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Fluttershy, reborn as a denizen of the dark and desperate for a drink, goes on the prowl in the dead of night. What ensues is less horrifying and more hilarious.

A silly little idea I came up with when discussing this episode with some friends. Sex tag is for risqué jokes and situations. There is blood, but I don't think there's enough to warrant a Gore tag. Hope this gets some laughs!

Featured on the front page from January 10th to 12th, 2014!

Chapters (1)

The illustration was provided and was given permission to use by CobraCookies of Deviantart
What if Fluttershy was able to raise a certain dragon that did not come from their world but far away from the Island of Berk? Let us say that dragon was none other than the infamous Night Fury. This is one of my first fan fictions I am doing of Fluttershy, I will update this story as often as I can and when I have the time to.

Chapters (8)

Hi there, my name's Abel, I'm the new changeling on the block.
Been living in Ponyville for three years. Been here a year before Twilight and managed to make a name for myself as a darn good accountant that goes by the name of Balanced Books.
Even got along with each of the Bearers pretty well. Well enough that Twilight decided to invite me along for her brother's wedding.
Getting past that shield the first time wasn't fun. Figuring out the plot behind the wedding, also not fun.
Did I happen to mention that any and all changelings who are NOT a part of Chrysalis' Hive Mind have a VERY good reason to hate her? Me moreso than most?
Yeah, that was torture.
Now all I have to do is explain to the bucking princessess about my true nature and pray to, well, them, that I'll be allowed to return to my life as Books.
Wish me luck, my interrogator is here.
Cover art provided by jjamess10

Chapters (30)

Shortly after the theft of Twilight's crown by Sunset Shimmer and Twilight's departure, Equestria's First Human, Connor Powell, goes through the mirror into a world he is most familiar with.

(Another story branched off of "Equestria's First Human")

(An "Equestria Girls" fic :3) (NOTE: Until a proper cover art is made, I will leave it blank for a while. Guess I forgot to draw one :3)

Chapters (3)

Not Edited yet, so expect mistakes and rushed chapters. Have a nice day/night.

A strange falling star has fallen to the Northern kingdom. Luna and Cadence went out to investigate and found claw prints in and out of the crater. A new creature is now loose in Equestria, and Luna can't figure out if it's dangerous or not. After a week of the discovery, Fluttershy went missing in the Everfree Forest, and Luna fears the worst for the timid mare of Kindness. But what she doesn't know, is that the timid mare is alive and well.
Now, Equestria and the royal pony sisters are in danger by Luna and Celestia's old foe, Nightmare. Will the new visitor help the sisters defeat the force of evil, or turn on them and take over Equestria with the help of the parasitic nightmare.

Chapters (27)

Twilight has discovered a new spell to use in tandem with the Elements of Harmony. Its intent is to reveal more of the mysteries behind the artifacts. Yet once the spell is cast will the mane six be able to deal with the consequences? What will they learn when they come face to face with the very virtues they claim to embody? The Mane six will have to face their greatest challenge yet. The Elements of Harmony themselves.

(Cover art done by CSIMadmax)

(Featured on 1/6/2014)

(Also big thanks to Coppercore for help editing my ramblings!)

Chapters (6)

Alex Stone (Lexi to the haters at his workplace) is a pizza delivery man who has been down on his luck recently. Between a rather brutal break up and his dead end job, he just can't seem to catch a break.

So imagine just how much more complicated his life gets when he runs over a changeling!

A funny story I wanted to write about Chrysalis and a human companion who takes her in following the events of "A Canterlot Wedding"

Rated Teen, for drinking, running over a Changeling, some cursing, a few immature jokes, and maybe a little innuendo (depends on if I feel like adding it.) and some other weird stuff.

(Note: After careful consideration, I decided that adding the Romance tag was necessary. Don't expect too much, though. I'm awful at writing romantic stories.)

Chapters (5)

Mole Cricket, a changeling, faces the greatest challenge of his life so far: Convincing all four princesses that he deserves a chance at earning citizenship in Equestria. Can he convince Twilight Sparkle, Celestia, Luna, and Cadance that he can be a contributing member to society?

An Interquel to the story "Your Fangs Are Showing", this takes place between chapters 3 and 4.

Chapters (10)

An unexpected encounter with a stallion helps Fluttershy feel better about a personal problem... And then hilarity ensues.

There is now an Interquel in progress, taking place between chapters 3 and 4. And there is a sequel planned.

Chapters (5)

Luna is invited to visit Sweet Apple Acres by Big McIntosh. As they tour the newly created bat sanctuary, the subject of a mysterious new animal visiting the orchard comes up. Luna decides she would like to see the creature for herself. Luna sends one of her guards to look for the creature on his own while she and McIntosh search another part of the grove. The guard finds the creature, but it turns out to be anything but what he was expecting.

Written as part of Equestria Daily's Writers Training Grounds event.

Chapters (10)