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Twilight has seen and learned a lot about Celestia. Little too much for her own liking sometimes.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Tantabus, Mk. II

The new and improved Tantabus has behaved itself thus far, but Luna has delayed telling Celestia about it. Until one night when it jumps into Celestia's dreams to say hi and inadvertently reveals itself. Luna must now introduce Celestia to her little bundle of self-aware psychic dream energy sooner than she imagined.

Chapters (1)

After more than a thousand years of comfortably occupying the throne, Celestia has more than a few enemies. Every month, they gather to plot her downfall and commiserate over their past failures. For those fed up with the status quo and ready to see a change, the E.O.P. has ever been a home and respite against the slings and arrows of dull, predictable government.

Today, a new pony joins their ranks.

Equestrian Political Satire- Be warned! There will be discussions, debate, civil disagreement, and beer. Sweet mercy, there will be beer.

Cover art by our beloved iisaw.

Spanish translation by Spaniard-Kiwi

Chapters (1)

Spike writes a letter to anyone in particular, in hopes of it reaching his dear friends someday, in it he talks about his memories, promises and motives that lead him to become what today is for his friends and what he wishes to accomplish.

*If you are feeling generous you can buy me a Ko-Fi!!

*Set years after the end of Season 4*

Chapters (2)

Quite simple really, Celestia takes a moment to think about what she will do and what she must do in order to preserve her little scaly ball of love in the future, nevertheless, it all comes down to one simple and true answer.

*If you are feeling generous you can buy me a Ko-Fi!!

*One-Shot Momlestia Fic* if you don't like it skip it!

Chapters (2)

Starlight has been wanting to ask Spike something for months. Now, with the two of them alone in the castle, she's gathered the courage to ask him once and for all.

*Short One-shot I wrote in spanish months ago and forgot about it. Found it and decided to translate it and expand it a little bit. Enjoy*

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to That Changeling's a Pony!

Maxilla is an exiled changeling who resides in Baltimare and writes stories for a living. Life’s pretty normal and pony-like for her, until she’s visited by a very unusual fan who just won’t leave her alone.

Chapters (1)

The Friendship Summit preparations have gone on without a hitch, thanks to ‘Princess’ Spike’s initiative and resourcefulness. He still has to deal with Twilight’s disapproval, though.

Chapters (1)

The changelings never asked to metamorphose into completely new bodies, but it happened anyway, and they will never change back to what they were. For some, this is one of the most horrific things to happen to their species. For others, it's one of the most awesome.

Chapters (1)

Drone 319, Queen Chrysalis's top spy in Ponyville, finds himself hovering over Ciderfest tied to a balloon. Why? He doesn't know. When asked what he's doing, he says the first thing that comes to mind to keep his cover.

"I'm a Zeppelin."

Picture art https://derpibooru.org/301934

[Featured 11/11-17/2016 :yay:]

(Now with audio reading https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqaOKuSnH1I&feature=youtu.be)

Chapters (1)