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  • Featured 23595 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

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After ascending to Princesshood, Twilight decides that it's time to really take the notion of "A Sound Mind in a Sound Body" to heart. She has the "Sound Mind" bit down (mostly), but years of sitting inside hunched over a book has given her quite a bit of ground to make up on the "Sound Body" front.

Fortunately, she has an athletic friend to help her out.

Chapters (1)

Meet Pat the changeling. He's in Ponyville on an exchange programme to further pony-changeling relationships.

Based on the small changeling that appeared briefly in Slice of Life.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Fear Me, for My Name is Twaith!

As this is more an origin story for a character in Twaith, reading that first is not necessary.

Fluttershy believes Applejack is one of the best ponies in the world, and why not? Your sister should always be one you love. One look at them though, and you know it's not by blood, so how did they become sisters?

Thank you to ROTII for the cover art!

Thank you to Foals Errand for prereading, and Ocean Stardust for editing!

Chapters (1)

A/N: now with voice reading by "TheCaptainSand". Listen to his wonderfully dulcet british tones and his hilarious Applejack impression here. Thanks again, Cap!

Due to slightly contrived circumstances, Maud Pie becomes Equestria's fifth, newest (*cough* best *cough*) alicorn princess. Inducted, she will face the most dangerous, diabolical threat anypony has ever devised:

The legal system.

Will she be as stoic as ever? Will she be able to handle the crushing paperwork? Will Pinkie get to plan her coronation party?! Only one thing is for certain:


Many, many rocks.

Oh, and an attempted assassination and eventual plot to take over the world as we know it.

But mostly rocks.


Just a little something I came up with. I apologize if it has errors, i haven't had much time to edit. I did fix it up as best as I could, though.

Hope you laugh! (If not, I apologize. Maud comedy is kind of hard to write, considering that... y'know. She's Maud.)

EDIT: Featured 10/9! My second featured story, and it only took me 8 months to do it! WOO-HOO!

EDIT 2: Holy crap. as of 10/21, my story is so popular that is in the realm of being in the featured box every time it gets updated. Can't thank you guys enough, cliche as it sounds.

Chapters (15)

We all know Fluttershy, a yellow Pegasus pony hailing from Cloudsdale, shy as a fly friend to all animals and practically kindness incarnate. However, the world can be deceiving, what if Fluttershy was not pony but a rare creature called a changeling queen? What would this mean for Equestria and Fluttershy's friends and who else will be drawn in to the fray in this story of the lost and the forgotten?

cover art by "The-Clockwork-Crow" on deviantart

Chapters (9)

Quiet mornings before school starts can be lonely, but peaceful. For some people, they're a good time to just breathe and prepare themselves for the day ahead. Fluttershy and Adagio Dazzle find themselves doing this in the same place at the same time, in their own ways.

Based on a picture that was a little too big to be the cover art, but cute enough to inspire some shipping anyway. :raritystarry:

Now comes with actual cover art courtesy of SkycatcherEquestria!

Comments may contain spoilers!

Now comes with Trope page!

Chapters (59)

Luna, still a bit unhappy at Celestia for banishing her to the moon for a thousand years, wants to have a small, tiny taste of vengeance. To be exact, she wants to send Celestia to the Sun.

So what is Luna going to do first?

Ask Celestia for permission, of course. Complications eventually occur.

Cover art by: drawcreator

Proofread by: The Daring Cookie

EDIT: Featured on 06/08/2015! Thank you all!

EDIT 2: Now with a dramatic reading by the awesome Wander MD! Link to reading

EDIT 3: Big thanks to Constantoine for providing a French translation! Link to French version

Chapters (1)

This is a story about Diamond Tiara. In it she will turn over a new leaf, make new friends, keep her old one, face past issues, and fall for a certain red headed filly. If that's something you want to read, then look no further!

Canon Divergeance - Takes place right after the episode "One Bad Apple"

Chapters (3)

Tired, cold and hungry, the Dazzlings look to their last remaining hope and ask if Sunset Shimmer can put up with them for the night. There is one problem, it's late at night and Sunset is not pleased to be awake.

Takes place two days after Rainbow Rocks.

Credit for the image goes to 0bluse.

Chapters (1)

Twenty-five moons ago, an accident unleashed billions of nanoscopic machines called Nanites, which spread to every corner of the globe and infected every living thing.

Most of the Nanites are inactive. A lot of them aren't.

When Nanites go active, their host organisms mutate unpredictably, becoming dangerous creatures called EVOs. Some EVOs have control over their powers. Some remain intelligent. Some even just want to be left alone.

Some have more sinister goals.

And then there's the outsider. One teenage girl who is, in reality, a unicorn exiled from another dimension. Having turned her back on Equestria and fled through the mirror at almost the exact same time as the Event, Sunset Shimmer has become the most extraordinary, unusual EVO of all...

...and she has the power to cure EVOs.

But will a self-centered, power-hungry, arrogant former unicorn really save a human race she doesn't care anything about?

Adapted from Generator Rex by Man of Action.

(Cover art is temporary; permanent cover art coming later...)

Chapters (2)