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"It's no secret that Applejack and I are really cool friends, but nopony really knows how I feel about her. Her awesome blonde hair, those powerful legs that won't quit, that amazing smile, all wrapped up underneath her trademark cowpony hat.

Urgh! I've had it! I've just gotta tell her how she makes me feel!

I just hope she takes me seriously for once..."
Holy cow, this totally got featured! Apparently you people really like Appledash and scenes with Rainbow letting her guard down. Thank you all for reading, rating, commenting, or all of the above!

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo has a secret. One that she's been hiding her whole life, and after the royal wedding has no choice but to share.

Apple Bloom has a secret. One that she's been hiding for six months, and is still terrified of.

Sweetie Belle has a secret. One that she's been hiding for... well, she doesn't know how long, and is looking for answers to.

So what happens when three not-ponies find out their friends aren't ponies either?

Well, one thing's for certain: they're going to have to come up with a new name for their club. Hopefully one better than the title.

Cover by Crimsion Ink

First few chapters edited by metallusionsismagic, AppleTank, and the last few chapters edited by Crocoshark, Bahamuttone

Featured May 30, 2015!

Chapters (26)

Luna has been wanting to have her own personal guard for a long time, and at long last she finally has one. But maybe she should have thought more before choosing her guard. Now she has to deal with what comes next.

A fair amount of sexual references. Just so you know.

OMG-FEATURED!!! =[^-^]= -1/08/2015
-1/11/2015 (Why is it always on the first?)

Chapters (10)

Months after Chrysalis's attack on Canterlot, Twilight and her friends are turned into changelings. And not just any changelings. Royal changelings. Royal changelings who've now inherited what's left of Chrysalis's swarm.

The cover was suggested by a friend and was made by 0ravensrequiem0

Chapters (11)

When Aurora Dash and Pinkie Pie discover their shared love of pranks, they decide to spend the day pranking their friends and neighbours in Ponyville. Over the course of the day, they learn new things about one another, and learn to see each other in a new light.


The story is set in the world of Miss Pie's Monsters, by the talented Heir of Rick. If you have not been lucky enough to browse through it yet, I strongly encourage you to do so. He thought he could keep his alternate universe ship-free, but I'll show him!

Chapters (1)

Jacob doesn't consider himself a special individual. Average, maybe. Intellectual? far from such. He has show interest in history in the past, though. So when he winds up in Equestria through an ancient ruin that still contained a fifty thousand year old magical charge, he becomes very interested in history. He decides to look more into Equestria's past, the time before the ponies arrived there.

Luckily, he won't be doing it alone. The Princess of the Night has shown a recent interest in history as well, and together the two explore ancient relics from Equestria's past.

When they find something during the exploration of an ancient buried chamber though, everything changes for both of them.

Warning: It contains vore.

Inspired by the cover art, which was created by PegaSUS on Derpibooru. All credit of the image goes to them, and you should totally check them out. :3

Chapters (2)

When Discord revealed the Blue Flu to be a big fib, everypony thought that that was water under the bridge. Little did they know that he needed the tea for another reason. To turn Princess Celestia's life upside down. The princess has been made into a Tatzlpony, and now it's her duty to not only hide it from her ponies at large to avoid mass panic, but to try and learn to live with her new habits and urges. Will she ever be the same? Will her ponies ever quit being so specist? Will Discord get whats coming to him? Who knows!

Chapters (4)

After taking a school psychological test, The Dazzlings are split up by powers that they no longer have control of: School Policy. As a result of Adagio's scheme, Sonata finds herself in a new class without her friends...

Previously owned by Paton Pendeng

Chapters (2)

Rainbow Dash develops an acquired taste.

At least, that's what everyone thinks.

Chapters (2)

Den is a pegasus vice captain of the Equestrian Royal Guard. Echo is a high class infiltrator of the reviled changeling race. Can their love flourish in an Equestria under threat? Which bounds are stronger love or loyalty? What dark designs lurk in the backdrop? Romance, adventure, and the search for universal truth!

We now have a Wiki Page! Pay a visit!

Executive Editor- the awesome BitAcoustic
Editor- the wondrous The 11 Wonder
Art by yours truly!

Character Cast
Dented Armor “Den”
A pegasus with a penchant for reading, an intellectual, he is the new model of an Equestrian officer matching brains with brawn. Love and loyalty compels him however soon he will find the two under conflict.
??? “Echo”
A changeling who survived Canterlot, her role may have been more than that of a simple soldier in the events preceding and those that will come after. She carries the burden of people’s plight and the secret dream of all changelings.
Blueberry Frost “Blue”
An earth pony whose steadfast resolution and stubbornness won her an officer’s position. She tackles problems and foes head on.
Answering directly to Queen Chrysalis, Amorpheus is fiercely loyal and devoted to his people. Entrusted protector and guardian of Echo he wishes one day to see her fulfill her role.
Reagle Hawkmor
Heir to the Griffin Kingdom, he embodies the pride of his people as their warrior prince. His noble inclinations though may come counter to the direction of his nation.
Zaza Zakar
A Zebra mare, she is Reagle’s partner in battle and outside of it. From the Zerker school of combat, she is deadly opponent. She is the more level headed of the odd couple.
Reagle and Zaza have their own story. Zig Zag LoveClick to visit.


Chapters (18)