Applejack Stories 143 stories
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Applejack has developed an odor. Rarity sets out to remedy the situation, with or without Applejack's consent.

Warning, contains: Non-consensual scrubbing.
Cover image by kittyhawk-contrail.
Full-cast dramatic reading by ObabScribbler.

Based on this story: Get Dirty | Get Clean: Deodourizing

Chapters (1)

Applejack has had it up to here with Rainbow Dash's sleepflying. Rarity attempts to lend a hoof.

Chapters (1)

Applejack's life is turned upside-down after she suddenly inherits the full powers of a goddess. She insists that it isn't a big deal and that she's the same pony as always, just bigger. Meanwhile, everypony else starts making demands on her and placing expectations on the 'new princess'. When the constant stream of petitions and gawkers starts interfering with farm work, Applejack reacts a bit strongly. Luna, fearing the worst, is determined to rescue Applejack from corruption, further irritating the farm pony. Will Applejack accept her destiny, or is destiny what you make of it?

Chapters (19)

After visiting her Great Aunt Apple Turnover in Galloping Gorge, Applejack is exhausted. She would love nothing better than to collapse underneath a tree and take a long nap. However, her athletic rival just happens to be passing by, and she's caught AJ in a rather compromising position. Or, has she?

My half of a trade with JazzieQ, who also provided the cover art.

Chapters (1)

Granny Smith has recently passed away and it has come at a huge blow for the Apple Family. Because of that the family has to adjust and Applejack has been overworking herself. To solve that problem, Big Macintosh has decided to enlist the help of some family and friends in order to help cover up some of the farm work. Of course even with the Apple Family down a member, the family is still about to grow even larger then before.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Dear Sweetie Belle

Following Rarity's example, Applejack writes her little sister a letter. While Rarity's letter revealed the truth of Sweetie Belle's origins, Applejack's letter will shed light on the greatest unanswered mystery of the Apple family; what happened to Applebloom's parents?

Beautiful cover art by AcrylicDawn. Her DeviantArt. Check it out.

Chapters (1)

Applejack tells Fluttershy about the great oak tree atop a hill on the farm. It was the first one she ever planted, y'see. That doesn't have anything to do with why Granny Smith is in the hospital, and why Applejack isn't there.

Nope. Not at all.

Editing and prereading by Minds Eye, ZOMG, and Auramane

Featured in the RCL, Equestria Daily, and The Royal Guard.

Chapters (3)

"Oh come on, Applejack! Just one trip around the clouds! One!"

It's an invitation that Applejack has heard countless times. However, no matter how often Rainbow Dash bugs her to experience an air ride, the farm filly flat out refuses.

Then one afternoon, on a day when Applejack is strangely quiet and distant, she suddenly agrees to Rainbow Dash's persistent request. The pegasus happily oblidges, not knowing what has truly motivated Applejack to give in, nor the fact that--more than anything--Applejack could really use a good friend right about now.

Chapters (1)

Twilight, Applejack, and Rarity have a sleepover. Certain uncomfortable secrets come to light.

Thanks to Einhander and Exuno for their help.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to A Fact for Twilight

Applejack's mother was a Manehattan pony who fell in love with Sweet Apple Acres and the farmer who lived there. The gold necklace he gave her wasn't expensive or flashy, but she loved it anyway. Now that Applejack is ready to propose to Twilight with the same necklace, she hopes it really is fit for a princess.

(Cover art base by Sketchy Jackie. This is a stand alone sequel, you don't have to have read A Fact for Twilight.)

Chapters (1)