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There was only one explanation. For all of it. All of the strange, erratic behavior. Her irrational fear of the sun. Her nocturnal habits of locking herself in in the dark and closing all the blinds. Wearing her sunglasses everywhere, even inside! It was time to invest in some silver, garlic, and a wooden stake.

Chapters (25)

Stalwart Drone has been a Night Guard for a little over two years, and now he's being reassigned to the Crystal Empire, forced to leave his home and his talent behind only to have to readjust to living up in the frozen north.

Ruby Swift, conversely, has been in Equestria for most of her life, and recently she's taken a... darker look on life.

Forced to live in the same house as one another, the unlikely duo are going to have to live with what they fear.
At least, for now anyway.

Cover image can be viewed in its full resolution by clicking on it (or right-clicking and opening it in a new tab.) Spent a couple days working on it and I'll be uploading it to my DeviantArt gallery soon.

Chapters (5)

Principal Celestia has accidentally fallen through the mirror into Equestria, and it may be a bit before she can go home. Until then, she has to learn to cope with a strange world, in a strange body.

At the same time, Twilight has to figure out how she can help her new guest while keeping Equestria from freaking out over the presence of a second Celestia, and Sunset Shimmer has to figure out how she is going to make amends with those she had left behind in Equestria, while keeping an eye on her Principal.

Disclaimer: Since I wrote this description ages ago before I even knew the plot, the story is mostly pure comedy in the beginning, with eventual Sunlight and Chryslestia shipping!

Cover image by Arvaus, used with permission.

Chapters (22)

Emerald is the typical Changeling Hatchling; curious, friendly, loving, and full of mischief. She wants to be important in the Swarm, but when she can't take the role she wants to play, she decides to leave. A choice that starts to bring up strange memories... Memories of playing outside with ponies....

Chapters (7)

“Because an illusion is an illusion. Reality always exists despite the facade." - Kasie West

On this particular day, in this particular time, a stain braves the winds of the Equestrian North. Despite her impending death, she stands strong. That is, until the facade breaks...

Chapters (2)

When Queen Chrysalis was defeated, she was blasted to the inhospitable Badlands. Separated from her army and starving for lack of love, Chrysalis is rescued by an unknowing pony who points her in the direction of the nearest town: Ponyville. As the battle-worn queen treks to the small town, she decides that she is tired of fighting a losing battle and would rather just settle down and live a normal life. But old grudges don't just lay down and die, and Chrysalis somehow managed to choose the one town home to all six of the ponies responsible for her downfall.

Chapters (5)

Twilight Sparkle gets the chance of researching and questioning the first live specimen of a changeling since the Canterlot invasion three years ago.
Twilight goes in with a scientific mind and wants to figure out everything about these evil bugs, as clearly they have shown themselves to be nothing but cruel in the past. However, in an attempt to find a cruel primitive being, she instead finds something she did not expect.
A teacher.

Story Tags and notes: There is going to be no explicit sex in this story, but gender, sex, and general reproduction will be a subject, as well as love, affection, morality, society and any other subjects that boggles my mind.
This story is something I made out of a combination of my own headcanon for changelings, and with my frustration, yet love, for philosophy, which I study at writing moment at university. This story will have slow updates, but I will work on it. This is as much a work for me, as it is for you.
I hope you´ll enjoy.

Chapters (3)

Featured 9/12/13. You guys are awesome!

Queen Chrysalis and Princess Jade are worried. Equestria, and the planet Sol, are about to be plunged into a chaos the likes of which have not been seen since the War of the Sun and the Moon almost a thousand years ago. The problem is, the changelings are the only ones who know it is coming. The second problem is, every other race despises the changelings, viewing them as a lesser race. So Chrysalis and her sister hatch a desperate plan: To infiltrate the rankings of Equestria and gain their trust, so that the ponies might once again trust the Peacekeepers of old. Should Princess Jade fail... everything will be plunged into darkness and madness.

Chapters (1)

Applejack is frustrated. After Canterlot, she can't hardly get into the city anymore. With all of the added security, she isn't sure how much longer she can keep her secret. As if that wasn't bad enough, she needs to see Princess Celestia about saving her failing crops. Suddenly frustrated doesn't seem accurate anymore...

Cover Art by Conicer

Chapters (2)

Star Watcher was an ordinary unicorn living in Canterlot. Three nights after the Changeling Invasion, he is kidnapped and turned into a Changeling. Meanwhile, The Changeling Hive is on the brink of starvation after the failed Canterlot Invasion. One of the Hive's own members turns against them, forcing more Changelings to go abroad in order to survive.

Cover Art by Shady Dark

Chapters (25)