• Member Since 3rd Jan, 2012

Noble Cause

she/her they/them, reader more than writer these days.

In Progress 504 stories
  • In Progress 504 stories - 8639 unread chapters Stuff that's updating
    Created by Noble Cause
    - December, 2014
Found 328 stories in 68ms

Total Words: 34,560,055
Estimated Reading: 13 weeks



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On a cold autumn night, a pair of ponies are discovered. Ponies with strange wings, and stranger eyes. Wild, bestial and savage, but with a spark of intelligence. A spark of civilization. A spark fanned by the lords and ladies of high society, breeding class and eminence. Bat Ponies.

The wind howls, and ponies forget.

Chapters (9)

This story takes place during the Season Five finale, "The Cutie Re-Mark". As such, there are spoilers ahead.

Starlight Glimmer's plan is working. All she has to do is upset Rainbow Dash's rainboom-creating race in the past, and Twilight Sparkle's connection with her friends will be severed. And she's done it. Repeatedly. Sure, Twilight can go back in time to try and stop her, but Starlight will always be brought back as well. No matter what Twilight tries, no matter how many times she returns, she can't stop Starlight. They're evenly-matched, and it's much easier to disrupt events than it is to preserve them.

That means Starlight wins, right?

Chapters (5)

For centuries, countless griffons have braved the depths of the Abysmal Abyss in the hopes of recovering the Idol of Boreas, never to return.

But now stories have surfaced that someone came close to bringing back the legendary artefact, and one group of explorers is willing to try again where others have failed, for a chance at restoring Griffonstone’s lost glory once and for all.

Unfortunately, success may hinge on them first getting into that friendship thing that dumb ponies seem to love so much.

Chapters (4)

Now Rated Teen because I kind of kill them on a regular basis, but they're immortal so they get better.

The continuing story of those in Canterlot Castle and the surrounding areas. With four immature gods running about, is anybody going to survive? Probably. However, with each day, the madness in Equestria grows and sadly I don't think anyone actually cares anymore.

It's time for Equestria's Crazies; a tale of love, of tasers, comedy and finally me, tormenting as many ponies as possible before I get bored.

[Head's up, this story is an Episodic series. Each chapter is it's own contained "Story" but really it's just whatever I want to happen on that particular day.]


Chapters (43)

The Mane Six, Spike, and the two alicorn princesses are sucked into an alien world. They soon discover that they have been transported to a galaxy far, far from home. A galaxy which is under the control of the evil Galactic Empire and where Emperor Palpatine knows of them and wants to use them for his own nefarious purposes.

Twilight must lead her friends on their journey through a cruel and hostile galaxy, avoiding the Imperial forces and bounty hunters sent after them, trying to find the Rebel Alliance.

They may be the ponies' only hope for getting home . . . .

Bonus: here's the main title music for this story https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QB4xZpWumYg

Chapters (31)

* Voted Twice as the #1 Comedy FanFic on Equestria Daily *

Well, what can I say? This is the story of a man. Or maybe he was... a pony-man. Or maybe he was just a... Pony! But he was still...


... Yeah, this is that story. The story where a guy goes to a party and wakes up in Ponyville. That guy (I know him as 'me') seems to have landed in his own personal little heaven. Hell, I even brought me a pack of endless cigarettes. How does that not kick all kinds of flank?

So yeah, everything was awesome. The End.

Well, except for The Nightmare. And Trixie. And some jerk named David. Then there was that Azure Flora pony. And that skank princess that steals my goddamn phone!

Listen, summaries just... They just don't cut it. If you want the story, it's provided right here.

Just a warning. I use cusswords like a big boy.


Chapters (13)

Nightmare Moon's escape from the Moon could not have gone better for her. Celestia herself was unable to face her, and Celestia's trainee was woefully underprepared for the assault. It did not take long to shake out the remaining pockets of resistance, and then she took the throne for herself.

Ten years of darkness have passed, and Celestia has finally managed to break Nightmare Moon's spell and return to Equestria. The exile and the difficulty of the escape took a serious toll on the solar Princess, and she returns to a land very different from the Equestria she loved.

Weak and very nearly alone, she needs to rebuild her strength, and put things right again. But can she even be sure what right is, anymore?

Google Docs link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1I1UxgjF5VdpCmAJ85ir84lWTk2BKGCainy_VICPo6yM/edit?usp=sharing

Lulu Print Link:

EBook Link (mobi format):

Chapters (42)

Firefly the pegasus foal loved magic. He loved spells, enchantments, magical objects and the way magic could be used to transform and animate objects, to make them more useful to ponies and to let ponies do what would otherwise be hard or even impossible. The only problem was that like most ponies Firefly could not cast a spell, and he never would, and that was just the way things were. When he grew up, Firefly moved to Ponyville and he decided that just because it had never been done didn't mean that it never could! The result changed Equestria forever.

This story is a compendium of my entries in Obsolescence's OC Slamjam contest of early 2015, in which I was runner up (my series are listed under "Firefly's Author"). Here are the links to the OC Slamjam contest and the OC profiles if you and interested, but these are not needed to read the story.

NOT A SPOILER: this story is very loosely based on the microcomputer revolution in the late seventies and early eighties, in which I was intimately involved (yes, this means I'm in my fifties). I hope this story will give the reader a bit of the feeling of what those heady days were like when the incredible power of computing escaped from an elite few into into the hands of even the most modest person, and of the very special people who had it in them to think different and make it happen.

Chapters (10)

When Twilight Sparkle was just a kid, her best friend was a girl named Sunset Shimmer. Though their friendship had a bit of a rocky start, they quickly became inseparable, no matter how much everyone thought of them as ‘weird’. They were there for each other.


Years after the tragic accident that tore them apart, Twilight is determined to move on from her loss, and she sets off on an independent research project to investigate the strange happenings at Canterlot High. Little does she know that she will soon come face to face with what appears to be a literal ghost from her past.

Coverart by Kare-Valgon. Chapter illustrations by Zorbitas.

Edited and Pre-read by Dubs Rewatcher, r5h, and Kalan.

Takes place after Rainbow Rocks, but was written before Friendship Games and does not take it into account.

Chinese translation

Print copies now available.

Chapters (25)

Rainbow Dash can’t wait for her first date with Applejack; they always have an awesome time hanging out, and a relationship just means there are even more physical activities they can try together. So when the dumb zap apple harvest postpones their date, she decides it’s the zap apples that are going to have to change their plans. Equestria should know by now that wild, ancient magic is no match for Rainbow Dash, especially when she might get laid.

Everything is going according to plan, until she crashes. Or, rather, until she wakes up after crashing and fifteen years have gone by. Fifteen years during which she seems to have been a very busy pony.

Now Rainbow Dash has to adjust to a life she never thought she wanted, and figure out if she’ll ever get to live the life that brought her here.

Update: Proofreading and formatting by RBDash47

Written for the AppleDash Group Contest prompts "Family" and "An Important or Memorable Date."
Cover art by SketchyJackie

Chapters (11)