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Second story and my first attempt at one-shot writing! These prompts are based off of the ideas I had suggested in the comments of Forced memories Forced mothers. Please tell me which of these one shots you would like to see become an actual story, and I will try to make those prompts into a full story. Or write a story about it yourself, after all every writer can bring a new look on the same topic! Please like if you enjoy these ideas and if not then that's perfectly fine! Please comment with your votes for the one-shots that will become stories if you would like to!

Various one-shots involving many different kinds of hypnosis with different characters.

Chapters (4)

Twilight invites Ryan over to the Library for a standard 'read and chill' session that the two have with some regularity. This time, Twilight, has other plans; plans that she hopes will have a much more raunchy end to them.

It goes about as well as one would expect.

A short, simplistic oneshot.

Chapters (1)

In which Equestria's newest Princess comes back from a year of royal training, with a wife in tow, which happens to be one Trixie Lulamoon

Watch as Twilight Sparkle and Trixie Lulamoon-Sparkle, deal with everyday life.

Chapters (9)

Miss Cheerilee has informed her class of the brand new scheme that Princess Twilight Sparkle and Princess Luna had come up with called Somepony New Day. In which, one pony has to spend the whole day with a pony they usually wouldn't. Not many ponies liked the sound of the idea, but hey. They get the day off school.

My Player Two- A ButtonBelle Story and what they did with their day

Flight Practice- A Rumbaloo Story and what they did with their day

A Friend in Need- This is a Spikebloom Friendship chapter and what they did with their day
(Character Selection will change once more chapters are out)

Chapters (3)

My first story that I'm posting to FIM. Button Mash is no longer a foal. He is a stallion, with a job and a life, but he has amnesia issues. He can't remember anything about the filly in his most treasured picture, and she can't remember him either.

Collab with Sea Swirl

Sorry but this is going on Hiatus until my coauthor gets back on fim

Chapters (3)

Sweetie Belle's friends have been tired of Button's and Sweetie's relationship. And that was because there WAS no relationship. Will they go to drastic measures to get them together?

Chapters (12)

The Adventures of Fluttercord. <3
Fluttershy has a crush on Discord, and she finally tells him, getting great results. They start dating.

*Disclaimer: Something I wrote a long time ago, so it isn't that great. (Only Reposting it because it got a bunch of up votes! XD)

Chapters (9)

Applebloom and Sweetie Belle can see plain as day that their sisters like each other. They just won't admit it. Now the duo, with the help of a few of their big sisters' friends, take it upon themselves to bring their sisters closer than ever!

Chapters (5)

Sunset convinces Twilight to spend a Christmas with her and the girls in their world so she could get a taste of what it's like while accidentally showing her one of the best parts of the holiday.
Featured on 12/17/14! *Dash voice* Aw yeah!

Chapters (1)