Rainbow Dash Stories 960 stories
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Rainbow Dash visits Sweet Apple Acres to challenge applejack to a hoof wrestling rematch, only to find that she has disappeared. After looking for her, she and Spike find her in the barn doing something questionable. What do they decide to do? Join in, of course!

Chapters (1)

The winter weather has played havoc on poor Scootaloo. She's suffering from one of the worst colds on record! And Rainbow Dash, being the helpful guardian she is, decides to do whatever she can to make her feel better. It will involve board games. It will involve medicine and making sure Scootaloo gets her rest. But first, it's cheering the little filly up through mischievous means.

A quick, cute, one-and-done story inspired by the cover photo.

Chapters (1)

In the middle of the night, Rainbow Dash breaks down Twilight's door and invites her to a hockey game. Twilight soon finds out she's in for more than she bargained for.

Written for One-Shotober.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash have been dating for six months. Usually an occasion like that would be the perfect reason for a party, but the pink pony asks Rainbow to keep their relationship a secret.
What used to be a curious request to keep it a secret has now become nagging doubt that hangs over their relationship.
Rainbow is left wondering why Pinkie wouldn't want anypony to know.

This story is mostly just an excuse to write fluffy Pinkiedash.

Chapters (1)

After a party, Rainbow hints to Pinkie that she likes her. Unfortunately, Pinkie starts avoiding her and begins hanging out with Fluttershy instead, even going as far as to give the shy pony a nickname. Rainbow sees the writing on the wall and decides she'll put her own feelings to the side and get Fluttershy to admit she likes Pinkie.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy and Pinkie try to come up with a way to get Rainbow to admit that she likes Pinkie.

What could go wrong?

As usual, edited and pre-read by Key Tapper and CookieMonstar
There will be two chapters to this story.

Chapters (2)

Rainbow is having a bad day, and It's not getting any better. Surely things will get better once she gets home to the one she loves. One off ship-fic with Rainbowpie or Pinkiedash, whichever you prefer.

Hope you enjoy!

Of course I have to give credit to my wonderful editor Shadowsreached for another great job in making sure things flow and sound like they should. Ironically, she's looking for an editor too so if you know someone *wink wink, nudge, nudge*

As always constructive comments are always accepted, considering recent event though, i will quickly block and remove any comments trying to start something

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash has decided to tell Applejack how she really feels. Unfortunately, things don’t go as planned.

Editors: Death the Kid & Selbi

Before you complain about AJ read the author's note at the end of the chapter.
Story takes place in time period before Twilight came to Ponyville.

Chapters (1)

Second story in the Scootaloo's Family Trilogy and sequel to Fight for Flight

There is a new development with Rainbow Dash that she has only told Scootaloo so far. She had full intentions of telling everybody, however something happened to make her keep it a secret. Now it is up to Scootaloo and some extra help to figure out a way of getting Rainbow Dash to spill the beans. After all, it isn't a good idea to have a pregnant mare avoid talking to her husband about it. Especially when they have Wonderbolt training.

Teen tag just in case it's needed.

Chapters (7)