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My name is Orion and I'm a human, well sort of. I have a condition. That condition has led me to have to be under the care of military scientists. And yet I find myself in a place I don't belong.

This is a story of how I got here. I hope you enjoy it.

Based after season 2. I wanted to make a HiE story and this is what came out. I still need critisism though. Im still bad at writing.

There should be weekly updates. Oh. And there will be no clop unless someone eles wants to write it. Also some bad languege.

Cover art done by Dysyndicate

Chapters (24)

Now Rated Teen because I kind of kill them on a regular basis, but they're immortal so they get better.

The continuing story of those in Canterlot Castle and the surrounding areas. With four immature gods running about, is anybody going to survive? Probably. However, with each day, the madness in Equestria grows and sadly I don't think anyone actually cares anymore.

It's time for Equestria's Crazies; a tale of love, of tasers, comedy and finally me, tormenting as many ponies as possible before I get bored.

[Head's up, this story is an Episodic series. Each chapter is it's own contained "Story" but really it's just whatever I want to happen on that particular day.]


Chapters (43)

Death. All that remains on this planet are the martyrs who gave their lives to ensure the others could escape. Humanity’s greatest has fallen. 23 Billion humans died in the war, and only more would follow. The few strays on Reach were quickly found and slaughtered. The last soldier died fighting, a fitting tribute to the planet humanity fought so hard to protect. Still, the story is not over for mankind, just as the story is not over for this lone soldier. This, is the story of Noble Six.

Coverart by CCNC, link to her deviantart http://ccncc.deviantart.com/

Edited by Escaping Reality

Chapters (13)

Nikola Tesla in 1912 has created a machine that's able to transport an object from one location to another. When Tesla himself volunteers to see if the machine is able to transport humans from one location to another. The machine malfunctions and instead transports him from his lab in Colorado Springs to Ponyville, Equestria. Changing his form and appearance to that of an equine pony, he comes across the Mane 6 and tries to recreate his machine in Equestria. Will Tesla succeed and go back home, or will he be forever stuck in Equestria?

DISCLAIMER: This is no way historically accurate or scientifically accurate. This is a Science Fantasy story, so I can do whatever I want. And if you are wanting to avoid possible spoilers before reading the story, then do NOT read the comments

Rated Teen for:- Scenes of Violence, Light Gore and Strong Language

Chapters (45)

The Kerbals have conquered the solar system. They think. At least, they're pretty sure that they have almost 90% of it covered. Possibly.

Bored of sending titanic landers and massive rovers to moons and planets, the Kerbal Space Center staff consulted their idea machine; the janitor. "Why not a one of those other glowy orbs in the sky?" KSC immediately began plans for an interstellar ship and consequently fired the janitor because he thought of it first.

Equestria is in for a huge surprise.

Chapters (9)

After discovering that Cadence is not who she appears to be, Twilight is sent to another world entirely by the disguised Changeling Queen to avoid her plan being disrupted.
When Twilight lands, she discovers that not only have Spike, Owlowiscious and Peewee followed her, but that they've arrived in a world where the main sentient species is human.
There's still a place where they teach magic, though.
Crossover with Harry Potter. Twilight will be effectively taking the role of Hermione.

I've marked this story as cancelled to reflect the unlikelihood of it continuing. If I do come back to it I'll revert that.

Chapters (9)

What would happen if a third survivor was aboard the Forward Unto Dawn? What if this survivor just happened to mysterouisly arrive to Equestria? We will follow the tale of an ODST who happens to survive an unlikely survival during a crash into the royal courtyard, and what happens after that... well, that is for you to read, and find out...

Cover-image provided by VenetianGhost.

Chapters (15)

Twilight wakes up alone and scared on an unfamiliar ship with a group of unfamiliar humanoids. Things take a turn for the worst when the group find themselves trapped on a ship overrun with mutated damntations that will stop at nothing to kill the humans and the out of place pony.

Teaming up with fellow survivor Isaac Clarke, Twilight attempts to escape the abominations and find her way back home. But can she really trust Isaac's sanity?

(This is the reboot of I have a Jar of Dirt's popular story. For those of you who dont know, he passed it on to me to complete; which i was more than glad to accept.)

((proofread by Zaponator and Flutterguy_6996))

Chapters (7)

Good morning, afternoon, night, or whenever you're reading this. My name is Edward, aka 'patient 42', and I am currently residing in an insane asylum.
I suppose it all started When the ruler of this place called Equestria tasked her personal student, Twilight Sparkle, to travel to Earth and study the human race.
Unfortunately for Twilight, when she teleported to our world she, well... she appeared in the middle of the road. Right in front of my car. Needless to say, this put a pretty big dent in her expedition. ...as well as my car's bumper.

Sounds crazy, right? But hey, maybe thats the reason why I'm in this cell.
Point is, The story I'm about to tell you is the tale of events sparked by that ill-fated night.

note: In this plane of existence, the franchise "My Little Pony" does not exist. In short; this is not, nor will it ever be, a 'brony meets pony' story.
Also, on a more recent note, I had this idea and began writing way back in S2, so this is in no way inspired by EqG. (also, its non-alicorn twilight)

Chapters (5)

We’ve read it all before; human ends up in Equestria, meets ponies, etcetera... but what if it wasn’t the ponies they met and befriended first? What if it was another creature, say... the timber wolves?

After losing his way in the Forest of Dean, Jack Masterson finds himself in the magical world of Equestria with no clue how he can get back. After fleeing from the truly surreal sight of our favourite ponies, he finds himself back in a forest... and this time, he's not alone...

Meanwhile, trouble is brewing in Canterlot as Prince Blueblood works on his latest scheme to ruin the inhabitants of Ponyville. Will he achieve his revenge on the Mane Six, or will he fail yet again?

Not really inspired by anything in particular, so if you see similarities between this and another story, you're probably paranoid, unless I mention any references. Rated teen because the main character, while not based on myself, shares my fondness for swearing occasionally.
EDIT: this story now has a Dark tag, as one of my plot-points took an unexpectedly dark turn. I'm also considering switching it to a Mature content as a later plot-point might get darker still.

Chapters (5)