wonderland to talking deer. Of course, he doesn't realize it, but he's born to one of the most important families there, and the Deer lands sit next to the Crystal Empire of the ponies, which Gregary is unaware of.

How unfortunate it is, then, that he already had developed hearing and the first thing that reaches him is the word 'betrothal'. 'Who are the unlucky ones', one would wonder.

Now he must live through the life of a young stag with many employees surrounding him and a village that looks like it's in Christmas all year. Strangely, the adults and elderly look at him with a disconcerting gaze. Is it because he doesn't act anything like them? Maybe he's too open to the idea of meeting other races. Who knows? This hallucination is likely to prove loaded with amusement, and Gregary intends to take advantage of it until it ends. Something forbidden stretches towards the northern lands, however, in search of their vengeance on one that yet lives and another that no longer is, and this might be the last time snow shines like a diamond.

Cover art by Mix-Up. Also here

Chapters (37)

Hello my name is, well was, Scott. I was just minding my own business, exploring FanExpo in a sweet SPD Shadow costume when I meet this suspicious looking vendor. He offers to sell me Cruger's Shadow Saber, the only thing missing from my costume, for $10. Then it all goes downhill.
First I get sucked into a world of multi-colored pony people, then I find out I've become a blue dog person(whatever race Cruger is), and finally I find out that there's another race of dog people who gives dog people a bad name.
At least I've got my tunes.

This is a Displaced Fic, please do not hate just because it is one, it is also my first.

Okay, news. On December 18, 2015, 11:35 AM, this got featured. I would like to thank all my faithful readers for this, and I hope this brings a new level of respect for not just me, but Displaced Fics in general.

Chapters (71)

Riku was a young boy with the curse of the beast. He had no control of the beast within him and was a test subject of a secret group. They performed tests on him until he couldn't move each day, but as the days past Riku got stronger. Soon he was taken to the same test chamber only to have a sample of his blood extracted and was taken to the portal room. When the portal was open Riku ran towards it only turning back to throw a metal plate at the portal control panel forcing it to shut down and collapse the moment he went through it.

Chapters (6)

With the mundane amount of space in the world around earth, a man named Craig is ripped from his reality and thrown into a new. As he ascends to the soil of equestria he is magically gifted by an unknown source to create or replicate anything from his worlds entertainment system on a whim. Grasping the reality that is now his home, he lives and follows his new found friends into endless adventures.

Chapters (26)

Two thousand and fifty three years.
Spike has been battling the eldritch horrors of timeless Ginungagap for over two millennia, yet even to this day, his shame remains gnawing at his very heart and mind. Until the day comes when he is told of the danger that threatens what is most precious to him.

To save what he loves, Spike shall face his shame once more, his will, determination and sanity stretched to their limits, as he will step into the Abyss of his own, personal hell.

As always Spike moves forward, ever forward, towards battle, death and hopefully redemption.

In life, shame.
In death, absolution.

Chapters (20)

Everyone has heard that the Everfree is not the safest place to be in at night, but for one lonely colt, the Everfree is his home and also his playground and school. Being banished to the moon is the worst punishment for anypony, but for a young colt like Nightshade, being banished to live the rest of his life in the Everfree Forest for a show and tell gone wrong, he wished his life was over. But he was wrong when he stumbled upon a crumbling old castle in the center of the forest, and the sweet voices in his head told him otherwise, now he is free, or so he thinks. 10 years later, he still lives in the same forest, in the same castle ruins, but with a new friend, and new companions that instead of trying to eat him, they protect him, a mystery he stopped trying to solve for 5 years, until when a certain young group of fillies get lost in his forest, and a group of ponies and their young dragon follow after them, Nightshade knows everything about that forest, he knows who enters and leaves his sanctum, but he doesn't know how much the outside world has changed, for the better and for the worst, his life will change, with vengeance and tears. His heart has already been turned to stone ever since his banishment, but can they heal his shattered heart, or will they end up fueling the fire of retribution without knowing it?

This Story takes from the beginning of the show going onwards.

My first fanfic, if it sucks just say it, if it doesn't than woot! I made something that popped in my head after a long thought while bored out of my mind.

I am back in business.

Chapters (21)