Applejack Stories 143 stories
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Following the most recent Apple Family Reunion, Applejack finds herself alone in her room with much on her mind. With the star-filled sky as her only witness, she finally has a chance to open up to the two most important ponies in her life: her parents.

Story in Russian: Here!

Special thanks to:
Brony Assasin
Mr. Carnage
And this song: Re: Stacks - Bon Iver.

Chapters (1)

Ponies never asked about Applejack's past as most don't dare prod at such a sensitive topic. Not many know, however, that Applejack is unwilling to delve into it as well. With Rainbow Dash and a whole day in front of her, she will finally unveil the hidden shades of her past and how she turned into the pony she was today.

Part of The Remembrance Series: Second Journey
What if an Apple Fell? : [You're here]

Cover art by MoonSango

Proofreading done by JohnPerry

Chapters (1)

Applejack wants to know what it's like to fly. The truth is heavier than she expected.

A story for Equestria Daily's WTG. Written in economy of style.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy arrives home from the market to find Rainbow Dash waiting for her. Rainbow Dash reluctantly reveals that she was tasked by Weather Manufacturing Services with the unenviable job of informing Fluttershy that her sister has been killed in an accident in Cloudsdale. Fluttershy struggles to come to terms with the news, stunned that a pony who had always seemed invincible could suddenly be gone. Mercifully, she won't have to fight this battle alone.

Another iteration in the "Sun Eater" universe. Expect strong language, non-sexual adult themes, and substance abuse.

Chapters (1)

Rarity is blackmailed into attending a festival that she absolutely loathes.

This fic is written solely in tag-less dialogue, so it may or may not be difficult to understand.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Rainbow Drab

How would the Simple Ways episode have happened if Rarity and Apple Jack had switched personalities?

Requested by and written for Phazon_Corrupted_Unicorn

Chapters (1)

Applejack has noticed that Rainbow Dash hasn't quite been herself lately and tries to figure out what's wrong and if she can do anything to help.

Chapters (1)

A brisk wind blows Applejack's hat away. She goes chasing after it and finds herself in another world.

A fanfic based on an artpiece by Zaponator

Chapters (1)

Applejack claims that she cries on the inside, but Rainbow Dash remembers that wasn't always the case. Believing her friend has an actual need to cry buried away in her even tempered heart she goes to Twilight Sparkle for help in seeing if this is true.

Inspired in part by Tanks for the Memories (which irritated me), and Mother's Day (in a sad-ish kind of way). I don't generally write this type of material so I hope the tags are accurate. Please advise if not.

Chapters (1)