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Queen Chrysalis' mother paid a heavy price when a misunderstanding caused a sudden "purge" of changlings from their peaceful existence alongside ponies. Years later, Chrysalis continues to struggle against her past and the regrets she holds as she attempts to find a way for her own to survive.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Thrown Abroad

After the events of Thrown Abroad, Suncloak the changeling is happily living in Ponyville. Well, sort of. He needs the love of friendship to stay alive! Luckily, there's plenty of ponies who would want to be friends with him. But let's not forget about other changelings here...

You know, this would be a lot easier if the whole concept of friendship wasn't so needlessly difficult.


Amazing cover art by Wolfeh! Find her Tumblr here!
To be found on Equestria Daily here!

Chapters (11)

With the population of the changeling race crippled by their expulsion from Canterlot, and their queen powerless to salvage it on her own, Chrysalis requires outside help from Equestria to get them back on their feet. But reaching out to Princess Celestia proves troublesome, as she cannot risk returning to Canterlot, and the one pony outside the city with a direct line to her is also the least willing to trust her. The salvation of her kingdom may rely on her making amends... and perhaps making friends as well.

Now has a sequel!

Cover art by Nocturnal Melodies (No_M), drawn at my request for this story.

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to The Three Sisters

What if... After "The Three Sisters" Rarity managed to find Chrysalis and talk to her?

A definite sequel.

Now with a TV Tropes page! Warning: will contain spoilers.

Chapters (1)

Two passengers on a train ride toward an uncertain future. One is a pony. The other only pretends to be.

Sex is tame and non-explicit. Don't be afraid to read.

Written expressly for Equestria Daily's Outside Insight Summer Fanfiction Contest.

Now with a dramatic reading by Illya Leonov!

Russian translation courtesy of Arsus.
Chinese translation courtesy of viczhn.
French translation courtesy of BroNie.

Inspired by the artwork of RubleGun and Raddjuret. Musical accompaniment by Patrick Poe.

Featured at Equestria Daily and the Royal Canterlot Library.

Reader Testimonials

"Vinyl + Octavia is one of the fandom's most cliché and mismatched pairs, and yet this is a real romance with genuine depth and emotion." - horizon
"Holy shit this is impressive. Like... Holy shit, man." - Skeeter The Lurker
"You have crafted something wonderful here, a true gem. You should be proud." - Illya Leonov
"Note that I hate this ship when I say this is far and away the best ScratchTavia I've ever read." - PresentPerfect
"Fuuuuck it's so good!" - Luminary

Chapters (1)

Bon Bon's voice is funny, and that's about all that anypony who meets her notices, as her marefriend Lyra soon steals the spotlight with her explosive personality, strange obsessions, and curious beliefs. And why not? Bon Bon is, after all, a perfectly ordinary, boring pony in every way but two: her voice, and the carefully kept secret that she isn't really a pony.

(Edit:) Now with an annotated version, courtesy of the incomparable Shoggoth Lord!

Chapters (13)

Ditto, a changeling from the attack on Canterlot, is flung far from her home and lands in Ponyville. She crashes into Twilight's library, and finds it a nice place to stay, quiet, abandoned, and peaceful. Until, of course,Twilight returns from Canterlot and finds her.

How will Ditto survive? She is lost, hungry, and far from her swarm.

Will the ponies find it in their hearts to help this poor, injured creature?

(Special thanks to Teapartycannon, who's story, Smoke and Mirrors, inspired me.)

Note: This story is no longer under revision, but there will still be a few spellchecks and such :)

Chapters (16)

After the disastrous invasion of Canterlot, an injured changeling wakes up near a small cottage and is quickly discovered by two of the last ponies she ever wanted to see. Now, with the help of her new "friends," she has to remain undetected in a town high on changeling hysteria that would not hesitate to throw her in the Canterlot dungeons should her true nature be revealed.

Simple, right?

Too bad she couldn't have picked a worse form to stay inconspicuous...

Many thanks to ZuTheSkunk for the cover image!

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to An Affliction of the Heart Volume Three: Hybrid

Warden, the broken pegasus, his wife, Kuno the changeling, and their hybrid daughter, Swarm, continue their adventures in a wild, wacky world!

Chapters (16)

Caramel wasn't always a Changeling, but he's going to become one. And he's going to do it for the sake of his very special somepony.

Chapters (13)