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After finding a human lost within the Everfree Forest, and unable to find his owner, Ditzy decides to bring him home as a playmate for Dinky. Shenanigans ensue when Dinky learns that her new friend, Locke, can actually talk! But why can none of the adults seem to be able to hear him? Of course, that little fact won't stop her from having fun with her new friend!

This was written partly on a whim, and partly because Chainlinc3 wanted a side story to Your Human and You. Well, here you go, Chainlinc3, here you go...

Chapters (4)

After being stranded in Manehatten, a changeling is saved by a young filly who is being terrorized by a monster hiding in her closet. After the horror has been taken care of, the changeling and the young filly become close friends... and the changeling and the filly's foster father become something more...

The second story in the the rebooted Cricket-Verse, aka the Nonsense-Verse

Chapters (4)

Mole Cricket, former commander of the changeling swarm, finds himself stranded in Equestria, with no idea where the rest of his kind may be... and no intention of reuniting with the swarm, since the Queen would blame her failure in Canterlot upon him. After encountering a group of youngsters who, instead of seeing a monster, see a hero, the changeling decides to dedicate himself to an impossible goal...

To become the first changeling to attain knighthood.
Cover Art by SlashOpenTheSky

The first of five new stories for the rebooted Cricket-Verse... now renamed the Nonsense-verse.

Chapters (5)

Ling, a mute and magic-less young changeling, is stranded in Canterlot. Only a week after the failed invasion, and desperate for love, she resorts to begging in the streets for hugs... and ends up adopted by the end of the day. However, there are those who see her, not as a person, or even a changeling, but as a pawn in a devious plot, one that could ruin her foster parents...

But Ling is nowhere near as defenseless as she seems...

The third story in the rebooted Cricket-verse, aka The Nonsense-Verse.

Chapters (6)

Discord is reformed and now on the path towards becoming a productive member of society. To help him stay on the straight and narrow, Fluttershy begins to write letters to him, with the two quickly becoming pen pals. With their sharing of letters, Fluttershy begins to learn more about the conundrum known as Discord, while Discord learns what it truly means to be a friend.

Collaboration with the totally awesome Flint Sparks! If you enjoyed the story, then definitely check this guy out!

Chapters (3)

What if Soarin had not been as forgiving as he was when he found out his team had lied to him and tried to replace him for the Equestria games? What would his life be like if he were to up and quit the Wonderbolts, and where could this life-altering choice lead him?

Disclaimer: Story contains subject matter that may hit pretty close to home with some readers, such as pathological depression, borderline personality disorder, and alcoholism.

Chapters (15)

Twilight Sparkle had made several spells to send her and away to short locations. But a sonic rainboom makes her magic jump to the point in which she and the rest of her friends are sent to another world. They wake up in a dark room and soon realize that they aren't in Equestria anymore. With a statue that only moves when nopony is look, an old man that can move through wall, and a humanoid creature that can't look at you or else it will kill you, and many more things are loose in the facility. They need to work with three guards, two mobile task forces, and two D-class personnel to escape the horrid night mare of the SCP facility.

Chapters (13)

Bon Bon has been deeply in love with Lyra for almost as long as they have known each other. Every day is a blessing for the two lovers. But as Bon Bon starts to feel under the weather, will Lyra uncover a dark secret that will rip the two mares apart and leave only hate, sadness, and fear in it's wake?

The story continues in 'Life, Lies, and Love'

### Note ###
The story has undergone it's first ever proof-read and edit, to hopefully fix a lot of grammar and typos. Thanks goes to KiroTalon and Ivo for all their help with this.

Chapters (5)

A human modifies his arctic cat to jump to another universe to escape his dark past. will he gain full control or will his past repeat it's self. Will he ever control his inner raging demon and make friends, or will he die trying

Chapters (27)

Edward and Alphonse Elric are tossed into a world of chaos after they attempt to regain their bodies using a faulty Philosopher's Stone. Can the famous Alchemist and his brother make it back to Amestris? Or are they stuck in Equestria forever? Read to find out!

I'm rewriting this. It was pretty bad before. Hooray for second chances! Right? Right??

Chapters (5)