Favourites 1418 stories
  • Favourites 1418 stories - 1700 unread chapters
    Created by foxpaw
    - October, 2014
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Total Words: 63,853,465
Estimated Reading: 25 weeks



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Stink Beatle, or drone 007, was a changeling of the Badlands Hive! Well, was, you see, his Queen is an idiot and a bit of a psycho. So instead of partaking in a stupid idea, like invading the capital of the strongest nation that Equus has ever seen, he left the Hive to live amongst ponies in peace… Yeah no, that didn’t happen either. He somehow winds up in Canterlot shortly after the invasion… In the castle, under a Princess’s wing.

Doesn’t this just put a hole in your leg?

Chapters (20)

This story is a sequel to Before the Night

A sequel to Before the Night. Bald Ostrich, consort and coltfriend to Princess Luna before her banishment, finds himself in modern day Equestria. Will the Royal Sisters remember him? Will adjusting to modern, Equestrian life be difficult for somepony who was once not a pony? This, is Dawn of a New Day

Chapters (8)

Bald Ostrich, was once a human. Now he’s a pegasus, in a land that looks eerily like medieval Europe. Will he find a way home? Will he even survive past a week? How will becoming the consort of the Princess of Night go?

And why is the Day Princess so wary of him? Also some old guy with a Beard is a massive asshole. What a dick.

Now it has a sequel

Chapters (9)

Jonathan was a human. That is until he woke up as a pony, in Canterlot. A magical alicorn pony... He is not particularly happy about that last one.

Description edited June 7, 2024.
Expect very slow updates. Might have an editor now. Will likely edit and modify old chapters slightly, but not to the extent of neglecting new content.

Story was almost cancelled, but then I realised that I still wanted to keep writing just a little further.
Just some forewarning though. This story is not for everyone. It is a slow-burn slice-of-life which lacks much serious threat. There is no big villain, and the storyline progresses quite slowly and you may get bored.
I am still new-ish to writing, so the writing quality (especially surrounding characters and dialogue) may leave something to be desired.

A story about someone with limited knowledge of the show, (basic facts on a small scale, no timeline stuff) wakes up as an alicorn (early-teen) in Canterlot. He is not happy about this fact.

General info:
No, they do not have OP alicorn powers. Yes, he is sort-of a foal, but not of baby age and this will not affect his personality or emotional-capacity in any way.
Gender swapping? No, I asked in the comments, people want a male alicorn.
Will this impact my other story (Clouds)? Probably, depends on if people want me to continue it or not.

Rating was changed from [E] to [T]. Don't expect content to change too much, it's mostly a precaution, but I will try to keep the story as close to [E] as I can for now. Change was made after Ch:11.

Tags will be updated with story.

Chapters (12)

Jacob Irving is not your average human. He's not popular, impoverished, and devoid of purpose. Seeking an escape from his life, he stumbles upon a hole that unexpectedly transports him to Equestria. Since he no longer calls himself Jacob Irving, he calls himself by a name he used to go by.

Featured on 08/22/2023 (LET'S GO!!)
Featured on 12/25/2023 (GREAT CHRISTMAS PRESENT!!)

Chapters (17)

A college student who has everything go right in his life going for him. Sure the past few years have been hard with dealing with the disappearance of his oldest brother, later pronounced dead. Then a few months ago his other older brother up and vanished as well. With no current leads, he decides to continue looking for his brother in his spare time while also continuing on the path to becoming an astronomer. On his way home stop at his local comic shop and after buying a set of anime DVDs his oldest brother had recommended he is thrust into an all-new world of magical technicolor anthro ponies.

Featured at number 9 on 03/10/2021

Chapters (27)

This story is a sequel to A Very Batty Hearth's Warming

The small village of Nocturnis is growing, things are peaceful, the magical dome to protect the town is close to completion, the train is once more working to connect to the rest of Equestria and Princess Luna is coming to visit. Things are looking good for Prince Page!

He really should have known better than that.

Cover image by DALL-E AI.

Chapters (68)

Monster of the River Ván, Fame-wolf, Bringer of Hlín’s Second Sorrow, Devourer of the Allfather…

After killing Odin, Fenrir himself is slain by the Allfather's son Víðarr, his jaws torn apart and his heart impaled by the silent god's blade. Despite this, he dies content in the knowledge that he ate old One-Eye.

Death, however, is not final.

Awakening in an unfamiliar forest, Fenrir discovers that he has been reincarnated, appearing once more as a wolf pup and now living in a strange world filled with...sentient ponies? Between navigating his way through a brand new realm and reclaiming his independence, Fenrir embarks on a journey of redemption and self-discovery as he comes to terms with his dark past and confronts his greatest fear: a bright new future.

*Inspired by Norse Mythology (hence the "crossover" tag)

Cover art by Throwmeafreakingbone (aka, "Me")


Chapters (29)

Schwab is a young adult who had died via car accident. While in Heaven, he meets a spirit that claims to be from another world called Equestria where ponies rule, as well as other mythical creatures.
She says she can reincarnate him as any creature he desires to be reborn in the magical land, and he chooses to be a dragon. (Cause everyone I know has made a alicorn OC. And also who doesn't like dragons?)
So he is reborn, but just like Earth, he will have to face many challenges both mentally, and physically, but can friendship help him overcome those challenges?

Chapters (6)

Discord knows many things, has powers that can make heads flip and worlds turn upside down with a snap of his fingers, but if he's turned to stone again if Twilight can break her friends free from his influence, he was going to need an heir. Before his secondary loss, which he knew would eventually be inevitable, he chooses someone from another world, a young man named Charles, to take his stead and be the next Lord of Chaos. But with a new life comes a new body, and it's hard to be a menacing, chaotic deity when you're turned into a young draconequus colt.

This is a story requested by LordOfChoas.

Chapters (7)