Applejack Stories 143 stories
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There comes a time where we all must let go. But never will we forget.

Now featured on Equestria Daily! Special thanks to Golden Vision.

Chapters (1)

Celebrating her anniversary with Applejack at Ponyville's annual summer festival seemed like a good idea to Twilight. But when Applejack fails to show up on time, Twilight's worries get the better of her. After all, Applejack's been gone so often lately...

Entry for the Decent Writer's Club contest.

Chapters (1)

She never saw herself as a caretaker, nor did she foresee gaining a sister, but after taking in a homeless filly, Rainbow Dash finds herself in a new role.

Playing the big sister for the only Cutie Mark Crusader without a family, Rainbow Dash finds she still has a thing or two to learn about sisterhood. After butting heads with Scootaloo one too many times, Rainbow Dash consults an expert on the subject.

This story is a sequel to My Sister, Loyalty

* Featured 06/23/2012
* Written prior to Sleepless in Ponyville

Chapters (1)

Apple Bloom is upset. She never has anything nice because her family has no money. She has to make do with her big sister's hand-me-downs, and lives in the smallest, dingiest room in the farmhouse. Applejack and Sunset Shimmer decide to brighten up her room.

This story is set in the Equestria Girls universe, some time after the events of the film Rainbow Rocks.

This story is a birthday present for Coby.

Thanks Tennis Match Fan for pre-reading this story and offering some suggestions. (Take a look at her stories if you like stories about pastel coloured humans.)

Chapters (1)

Applebloom decides to take up an interest in dress making, which causes Applejack to get a little upset. Heading straight to Rarity for confrontation, Rarity tries her best to make her friend see that no matter what Applebloom chooses, she will still be her sister.

Short one shot. Picture by Kamirah!

Chapters (1)

When Rarity sees Applejack hanging out by a certain building in town more and more, she can't help but to confront the little farmer and find out exactly what's going on...

A short fic written for a writing exercise as part of my little Skype group, with the constraints of a prompt and a word limit of 1500 - 2000 words. One of my lighter and sillier pieces. Written to get out of poo-head.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle was thrilled to find her place as Princess of Friendship. But what is a Princess of Friendship without her friends? When Applejack comes to her to have an important conversation, Twilight is reminded that some of her friends have places of their own.

Part of the "All In" minific writeoff.

Chapters (1)

Applejack is stuck in bed with an injury, and Rainbow Dash has just the thing to help her girlfriend through it: The complete collection of Daring Do books. But this generous act forces Applejack to reveal her dark secret.

Chapters (1)

Rarity decides that Applejack’s Hearts and Hooves day present for Rainbow Dash isn't romantic enough. Fluttershy decides the same thing about Rainbow Dash’s present for Applejack. They each set out to help their friends, but find that romance doesn't work the same way for everypony.

The idea and large parts of this story were written by Bookplayer who then allowed me to adopt it so that I could finish it. Suffice it to say if you enjoy it, you should go give her a thumbs up and if you don't enjoy it, blame me.

Cover art done by Kennyklent and posted with permission. (Intellectual theft is bad)

Chapters (1)

Granny Smith insists that Applejack has to go to the dentist.

But she doesn't have to like it.

At all.

Reviewed by Seattle's Angels on March 16th, 2015.

Chapters (1)