Rainbow Dash Stories 960 stories
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A tale of evil, deceit and betrayal.

Icarus, the mayor of Cloudsdale, threatens to shroud Equestria in a thick fog, so thick that it blots out the sun. What does this mean? Why is it so important to fill Equestria with fog? And what part does Rainbow Dash play in his plans?

These are the thoughts that are running through Twilight's mind after Rainbow leaves for Cloudsdale in search of answers. But in Cloudsdale, all is not as it seems - and when Rainbow returns, her friends are in for a nasty shock.

Chapters (5)

Cadance became an Alicorn after defeating a mighty foe with Love. Twilight became an Alicorn after completing a spell with Friendship. Rainbow Dash is the first pony to create a Rainboom.

What if, instead of just a cutie mark, Rainbow Dash truly was recognized that day across Equestria...or at least by one of it's rulers...for making the impossible happen? How would this affect her life?

To quote Rainbow Dash: “Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, hang on a second! I can’t be a princess!”

Rated T for language!

Chapters (14)
by Tamar

A short story for Twilight and Rainbow Dash. Twilight invites Rainbow over for tea, and realises how much she enjoys her rainbow-maned friend's company. With some philosophy from Celestia and Luna.

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo's Family Trilogy Story 1

Takes place a few years after Sleepless in Ponyville. Rainbow Dash has taken Scootaloo under her wing and has started teaching her how to fly. However through those few years she has grown suspicious over the parents that never bothered to teach their filly how to fly. She goes to Twilight to satisfy her curiosity, and she learns something shocking there. Now Rainbow Dash feels she has to take Scootaloo in, and fight for custody. Will Rainbow Dash be able to muster up her own courage and overcome her shortcomings to help out Scootaloo?

Meanwhile her Coltfriend Soarin' wants to help her. However that means Soarin' has to do something earlier then he wanted to. Can Soarin' find a way to get Rainbow Dash to agree with what he is going to ask her? Will Spitfire be able to help give him that push he needs? And why is Spitfire so interesting in what is going with Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo?

Chapters (7)

What's the best way to deal with depression? Talking to someone? Rainbow Dash has offered to talk, but Fluttershy doesn't want to bother somepony tough like Rainbow Dash to help somepony weak like Fluttershy with her silly problems. What's the next best thing? Drinking your problems away. It's simple, all you have to do is reach for a bottle.

And another,

and another,

and another.

While watching your life crumble beneath your hooves, feeling yourself grow weaker with every sip.

Rated "teen" for alcohol use.

Chapters (2)

"Quid Pro Quo," the unicorn said to her friend before they both "shook" on it, much to the dismay of the suave mare. With Rainbow Dash's chores done, it's time for her to repay the favor to Rarity.

Chapters (1)

While in a dream, Rainbow Dash comes across a pony she never expected to meet. And after meeting her, Rainbow comes to a surprising revelation.

She now has to prove that she is truly loyal.

Excellent picture by Elsdrake from deviantart.

Chapters (1)

"Dammit, dad. I told you not to work in the mine! I told you you weren't strong enough! But did you freaking listen to me!? NO!" The poor black-coated pegasus cried over his dads fresh grave. He cried for a good few minutes before resuming his dialogue to his deceased father.

"No, I know it wasn't your fault. With mother gone, you had to do it in order to provide. It isn't your fault. It's.... IT'S....


SEQUEL to Lucidity and Dreams Do Come True.

Chapters (5)

They grew up together. They went to flight school together. They graduated together. For a time back in College, they lived together. Now, they will come as far apart as two people can get.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow and Scootaloo are closer then ever after Rainbow truly adopted her. She taught Scootaloo everything she knew and helped her persevere until she could fly almost as good as she can. But there is one thing she has not taught Scootaloo yet. One thing she has treasured doing for years, The most sacred and amusing of acts.

How to Annoy an Apple Farmer.
Specifically a Blond haired mare and her Redheaded sister!

All characters aged up a few years. Find an awesome youtube reading by Charzoid aka Latte Punch here

Chapters (2)