Favourites 1418 stories
  • Favourites 1418 stories - 1701 unread chapters
    Created by foxpaw
    - October, 2014
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Pinocchio wasn't the only wooden puppet to become a real person.

There are other puppets out there, animal-like beings controlled by quasi-intelligent trees. Ponies call them timberwolves and know them as nothing but beasts. But what happens if one of those beasts were to gain the intelligence and ambition of one of the most successful hunters in the universe, a human?

This story loosely shares continuity from Split Second: An Eternity Divided. Reading that is not required at all.

Has a Tv Tropes page.
Featured on EQD: 10/2/2015

Chapters (15)

Young police officer with unnaturally colored hair and eye, goes on his first patrol after finishing his training to become a Dog Handler. Due to some unexpected events, he along with his dog companion named Mischief, ends up in the land of Equestria, where he has a pleasure of meeting the race of colorful and friendly ponies. Now he must survive within society composed mostly of ponies as the only member of his species in this foreign world.

Which with his luck and talent for getting himself into trouble that always end up with him almost dying or at least with some major injuries, is kinda hard considering this peaceful world is also inhabited by gigantic monsters and power-crazed lunatics.

Hiatus until an unspecified (and probably non-existent) time in the future

(Featured: 16.03.2017)

Edited by FLUTTERGUY411
Edited chapters: 6/?

People who contributed by helping to find errors in the story through comments:
-A random person
-Amethyst Blade
-Hein des Nisseroi

Chapters (33)

WARNING! This is a terrible sequel to a terrible fic! DO NOT READ!

2 years after the events of Monster, Nightshade is a national hero, much like the mane 6 themselves. Lyra still hasn't forgiven herself for what she did, and Fluttershy is trying to cope with the loss. When Discord breaks out, what will happen to Equestria? How will the mane 6 react? And what does any of this have to do with our stone imprisoned hero?
Firebolt is a fan character, winner of the cover art contest, by virtue of being the only entry, even though I ended up making the art myself. By 'making' I mean novice photoshop using paint. The cover art for this story, I also stole images from the web, and paint shopped them, although I have to say for my nonexistent art skills, it looks pretty good.

Warning: This fic will contain heavy Fluttershy shipping, and some more innuendo (because we all had soooo much fun with that in the last story) but once again, NO SEX, It's in the side fic, Ascended 'Clop' The URL is below.


Chapters (30)


Nightshade, (OC, originally Davis) has a rather unique power, one that many with less than selfless intentions will give anything to get a hold of. He is on the run, and just when he appears to be caught, he finds himself in a new world entirely. Called a monster by his fellow humans, how will he fare in a world where ALL humans are considered as such? And can he stop the darkness within himself? An HiE story, no the main character will not be ponified, because then it would lose the whole point. Also my first fanfic, so commentary is appreciated. Mild Swearing, Gratuitous Violence, Rated T for Teen. I do not own any of the characters, except Davis because I made him up, and I really don't care if you use him in your fic or not just s long as you make sure to direct back here so everypony knows where he came from. All things pony related are the property of Hasbro (insert proper legal jargon here)

Chapters (35)

Genesect. a Pokemon desinged in the same veins as Mewtwo, yet, inexplicitly more awsome.

And I've become one.

All because I bought some floppy dissk that looked like one of its Drives off this man named the Merchent, and tryed to run it on my computer.

Chapters (3)

Officially archived. There will be no more updates to this story.

Set after Season 4, and everyone is aged up for the sake of the story.

Its been nearly a year since Spike decided to travel Equestria for himself on a road of self discovery. During his travels he comes across a dying changling begging for his help, Spike is led to a dying Queen Chrysalis. Spike chooses to help Chrysalis however he can, but what he doesn't know is that he has just began a journey to love and discovery.

Warning: This is my first story/fanfiction so be patient with me.

Note: No clop but descriptive/suggestive softcore scenes.

Chapters (18)

A Conversion Bureau Story

Whether it be clothed in a velvet glove, or by the iron hoof it covered, Princess Celestia forced ponification onto mankind, allowing no choice for the species. Only a scant hundred million escaped her law, out of a total of seven billion, whether it be by their own hand, the hoof of an unfortunate pony, or the three million who managed to escape to space in pods that would never make landfall even in the off-chance they would encounter a viable planet. She was confident that all of the apes that had ruined this planet of Earth were either surely dead, or her little ponies.

Millennia later, she would receive a strange visitor from the stars, one that held an agenda that she didn't agree with, but that she herself had given precedence for.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Livin' The Dream.

[there might be no mane 6 in this story by the way]

Who am I? or... what am I? am I even human anymore?

Have you ever wondered what defines a soul? well I hope you find the answer, i really do, and when you do, let me know, because I'm still searching for my soul...

Well, I've died thrice now, and it's not that enjoyable, I either expected eternal damnation or ascension, but no, I was given another chance, by... well we'll cross that bridge when we come to it, you'll know who he is VERY soon, no worries.

I have been given a third chance at life now, but where am I? what time is it? who am I? why am I asking you these things? just read the story.

(And to warn you my char is kind of a Mary Sue but he will still get his ass kicked and many other things which show that no matter how badass you are, things can go horribly wrong, so don't dislike because of that fact because I warned you.)

Chapters (13)

Stop me if you heard this before. Guy goes to costume convention as a fictional character. Guy or girl meets a merchant. Get a piece for there costume then goes to Equestria. Here's the thing the guy I am is already in Equestria. Its set in good read the story.

A displaced fic of different direction instead of the usual goes as something else for a change my little pony. Eric Smith went as a MLP character his favorite character. Got some hand made Elements of Disharmony and the rest his history.

Now he is Loki. Let the chaos flow!

Co-written with Thunderclap and our second story together.

Come on you know you want to

All art belongs to its owners.

Looking for a Editor.

Chapters (27)

This story is non-canon to the 'Your Human and You'-Verse, as created by MadMaxtheBlack. Any and all copyrights belong to their respective owners. The artwork is not mine either.

1247 years ago, I was sent to this hellhole of a planet by that Merchant bastard, simply because I wouldn't be his little puppet. From there, though, I was made into a puppet hunter for that amalgamation of chaos, killing any who opposed him until the Princesses turned me into stone with the Elements, freeing me from his manipulations in the process.

However, that does not excuse them for what they did!

Now that I am free, though, I promise this: I will restore mankind to how it should be, and bring forth an era that the ponies couldn't even dream of.

For I am the Messiah, and the God of Destruction.

My name is Randy M. Ageddon, and I. AM. OMEGA!!!

Crossover with the Megaman Zero Series.
This fic is a Displaced fic.
Based on Your Human and You, with permission from MadMaxtheBlack.

Chapters (1)