Rainbow Dash Stories 960 stories
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This tale (or should I say, "tail") is about what happens when Derpy gets a hold of a giant sock, which very quickly becomes her favorite thing ever... But not everything is fun and games, as a pair of ponies have their own eyes set on that very same sock, which could lead to disaster if something isn't done soon.

This is just some comedic fluff for everyone's reading pleasure. Shades of Derpydash and Lyrabon abound here.

Rejected by Equestria Daily on 2 January 2013.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is just got back from the Gala. She is annoyed. She is tired. So when somepony comes to her house, she doesn't take it well. Even if it a Wonderbolt that just wants to make amends. But when Soarin' gets to the point the two start sending letters to each other. As they start sending letters between each other how will things go between them?

(Set during season 2)

Chapters (1)

After a long day of flight practice with Scootaloo, Rainbow Dash discovers the filly knows next to nothing about preening and takes it upon herself to teach her.

Warning: May Contain Feels and/or D'aww moments.

Featured on FIMFiction on 7/20/2013. Yay!
Featured on EQDaily on 09/12/2013 Double Yay!
Reading by TheLostNarrator (excellent!): Here
Reading by DRWolf: Here
Reading by Joehighlord: Here
Riffed by Draklox: Here
Korean Translation: Here
Spanish Translation: Here
French Translation: Here
Chinese Translation: Here

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Everypony Cuddles, Sometimes

Twilight Sparkle banishes Rainbow Dash to the Cuddle Zone. Granted, her aim was a bit off.

Cover art by CaptainPudgeMuffin

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash can't wait to start the awesome day she has planned for her and Applejack. She's so eager she's already parked herself right outside the Acres, bright and early.

But geeze, what's taking AJ so long?

Chapters (1)

It's almost Mother's Day. Scootaloo comes to Rainbow Dash with a startling question, but then backs off, feeling ashamed she asked it. Rainbow Dash, taken off-guard by the question, starts to question both herself, how she feels about Scootaloo, and about her past...

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash, in love, decides to go tell Applejack how she feels about her.
Getting gently rejected, the pegasus decides she has to move on to something else and not just cry in a corner like she was weak or anything.

Only problem, some clouds keep coming back bothering her.

A very complicated matter handled in a very simplistic manner.

Chapters (1)

While reading a new Daring Do novel, Rainbow Dash accidentally sends Fluttershy into the story. Literally. Now, the only way she can get out is to make it to the end of the book unharmed. She'll need a bit of help, though. That help comes in the form of Daring Do. In reality, Fluttershy's in a coma, and in the hospital. The Hearth's Warming Eve ball is coming up, and Rainbow Dash was hoping to ask a certain yellow Pegasus. But hope is looking small...
Challenge: the name of the group this story is for is hidden somewhere on this page. Try to find it!

Chapters (4)

One night, an amazing display lit up the sky over Ponyville. A comet, brighter than any in living memory, was making its way through the sea of stars. The residents of the town gathered en masse to witness the spectacle. As was the tradition for such an occasion, many ponies made a wish on the celestial body, hoping that maybe, just maybe, some of them might come true...

Chapters (11)

*Slight AU*
(In this story all school-aged ponies are babies)
Rainbow Dash has stumbled upon a box. In it contain a stuffed monkey toy, a blanket, a note, and a baby inside.
Rainbow Dash takes the box back home but will she be able to raise a baby on her? Hopefully with the help of her friends, Rainbow Dash can learn what being mother is all about.

Chapters (7)