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It was never supposed to end like this.

Princess Cadance has saved all of Equestria from the changeling threat. What comes next isn't going to be half as easy.

One wedding may be cancelled, but a new engagement has begun.

Massive thanks to my pre-readers/ideas tasters: Bronetheus and RK_Striker_JK_5. Go check out Night Errantry and Spanner in the Works for two great fics that are well worth your time.

Warning: This is an attempt to make the Cadance/Chrysalis ship work, without too much darkness (though there will be some), or it leading to an inevitable bad end. If you hate this idea, believe that Cadance ending up with Chrysalis is automatically a bad end regardless of circumstances, or just think it's plain impossible to pull off then please move on as this fic is probably not going to be for you.

Still if you want to see if this pretty cracky ship can somehow be made to work, and have some fun along the way, then this just might be the fic you are looking for.

If you still hate the concept enough that you feel that you have to hit the dislike button, then fair enough, but if you find something else objectionable then please post a comment, or basically I'm going to assume that you're just disliking the ship rather than the story and ignore you.

The Sex tag is there for some of the humour, some implication to off screen activities, and a few bits on screen that while are no where near the mature rating do push things somewhat compared to the rest of the fic. If you're wondering where the Comedy tag went I decided while I do believe there's a lot of fun and amusement to be had, I can see why it might mislead some readers as some of the events are taken more seriously that you'd expect from an all out comedy.

Chapters (12)

There's only so much failure a changeling can tolerate. For Shade, once was enough. Years of training and preparation in the hopes of achieving a new life for himself and his colony wasted because of the negligence of their leader. It's time to try a different approach; if force won't work, then maybe peace and diplomacy will. What could go wrong?

A chance encounter in a creepy forest; A tree filled to the brim with books; A brief and sudden rain shower. These are all things that will change Shade's life forever.

Chapters (22)

This story is a sequel to Honey Pie

Pinkie Pie and Sweetcake ought to be able to live happily ever after. After all, he helped save Ponyville, and Celestia herself publicly acknowledged him as her subject, despite the fact that he's a changeling. The ponies of Ponyville should welcome him with open arms. It turns out, however, that the fact that some of them don't is going to be the least of his problems.

Cover art by dreamingnoctis.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to A Very Merry Chrysalis

What really happened in the days leading up to Equestria's founding? Sure everyone knows the Hearth's Warming stories, but do those tell the whole story? Were things really so simple, that they could be fit into a half-hour play?

Perhaps there was more to this story than anyone remembered. Perhaps the Founders faced greater challenges than anyone knew, and led more turbulent lives than most ponies could understand.

What does any of that have to do with the mysterious book Twilight had been gifted, all those months ago?

And why is it that it's Chrysalis that has the answers to these questions?

-Another story, inspired by some offhand details in another story, that gained some traction. Shares the same continuity with my other stories, though it's most directly a sequel to 'A Very Merry Chrysalis'. Please Enjoy.-

Chapters (4)

'Tis the season for joy and sharing in the company of loved ones. With Chrysalis glumly serving out her house arrest, Princess Celestia is sure that this is the perfect time to cheer up her favorite Changeling.

Chrysalis hates the idea.

Hearth's Warming Eve? The Changeling Queen would sooner curl up under some heavy covers, than indulge in a celebration for a bunch of ponies that nopony even properly remembers. Wasn't she already putting up with enough ponies on a day-to-day basis? It was an all together terrible idea, dragging her out of the castle to...mingle with Celestia's overly sweet and soft subjects.

Of course, there was no proper way to refuse Celestia...

...the prices, one pays when you're in a relationship with the Princess of the Sun.

--Just a short story for the holidays, featuring our favorite couple: Celestia and Chrysalis. Takes place some time after my story Advanced Lessons. -Enjoy-

Chapters (3)

The Changeling Invasion of Canterlot left many scarred and traumatized, and Lyra is one of them. Her therapist advises her to make a new friend, since Bon-Bon is often busy.

Things aren't as simple as they seem.

Chapters (1)

Frothy Brew is the barista in the Canterlot café owned by himself, his wife, and his daughter. Years of hard work had made the café a successful and modestly popular place to stop and get a drink or a snack. Nothing prepared him though for it to become a hub of interaction with the undisguised changelings that were being seen more often in the streets of Canterlot. Can he put aside his feelings for the species though after witnessing the most horrifying aspect of the invasion years ago?

This story runs concurrently with the latter part of my Change of Life story. While reading that and Prelude To Change is not necessary, they do give valuable background that is glossed over in "Conversations". Cover art and story illustrations are all done by Foxenawolf.

Chapters (13)

Stumped on the mystery of the locked box, Twilight begins to get frustrated. When Princess Celestia suggests to Twilight to visit her old castle, she jumps at the opportunity to make any type of progress. Little did she know she would get a lot more than she bargained for...

Basically this story is a mix between Castle Mane-ia and Bats!, but with a dark and interesting twist. Join Twilight and her friends as they brave the thousand-year-old castle and unearth its ancient mysteries while escaping a sinister, unknown threat. Will the ponies be able to escape the clutches of darkness? Or will they be morphed into a shadow of their former selves?

Original story idea by DarknessRising

Chapters (6)

Fruit Heart, a market-seller mare, finds her house smashed after the Canterlot invasion, and to her troubles a changeling was responsible.

Now broken and hurt; Fruit Heart finds herself looking after the angry creature, but as time goes on, can she help the changeling see what kindness can do, or will his feral instincts force her away.

And will she adapt to caring for the changeling.

New cover image by Manedblackwolf. Thank you very much, much appreciated.

Chapters (14)

EDIT! This series is now open universe! You want to make a spinoff version? You totally can! You want to self insert yourself into their shenanigans? You can do that too! The characters and story are now completely public domain. I've lost interest in the series but if for some reason you actually like it enough to write your own take on it, you're more than welcome to! I'd love to read them, so feel free to link back and please remember to credit me/the story as the source!

Thestrals were defeated by the Princesses Luna and Celestia a thousand years ago, and are thought extinct. But what will happen when one moves to Ponyville? Disguised as an earth pony, Acrylic does her best to fit in. The burden of hiding her wings weighs heavily on her, and keeps her from becoming truly close to anypony. Can she keep the secret, or will she expose her entire race?

Chapters (38)