Rainbow Dash Stories 960 stories
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Everypony knows how much Rainbow Dash loves to scare other ponies, but could her innocent pranking possibly go too far?
After the mane six take a camping trip to the Everfree Forest, Rainbow will learn just how easily "a little fun" can get way out of hoof. Everyone's favorite prismatic pegasus will have to learn a lesson about respect for the comfort zones of her friends, especially a particularly timid yellow mare.
Will Dash be able to overcome her pride to do what is right?

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash learns that she is not the Element of Bravery. Written with a word-count of exactly 1000 words.

Chapters (1)

Back in Flight Camp, Rainbow Dash convinces Fluttershy to hold on tight and experience flight. What could possibly go wrong?

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Teased is a short story about the first encounter Rainbow Dash ever had with Fluttershy. When I saw Cutie Mark Chronicles I became curious as to why Rainbow Dash would want to defend Fluttershy's honor in the first place, since they didn't really seem that close in the beginning of the show, so I made up my own story of how they met. It's just a cute story with nothing really serious or mature in it. Rainbow is being told tall tales by other kids in her class, much like the teasing that older siblings dish out on their younger siblings, and she runs into Fluttershy, who helps her to forget her worries and establishes Fluttershy as somepony whose honor Rainbow would wish to defend.

Chapters (1)

Nightmare Night, a holiday full of fright.

For one yellow mare, this isn’t her main affair.

But on this very night, that is about to change.

For a cyan mare with a rainbow mane takes her on a spooky, haunted stage,

Where things even those who use magic could not create.

A story about Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, two mares with one mission. Escape the haunted house… alive.

Collab done with Soaring

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is the fastest flier in all of Equestria. She has performed sonic rainbooms, and even saved the lives of her beloved Wonder Bolts, but why, exactly, does she fly?

Chapters (2)

In an attempt to make the butterfly migration more fun for Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy challenges her to a game of catching butterflies. But when one particularly ornery butterfly decides to tease Dash, things get personal.

Chapters (1)

As a filly, Rainbow Dash achieved two wonderful accomplishments. Earning her cutie mark and inadvertently causing a Sonic Rainboom. However, these achievements mean nothing to her when she comes to realize that Fluttershy is missing. Without her to share these gifts with, they feel meaningless to her. In all, she misses her best friend and is worried, wondering what had happened to her.

Chapters (1)

Ponyville knows that Rainbow Dash and Vinyl Scratch are ultimate lovers of pranks and fun times galore, their passion for it rivaling Pinkie's. The two of them alone could cause damage as is. But together? There would never be a good outcome for what they do. Now the two have decided to give Derpy stolen, experimented muffins, and the goofy mailmare started acting weird. Even weirder than usual. Now, they need the help of the other ponies to fix the terrible mistake that they made.

Chapters (1)

"True and lasting inner peace can never be found in external things. It can only be found within in. And then, once we find and nurture it with ourselves, it radiates outward."

To anypony who has ever felt depressed or suicidal, this story is dedicated to you guys. There Is always hope in the world, and always a person to talk to. You are loved by somepony in the world, and don't ever forget that! You all are amazing, and can do great things :)

Rainbow Dash adored sonic rainbooms. They provided an escape from the world, also giving her Equestrian recognition for being the fastest pony to fly across the land. Rainbooms even fill one small orange filly with hopes that miracles truly could happen. One news article later, Rainbow Dash is haunted by memories of the past, secluding herself within her cloud shelter. Will Rainbow Dash succumb to the fears that lie within her, or will she be saved by the smallest hopes?

A big thanks to GadgetPhile for editing this and helping make it so much better :D

Chapters (1)