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The Elements of Harmony were unleashed against Nightmare Moon in a climactic clash, as was predicted a thousand years ago. With Nightmare banished and Princess Luna restored, life in Equestria is fairytale perfect. But just what was the relationship between Luna and Nightmare Moon? Was it as simple as the old books portray, or was there something deeper going on?

When Luna joins her sister in Canterlot Castle truths will need to be revealed, and the shadows of history rolled back. Sisterly harmony will be at stake, and trust will be tested in the aftermath of the return of the mare in the moon.

My first fic. If it ain't obvious as you read along, I am not a pro caliber writer, although I do try for proper grammar, spelling and the like. I will add chapters as work/life/free time permits me.

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to Luna's Protégé

Growing up is an adventure. Especially when it takes place under the tutelage of Princess Luna! Under her care, Twilight, Trixie, and Sunset are now friends. However, they're not quite PBFFs, yet. And since they've barely begun being Luna's Protégées, there's still a great deal left for them to learn.

Naturally, since they're still fillies, there will be some missteps, mistakes, and even the odd problem or two along the way. But, it's nothing they can't handle, as long as they have each other!

Direct sequel to Luna's Protégé
Set in the Trio-verse.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Luna's Protégé

'Or through Midnight's Radiance, the Sun extracts obedience.'

Things are looking up for Sunset Shimmer.
She's been a proud student of Princess Luna for over twelve years, has the best friends a pony could ask for, a young dragon she cares for dearly, and ambitions on the cusp of completion.
And even better, it looks like everypony will be spending the Winter Solstice together! Assuming of course, that Celestia's return doesn't end up ruining everything...

Distant sequel to Luna's Protégé
Thanks to Cloureed again for the cover!
Set in the Trio-verse.

Chapters (6)

After the Battle of the Bands, a new threat makes itself known in the human world. The problem is, when the creature you need to defeat gains power from the magic of love and friendship, how do you defeat it? The answer seems simple enough: use the power of negative energy.

The only ones who can use the power of negative energy? The Dazzlings.

Oh, dear.

7/7/2016: Now with cover art designed by the very generous Novel-Idea! Thank you so much!

Chapters (5)

Anypony would have laughed if you'd told them that Discord was flirting with Twilight Sparkle a few weeks ago. She'd never give him a chance, right?
Well, once his spectacularly obvious advances on her commence, Equestria is shocked; she isn't out right rejecting him. In fact, she may even be interested.

WARNING: The dark tag is for a reason. Ye be warned. :pinkiecrazy:
[Other] tag is to accommodate additional characters.

EDIT: Featured 10/22/14! Thank you so much! I didn't expect this to happen at all.

The wonderful people who edit and proofread my story ^^

Chapters (9)

Doomie, like most of his brothers, hasn't eaten in a while.
So, when a random pink pony asks for him to "do her"
and intercourse love is the tastiest kind of love out there,
and the pony herself looks pretty pretty:
How could he refuse?

Author's diary: DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAR diary. There is not enough Doomie pie fanfics out there....That is all.

Chapters (14)

Being the Princess of Equestria is busy work. Luna would know. She raises the sun and moon everyday, looks over the dreams of her beloved subjects, and, well, runs Equestria. Now, in addition to all that, she must find herself a protégé, before her sister's banishment ends!

But, that isn't the problem. The problem, is that three particular fillies stand out for the role!

Who will she choose? Can these three fillies become friends? Who will become Equestria's future savior!?

I guess you'll have to read to find out~!

First story of the Trio-verse.
Cover Art commissioned by Cloureed. Thanks again~!
Also want to thank Izanagi for the help with editing!

Chapters (5)

My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I am a wraith.

A comment driven story following an alternate universe where Twilight is hundreds of years old, Sunset stayed Celestia's pupil, and everyone has the hots for Twaith. Okay, almost everyone. Lets see where this goes!

Teen Sex because of expectations of the internet... and myself.

Join the Twaithverse here!

Thank you to TheStarsOfPines for the current cover art.

Here is the original, confusing, cover art.
Here is the second cover art that had been used.
The third! Done by the same as the current.

Chapters (54)

When Angel returns from picking carrots, Fluttershy finds him to be more responsible and willing to be helpful without being asked. Her mood goes from delighted to confused when they are confronted by another "Angel"

Picture done by DA Artist Xyotic

Chapters (4)

Fluttershy Has a Secret, and has put off telling her friends about it for a very long time... But after there bonding/terrifying experience in the Ruins of the Royal Pony Sister's castle, she feels it is Finally time to Share Her deepest Secret with them.... But remains worried they will shun her...

The Results.. are not as she Expected.

Edit: Special Thanks to Phoenix Avalon for going over the Fic and fixing it all up nice and tidy! :rainbowkiss:

Chapters (2)