Rainbow Dash Stories 960 stories
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Rainbow Dash has a great fear of the dentist. So when she needs to go thanks to a bad tooth, can she work up the courage to go? Or will her friends need to step in? Probably the latter.

My first ever fanfiction. Keep in mind I wanted to start with something very simple for my first story. Don't expect anything deep or serious in here. I'll do something better next story. Any compliments or constructive criticism is acceptable.

I would also like to thank my friends Cat Price for the pre-reading, and Hunter Bley AKA "Clade Earthsong" for his help and suggestions.
Thank you so much.


Chapters (1)

Even athletes know when they have to go into beauty works for the sake of their health. Rainbow Dash knows this and yet she has to confront her fears in some way.

Lotus Blossom and Aloe have been treating Rainbow Dash for weeks now, and a few weeks after the events of The Throne of Tirek, Rainbow comes in long overdue for a treatment. Maybe it isn't so bad sometimes to do this whole girly stuff, but it certainly is wince-inducing.

Set in the Somepony Universe, at the same time as Road Trip

Chapters (1)

A young stallion is suspected of arson on the house of his girlfriend, but the judge decides he can't pass the judgment himself and, benefiting of the fact he lives in the magical land of Equestria, turns to the princesses to decides on his behalf.

The only problem is, the princess happens to be Twilight and Twilight has no idea what to decide.

She embarks on a little journey to try and find out if she should better throw somepony in jail, risking the fact that he might be innocent, or setting him free, risking the fact he might be a danger for society. And therefore decide how much is worth sacrificing for the insurance of safety.

By chance, there is always the option to rely on princess Celestia as she always knows what should be done.

Chapters (10)

Rainbow Dash knows one thing for sure, she is definitely not a barbarous, uncivilized dolt who doesn't know polite conversation from a hippopotamus's rear end. And also that she's definitely not the one who's wrong. Rarity is wrong. Rainbow Dash is absolutely, totally, a hundred percent sure of it.

But then why did Rainbow just buy a wagon load of apology bouquets?

Chapters (2)

Honorable Mentions to Lord Faggot and BaroqueNexus for proofreading this material before it was submitted. Thank you both, and will all those reading this story please go check their channels out on my behalf? Thank you.

Why does Applejack act so protective around that stetson hat of hers, like an Ursa Major defending her cubs?

Rainbow Dash will learn why that hat is so valuable to her friend.

Link to image source - http://img0.joyreactor.cc/pics/post/my-little-pony-mlp-art-mane-6-Applejack-448290.jpeg

Chapters (2)

When Rainbow Dash crashes into the library looking for the latest Daring Do book, Twilight informs her that the next book won't be in for a week. To help fill the time, Twilight suggests that Dash write a fan fiction. After getting frustrated helping her friend, Twilight gives Dash some paper and a quill and has her leave. What neither one realizes is that the paper is the result of Twilight's latest experiment, making anything written on it into reality. Now Dash's story is going to get all her friends into some strange situations, and it's up to her to stop it before things get out of hoof.

Edit: Now featured in Twilight's Library!

Chapters (4)

Rainbow Dash isn’t a traditional mare. She didn’t care to learn how to bake cookies when she was little, or help her mother cook, and never wanted a doll to play with. She was a tomcolt from the moment she was born, acting more like a colt each day. While other little fillies played with their dolls and talked about secret crushes, she was challenging colts to races and beating them.

So when Big Mac moves in with her, how is she supposed to tell the farm pony who was used to home cooked meals that she didn’t know how to cook?

Thanks to,
jszellmer for the edits! I know you must hate me at times.

KarmaDash for always being there for story bouncing.

SketchinEtch for the cover art!

Chapters (1)

Rarity and Rainbow Dash aren't exactly close. After all, they're very different ponies with very little in common. Or so Rainbow Dash thought.

A trip to Canterlot reveals that Rarity isn't exactly the pony that Dash thinks she is.

3rd place winner of The Writeoff Association's December competition, "Behind Closed Doors"

Art by Yoka-the-Changeling, Edited by Exuno

Chapters (1)

It's that time of year again. Hearth's Warming is on its way in Equestria, and ponies are getting festive just like every other year. But, when Pinkie Pie asks Rainbow Dash to hang up the lights on Sugarcube Corner, she'll face a challenge tougher than opening peanut butter jars and having a lasso contest with Applejack.

EDIT: What?? My story is on the popular list at 8:12 PM on December 24th, 2014???? :pinkiegasp: It's a Christmas miracle! :rainbowkiss:

12/25/14: Still going strong...
Late evening of 12/25/14: Aaaaaannd... it's gone.

Cover art by Aurora-Borealis


Chapters (1)

It's Hearts and Hooves Day and Rainbow Dash has something important to tell her marefriend, Fluttershy. The thing is, can she work up the courage?

Chapters (1)